
Pick a gorgeous CEO for a wife

In a dark night, a generation of military god Qin Yu picked up a drunken beauty president, since then, Qin Yu's life has completely changed. What? The CEO of Stunning Beauty proposed? That's a little fast, isn't it? All right, I'll do it. What? Little girl looking for a hookup? You know what? You're too young, but you could use some training. What? Iceberg beauty cop not obedient? Easy! You have to spank her! Fight until you serve!

Taoistpatriarch · 都市
30 Chs

Chapter 00022:Godmother

In a compliment, Li Xiuyi was almost excited to death.

A few days ago she saw Qin Yu angry, but today, Li Xiuyi how to feel his son how so close?

"Ziyan, have you not eaten yet? Aunt cook for you, aunt cook is delicious."

Li Xiuyi kind pull up Su Ziyan small hands, she is more and more like to see.

To tell the truth, Su Ziyan dont adapt to others touch themselves, Su Ziyan subconsciously want to break free.

But Su did not, and instead held Lee's hand tightly.

Feel the power of Su Ziyan small hands, Li Xiuyi corner of the smile bloom more brilliant.

Su Ziyan set set looking at Li Xiuyi, in Li Xiuyi's eyes, Su Ziyan see is unabashedly like and care.

This look, let Su Ziyan think of his mother.

At this moment, Su Ziyan's heart is warm.

Although enjoy this long lost warmth, but Su Ziyan or quietly to Qin Yu passed a look.

Qin Yu comprehending Su Ziyan's intention, a dry cough said: "Mom, I and son research to go to a party, this trip back is to change a dress." Ziyan, you and our mother talk for a while, I go up to change clothes and come down."

Our mother?

These two words happy Li Xiuyi beamed.

"Well, well, go and change your clothes! Change into the most energetic! I showed Ziyan around the neighborhood."

"All right." Qin Yu quietly to Su Ziyan than an OK gesture, and then turned to run upstairs.

Qin Yu home in the third floor of the east, as Qin Yu expected, no one at home, his father outside to drive a rental did not come back.

Qin Yu walked quickly to her parents' bedroom, touched the thin wire from the pocket, twisted the thin wire into a strange shape.

Insert thin wire into the keyhole of a closet drawer, twist it gently, click, and the drawer opens.

Qin Yu's eyes are very sharp, a glance to see the quiet lying in the drawer of the household book.

Qin Yu opened the hukou book to see, his frown up.

Gee, that's strange.

How come the head of the household register is Mom's name, and how come there are only him and mom in the household register?

Where's dad? Where's his hukou?

Although there are some doubts, but Qin Yu did not think much, took the hukou back to his room.

Just Qin Yu but with Li Xiuyi said to change clothes, if so out will certainly be suspected.

Qin Yu opened his closet and took out a dovetail dress and a vintage shirt at the bottom.

This dress is some years old at a glance, but it is very attached to Qin Yu's body, just like the quantity system.

Qin Yu looked at the mirror on the wardrobe, good, brother is still so handsome.

And Ziyan is a match made in heaven!

A small narcissism, Qin Yu opened his shoe cabinet, and took out a pair of shoes that looked some years old.

The style of leather shoes looks older, but they are well maintained, and there are no wrinkles.

Qin Yu dressed new, excited downstairs.

After getting the certificate, he is a man with a wife!

Downstairs, Qin Yu did not see his mother and Su Ziyan, Liu aunt kindly reminded: "Xiaoyu, your mother and your daughter-in-law to the east."

Qin Yu thanked Liu aunt, walked quickly to the east.

Soon, he saw his mother and Su Ziyan.

Oh, my God. What is Mom doing?

Each met a person, Li Xiuyi will make out to say hello, and then pretend to be very casual will Su Ziyan this daughter-in-law introduced to each other.

After a while, the news of Qin Yu's daughter-in-law spread throughout the Mingdu Garden.

Qin Yu's mouth kept twitching.

Hey, Mom, you, you, you're not gonna scare away my wife, are you?

Qin Yu rushed over.

"Mom, Ziyan and I are going to be late. Let's go."

That said, Qin Yu not divided to hold Su Ziyan hands, will save her from the claws of Li Xiuyi.

"Xiaoyu, drink less wine and eat more food. Ah, you terrible child, what are you in a hurry! I'm not finished yet!"

Qin Yu of course dare not let mother finish the words, ten thousand thirteen said two said will hand daughter-in-law said fly how to do?

Porsche Kaman start, flying out of the community, until out of the community gate, Su Ziyan just slow down, some fear of patting small chest.

To tell you the truth, Su Ziyan was a little scared by Li Xiuyi's enthusiasm.

"Ahem... Honey, don't worry, my mother is not usually like this, she is a little bit out of her mind."

"Qin Yu, actually I envy you, you have a good mother."

Su Ziyan suddenly became very sad, the corner of the eye a little wet.

In fact, Su Ziyan is not unable to stand Li Xiuyi's enthusiasm, but she enjoys it, for a lack of maternal love of children, this warm feeling makes Su Ziyan a little want to cry.

It took a great deal of perseverance to hold back her tears just now.

"Wife, you are wrong, it is not I who have a good mother, it is we who have a good mother."

Qin Yu quickly corrected it.

"Gee, you have to remember, we are fake marriage!"

Su Ziyan sour white Qin Yu a glance, a foot will throttle to the end, Kaman is like an arrow from the string, flying forward.

Do not know why, Su Ziyan suddenly a little look forward to and Qin Yu license.

After obtaining the certificate with Qin Yu, I can also enjoy my mother's love, right?

Su Ziyan stepped on the accelerator foot again to increase the force.

Ten minutes later, Porsche Karman returned to the Civil Affairs office.

Qin Yu and Su Ziyan together into the civil affairs bureau, came to the gate of the marriage registration office, the door of the marriage registration office is empty.

"Is it Yeon Yeon? Come in quickly."

"Godmother, I'm too late."

Su Ziyan opened the door of marriage registration office, Qin Yu followed Su Ziyan into the door, see is a dignified and elegant middle-aged woman.

Even wearing the uniform of the Civil Affairs Bureau, she could not hide the subtle noble spirit that naturally emerged from her body.

Qin Yu determine and affirm, Su Ziyan of the godmother must come from a famous family.

This kind of nobility and elegance from the bone cannot be learned.

"Yanyan, you this child is too naive, since graduation, did not come to see your godmother!" If you hadn't begged me this time, would you never have come?"

Although the tone of Joe Enron is full of blame, but the eyes are full of indulgence.

"Godmother... Yeon-yeon was wrong."

Su Ziyan a hug Joe Enron, her father dont like her, for so many years, are Joe Enron in keeping her.

Even Su Ziyan college money is Joe safe out.