
Pick a gorgeous CEO for a wife

In a dark night, a generation of military god Qin Yu picked up a drunken beauty president, since then, Qin Yu's life has completely changed. What? The CEO of Stunning Beauty proposed? That's a little fast, isn't it? All right, I'll do it. What? Little girl looking for a hookup? You know what? You're too young, but you could use some training. What? Iceberg beauty cop not obedient? Easy! You have to spank her! Fight until you serve!

Taoistpatriarch · 都市
30 Chs

Chapter 00023:Su Ziyan is my life!

Su Ziyan's mother and to small wan and Joe Enron is sworn sisters, two people inseparable, every time see Joe Enron, Su Ziyan will think of his mother.

Su Ziyan dont see Joe enron is not no conscience, but dont dare to see.

This, Joe Enron naturally also knows.

"Child, these years, really bitter you. Marry well, and then someone will take care of you for me."

"Godmother, you should not take care of Yeon-Yeon anymore. Yeon-yeon should take care of you."

Su Ziyan wiped her tears and looked up.

"Yes, Godmother, I will take care of you with Yanyan in the future."

Qin Yu came forward, the rules of Qiao Enron bowed.

Qiao Anran this turned to look at Qin Yu, at the beginning, Qiao Anran expression is very indifferent, began when Qiao Anran's eyes fell to Qin Yu neckline, her beautiful eyes solidified.

Qiao Enron expression became some dignified, carefully observed the line of Qin Yu neckline English letters.

Qiao Enron deeply looked at Qin Yu.

See Qiao Enron with full of profound eyes looking at Qin Yu, afraid of Qiao Enron will see flaws.

Su Ziyan hurriedly pulled Joe Enron's arm.

"Mom, isn't the man I'm looking for handsome? Give us your certificate first, and when you're done, you can see all you need."

"Ok, OK, let's get the certificate first, it's not easy to find this kind of Mr. Right, if I were Yanyan you, I would be so impatient."

Qiao Enron giggle, again deeply looked at Qin Yu a glance.

Qin Yu wearing the works of the legendary master, must be the son of the top rich family!

Qin Yu protect Yan Yan, she also rest assured.

Qin Yu shrugged his shoulders, did not think that his cheap dry mother's eye is good, can actually recognize the source of their own dress.

While on a mission in England, Qin Yu saved the life of a hereditary marquis.

In order to thank Qin Yu, the marquis personally designed a dress for Qin Yu, that is, the set he wore.

Later, Qin Yu learned that the marquis has a lofty status in the world of fashion design.

Su Ziyan is very strange, his godmother always eyes above the top, today this is what?

Why are you so satisfied with Qin Yu?

No, there must be something wrong. Is that not a joke?

Su Ziyan quickly explained: "Mother, Qin Yu is wearing a little shabby, but this is not because he does not have brand-name clothes, he likes to low-key, like to play pig eat tiger."

"Low-key? Why didn't I see that Qin Yu was low-key? In my eyes, Qin Yu is more high-profile than anyone else."

Qiao Enron gently shook his head, Qin Yu wearing the master's works, where low-key?

The master is not easy to sell, even the Queen of England has to make an appointment, and it depends on whether the master is in the mood.

A listen to this, Su Ziyan is depressed to die, she is sure and sure, godmother said is definitely ironic!

That expression clearly said, it's all your fault, wearing so shabby, let my godmother laugh?

"Godmother, I know you don't look up to Qin Yu, but he is the man I chose, I admit, he does not have any skills, he is really very ordinary, but I just like him!" I'm going to marry him!"

Joe Ran is a little confused, Yeon Yeon what's wrong?

What's so normal about such a great guy?

See Qiao Enron a face meng than look, Qin Yu endure very hard, Qin Yu dry cough.

"Well, Yanyan baby, godmother has no objection to us, let's go take pictures."


This turn Su Ziyan meng than, from Joe Enron's face, she saw is a sincere smile. Godmother is really satisfied with this son-in-law!

What the hell is this?

In the confusion of Su Ziyan even forget Qin Yu just called her yan yan baby, Qin Yu will pull her out of the marriage registry door, to the photo room.

When went to the photo room, Qin Yu and Su Ziyan froze.

What's going on?

Is the photo room locked?

Just when the two were confused, Joe's voice rang behind them.

"Are you two in such a hurry? At this point, the Civil Affairs Bureau has been closed for a long time, and I have to take the position of photographer myself. You two go and sit down over there."

The two obediently sat down on chairs in front of the red background.

"Smile, look at the faces of both of you, I know you are getting married, don't know you think you are getting divorced."

Joe safely adjust the lens, angry glared at two people.

Qin Yu quickly grinned, Su Ziyan also puckered a smile.

"You can't just laugh, you have to kiss Hot spot."

Joe Ran looked up again.

Qin Yu simply want to love the cheap godmother, he quickly put the body to Su Ziyan lean on.

Su Ziyan corners of the mouth shook a bit, to resist a foot Qin Yu kicked off the impulse, sitting quietly in a chair.

"Not yet. You two are closer."

I don't know why, Joe Enron feels that there is always something wrong with the two.

"Godmother, we are very close, OK?"

Su Ziyan can not help but, Qin Yu this smelly rogue has been closely next to her body, but also how close!

"I said put your heads close together and your faces together!"

Su Ziyan just want to protest, but where will Qin Yu give her this opportunity?

Qin Yu a hug Su Ziyan waist, arm force, two people close together.

Joe Ran's mirror sense is very good, perfectly captured this picture.

Ka-boom! An intimate wedding photo has been released.

It must be added that a man must not touch a woman without her permission.

The whole Civil affairs Bureau on Qiao Anran a staff, all procedures are simple, only half an hour, the marriage certificate of two people came out.

"A match of talent and beauty, very nice."

Looking at the photo of the two people, Joe Enron kept nodding.

After taking the marriage certificate, Qin Yu's heart is very excited!

Now I really am a certified man!

This Su girl will never escape my brother's hand!

"Thank you, Godmother."

Qin Yu sincerely bow to Qiao Enron.

"Xiaoyu, I am very relieved to give Yanyan to you, and you should treat her well in the future." Yeon-yeon is a miserable child."

Joe Enron tone is very serious, she really put Su Ziyan as a daughter.

"Don't worry. From now on, Yanyan is my life."

Qin Yu's eyes are very firm.

"Well, go on, and let us know when the feast is ready."

Joe Enron pretend to be very casual wave, but Qin Yu and Su Ziyan found that her eyes have been wet.

Qin Yu nodded vigorously.

"No problem, then you must be the bride!"