
Pick a gorgeous CEO for a wife

In a dark night, a generation of military god Qin Yu picked up a drunken beauty president, since then, Qin Yu's life has completely changed. What? The CEO of Stunning Beauty proposed? That's a little fast, isn't it? All right, I'll do it. What? Little girl looking for a hookup? You know what? You're too young, but you could use some training. What? Iceberg beauty cop not obedient? Easy! You have to spank her! Fight until you serve!

Taoistpatriarch · 都市
30 Chs

Chapter 00025:cultivate

If it is something else, perhaps Qin Yu will compromise.

But he was wearing the works of the master!

Wearing master's works is despised, Qin Yu heart is very unhappy.

Qin Yu expressionless said: "Change of clothes, there is no discussion, if you really dislike my shame, this banquet you ask another master!"

After saying that, Qin Yu turned and left.

Su Ziyan heart Qin Yu ancestors 18 generations have been greeted again, but had to catch up with his footsteps.

"Stop it! No change or no change, but you must cooperate with me!"

"How does it work?" Qin Yu stopped.

"You wait a moment, we will talk somewhere else, it is not convenient here."

Qin Yu nodded and waited quietly.

Shopping guide will pack the clothes, will return the card to Su Ziyan, Su Ziyan sulky will pass the clothes to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu startled: "I just said, I do not change clothes!"

"No one asks you to change, you take it and wear it later, you can't just wear this one, right?" Just wear it when you change."

Su Ziyan sullen said a word, quickly out of the store.

"That's right."

Qin Yu nodded, no longer tangled.

Boom, Kaman starts, flying like a gallop.

Qin Yu did not ask Su Ziyan plan to go where, anyway he is a big man, also not afraid to be sold.

When Kaman stopped, Qin Yu froze.

What's going on?

The Hilton Hotel?

Isn't this where they were last night?

Are you saying that Su Niu is desperate after she broke her body?

Qin Yu felt very cool in the heart, but said in a serious manner: "Wife, it is still early, we do not worry about it?" I feel like we should start dating, develop a relationship, and then do that kind of thing."

"That sort of thing? What is it?"

Su Ziyan a face of confusion.

"Just last night we... Heh heh..."

Qin Yu rubbed his hands, hot eyes in Su Ziyan that concave and convex body scanned a circle.

"Qin Yu! Shame on you!"

Su Ziyan's voice suddenly raised the octave!

This rascal, he's got that kind of thing in his head!

"How am I shameless? Wife, you speak responsibly ah! You're the one who drove the car here. You didn't drive to the Hilton to get a room?"

Qin Yu looks innocent.

"Yes, I do want a room..."

"That's right, you're the one who wants the room, why am I a gangster?"

Qin Yu did not wait for Su Ziyan to finish interrupting his words.

"You! Me to I got the room to give you a training session!"

Su Ziyan by Qin Yu gas small chest rise and fall, Su Ziyan is depressed dead.

It's the first time in her life she's dealt with such a stinking gangster.

"Training? Hehe... I guess last night was someone's first time, huh? You're training me? Why do I feel like I should be training you? Don't worry, I'll be gentle later."

Qin Yu has a bad smile on his face, just like a bad uncle who trains a little girl.

Su Ziyan is really angry, actually burst a rough mouth.

"Gentle sister! I'm going to train you on the DOS and don 'ts of attending a banquet later! Fancy parties have a lot of rules, and if you're not careful, you'll be embarrassed! I don't want to take you there and embarrass myself."


Qin Yu slightly depressed scratching head.

Su Ziyan is too lazy to take care of Qin Yu, open the trunk, carrying a Chanel handbag to the hotel.

Inside the bag was a Chanel dress that Su had prepared for tonight's party.

Reception sister recognized Su Ziyan, quickly rushed out of the front desk, rushed to the side of Su Ziyan.

"Miss Su, my name is Li Dandan, and I was the one who checked in for you last night! Are you here to get information on the guy who checked in last night? Did you call the police? That stinky diao, bullying Miss Su? He must go to prison!"

Su Ziyan was Li Dandan enthusiasm to make a little bewildered, Su Ziyan awkward explanation: "No, I am coming to open a room."

"A room? Miss Su, are you going to swallow your pride? The more you tolerate this kind of person, the more he goes too far! Can't let the strong J get away with it!"

Qin Yu followed Su Ziyan behind into the hotel lobby, Li Dandan attention completely on Su Ziyan, didnt notice him at all.

Hear the small front desk to their own accusations, Qin Yu very unhappy.

"Where is the strong J? I'll arrest him at once!"

Li Dandan subconsciously looked up, she directly issued a cry of surprise, a funny face scared green!

Jesus Christ!

No wonder this Miss Su hesitates, the original strong J criminal is following her ah!

"Help! Catch strong J criminal!"

After a brief moment of consternation, Li Dandan let out a high-decibel shout.

Li Dandan's Shouting made the security guards at the Hilton Hotel nervous.

There was a whoop, and five or six security guards came round!

"Dandan, where is Qiangj?"

"That's him! He fucked this Miss Su last night, and he's stalking Miss Su today! You arrest him now!"

Li Dandan pointed to Qin Yu's nose righteousness words shouted a sentence.

Several security guards subconsciously looked at Su Ziyan, their eyes wide!

Damn, there's such a beautiful woman in the world?

Several security guards look at Qin Yu's eyes suddenly become very dangerous!

In fact, these security guards are thinking, such a beautiful woman, how can she be strong and not me?

"Brothers, shoot this strong criminal!" I don't know which security guard yelled that.

"Yes! Shoot him!"

"Castrate him!"

All the security guards are excited, and one by one, they take out their rubber sticks.

"Wife, they say I am strong J you, you tell them, have I strong J you?" Qin Yu dont panic at all, looking at Su Ziyan with a smile.


Several guards stopped by at the same time.

Li Dandan shouted: "You don't fall for this, this is a trick committed by strong J!"

Several security spirit for a while, Qi Qi look to Su Ziyan.

As long as Su Ziyan said half no word, they will rush to kill this strong J criminal.

Unfortunately, Su Ziyan's reaction made them desperate, Su Ziyan said without expression: "Miss Li, let them go, he is my husband."

Su Ziyan words let these security guards heartbroken, they look at Su Ziyan and see Qin Yu.

They understood the old saying, that is, a flower inserted in the cow dung.