
Pick a gorgeous CEO for a wife

In a dark night, a generation of military god Qin Yu picked up a drunken beauty president, since then, Qin Yu's life has completely changed. What? The CEO of Stunning Beauty proposed? That's a little fast, isn't it? All right, I'll do it. What? Little girl looking for a hookup? You know what? You're too young, but you could use some training. What? Iceberg beauty cop not obedient? Easy! You have to spank her! Fight until you serve!

Taoistpatriarch · 都市
30 Chs

Chapter 00024:I speak straight

Farewell Qiao Enron, Su Ziyan take the initiative to hold Qin Yu's arm to go out.

On the one hand is to not let Qiao Enron suspicious, on the other hand, just when Qin Yu swore, her heart has a little warm.

Qin Yu simply want to love this cheap godmother, his baby Yanyan actually took the initiative to take his arm!

Unfortunately, Qin Yu's excitement did not last long.

As soon as she turned the corner, Su Ziyan let go of her little hand.

Qin Yu shrugged his shoulders, he knows the road to revolution is still far away, he needs to continue to work hard.

Qin Yu deliberately slow down the pace, looking at Su Ziyan that beautiful back.

To Qin Yu is very strange, the good wife is not very dislike her?

Why did the good wife suddenly stop when she came to the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau?

"Qin Yu, why are you dawdling? Hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

Su Ziyan a face of discontent looked at Qin Yu.

In a hurry?

Qin Yu startled and asked with a strange look: "Aren't you all finished with the certificate?" Why are you in a hurry?"

"I'm going to a party later."

Su Ziyan patiently explained a sentence.

"A party? Then hurry up and I'll go home."

Su Ziyan was Qin Yu gas tooth root itching, gnashing teeth said: "Qin Yu, if you want you just get the license of the wife to be robbed, you go home!"

Say that, Su Ziyan turned to go.

Qin Yu one startled, someone wants to rob his wife?

That won't do!

Qin Yu rushed forward quickly: "Wife, who wants to rob you?" You tell me, I'll break his legs!"

"Just come with me. If you come with me, no one can take me away."


Two people get on the car, Su Ziyan start Kaman, drive to the city center.

Fifteen minutes later, the Porsche Kaman pulls up on one of Los Angeles' most luxurious pedestrian streets.

Qin Yu is very strange. Isn't he going to attend some banquet?

What's his baby Yeon doing at the pedestrian mall?

Obviously, Su Ziyan did not give Qin Yu to explain the meaning, just cold said: "Get off."

Qin Yu shrugged his shoulders and got off, perhaps the location of the banquet was hidden in this pedestrian street?

Qin Yu with Su Ziyan behind, Su Ziyan did not respond to Qin Yu, just walk on their own.

Five minutes later, Su Ziyan stopped at the door of a Lomong store.

Qin Yu curious looked around, and did not see a restaurant.

"Come in." Su Ziyan saw Qin Yu at a glance, lift legs into the door of the Lomeng store.

"Wife, aren't you going to a party? This is a clothing store, not a restaurant."

Qin Yu a face of meng than.

"Come in when you are told to come in, where is all this nonsense?"

Su Ziyan is very upset. If you weren't dressed so poorly, would I have to bring you shopping?

See Su Ziyan a little angry, Qin Yu hurriedly into the store.

Perhaps the wife is buying a dress for a party?

So think, Qin Yu leg into the store door.

Once into the store, Qin Yu was stunned.

Huh? Why is it all men's?

Not waiting for Qin Yu back to God, Su Ziyan went straight to the counter.

While walking, I picked up several formal clothes, which are much more fashionable than the tuxedo on Qin Yu.

"Wife, what are you doing?"

"Here, let me see."

Su Ziyan did not answer the meaning of Qin Yu, put five or six suits into Qin Yu's arms.

Qin Yu looked at the price, Emma, a suit is thousands of dollars!

That's five or six sets, almost 20 grand.

Qin Yu obedient into the fitting room, for a suit.

When Qin Yu came out, Su Ziyan's eyes light up.

The new suit will set off Qin Yu more upright, more handsome!

Su Ziyan has to admit that her fake husband has a good pair of skin.

'How was it?

Fierce for a costume, Qin Yu much a little unnatural, finishing up the clothes to see Su Ziyan.

"Just so-so, let me see if I can change it."

Qin Yu nodded, obedient will several suits in turn for a change.

Do not know why, after changing a few sets, Su Ziyan deeply frowns.

She suddenly had a very strange feeling, these suits to Qin Yu body, a glance up is good.

But after a few more looks, it feels awkward, as if something is missing.

How did that happen?

Su Ziyan how also dont understand, suddenly, her mind out of Qin Yu wearing just that set of style more old tuxedo look.

Although it looks ordinary at first glance, the more it looks, the more comfortable it becomes.

An illusion! It must be an illusion!

How can an old antique like that compare to the latest Ramon?

"How about this one?" Su Ziyan is thinking, Qin Yu out of the fitting room again.

"Wow, this gentleman is a natural rack of clothes, this suit is like a volume!" It fits so well! So handsome!"

Not waiting for Su Ziyan to speak, next to the shopping guide issued a burst of praise.

Although Qin Yu is a false husband, but Qin Yu was praised, Su Ziyan still feel very face.

Su Ziyan slightly nod: "will this set, checkout, password six nine."

Su Ziyan handed his bank card to the guide, the guide took the bank card with both hands, and walked quickly to the counter to settle the bill.

Qin Yu suddenly had a feeling of being covered and supported, Qin Yu smiled: "Wife, I know you are very good to me, you don't need to buy me clothes."

"Do you think I want to buy you clothes? I'm going to buy you some shoes later, and we're going to a fancy party tonight, and I don't want to lead you through it in disgrace."

For shame?

The word stung Qin Yu's nerves.

Qin Yu chuckled, resolutely turned around and walked back to the dressing room and changed back into his tuxedo.

"Qin Yu, what are you doing?" Su Ziyan frowned.

"Since you think I'm a disgrace, I won't go to the party."

Qin Yu cold hum, he has been feeling very good, how can not accept their own word with shame linked together.

"Qin Yu, maybe I speak more straight, I hope you don't mind." As I've explained, the party we're going to is very high-end, and we have to wear something classy, otherwise we'll be looked down upon."

"Wife, a man's grade is not set off by his clothes. As long as you reach a certain level, even wearing a raggedy suit can set the trend. Besides, I'm already dressed up and classy."

Qin Yu this is not an exaggeration, his suit, is to participate in the British upper class circle of the party are more than enough, even the Queen of England to see him is very polite.

"Qin Yu, you are too much!"

Su Ziyan is aggrieved to die, how did she find such a unreliable fake husband?

Wearing such an antique suit, but also dare to say that he is very formal, very classy?