
Pick a gorgeous CEO for a wife

In a dark night, a generation of military god Qin Yu picked up a drunken beauty president, since then, Qin Yu's life has completely changed. What? The CEO of Stunning Beauty proposed? That's a little fast, isn't it? All right, I'll do it. What? Little girl looking for a hookup? You know what? You're too young, but you could use some training. What? Iceberg beauty cop not obedient? Easy! You have to spank her! Fight until you serve!

Taoistpatriarch · 都市
30 Chs

Chapter 00013:blind date

"Who are you? 0001 or 0005?"

Yang Bingbing stared at Qin Yu, trying to see something on his face.

In Yang Bingbing's memory, among her fellow trainees, 0001 and 0005 had the strongest military qualities.

"You guess."

Qin Yu rolled his eyes, brother is so weak?

Since the little girl did not recognize himself, Qin Yu was not going to tell her.

Besides, if you tell Yang Bingbing who he is, it won't be a challenge!

Moreover, Qin Yu does not like the girl who is in awe of himself, or prefers the girl who is crying by himself now.

"Che, you are who you love, what does it matter to me?" I'm very busy at the moment, I have a lot of cases to attend to, so excuse me."

"In fact, I came to just tread on the spot, since I know where Bingbing works, it will be convenient to come later." You are busy, I will leave first."

Qin Yu grinned.

He's not lying.

Dig deep to follow Yang Bingbing to the police, is to find out where she works.


Yang Bingbing grew up small mouth, gawking at the back of Qin Yu, her life is still the first time to see such a shameless man!

Out of the west city branch, Qin Yu took out his mobile phone and looked at the time.

Qin Yu let out a low sigh, time passed too fast, it was three o 'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, Qin Yu's mobile phone rang up, a look at the name on the phone, Qin Yu's face showed a strange look.

"Fifth, what did you do last night? Wake up so late?"

"Brother Yu, don't worry about my business, what happened to you last night? Where have you been? Cell phone still off? I finally asked Shen Qian out, how can you let her stand you up?"

Liu Tian's voice was full of reproach.

Qin Yu smiled and said, "Little five, don't worry, I didn't mean to set off pigeons yesterday." Yesterday, my phone battery died, I went to the wrong place, I went to the Sky club. It's funny how, by accident, you meet a beautiful woman and... You know."

"Damn it, Brother Yu, you cow, you have a successful date?" But Yu brother, about this kind of sex can be careful ah, do not get infectious diseases."

"Don't worry, it's her first time."

"What? First time? Are you kidding me? Yo, I want to fight you! I got an intern designer last night, and I'm still a senior. I thought it would be clean, but I have a lot of experience."

Upon hearing the intern designer, Qin Yu's brow picked.

It is necessary for him to remind this boy, otherwise this boy will surely give Chu Xiaoxiao a dive.

Qin Yu pretended to casually say: "Small five, I sent you a future designer today, called Chu Xiaoxiao, you can take good care of it."

"No problem, I will certainly take care of the person sent by Yu brother, I will let the big designer personally take her." By the way, I went through a lot of trouble to get you straight last night, so please don't say anything, just say you got a sudden assignment. Shall I ask Shen Qian out?"

"About it, let me see you blowing the hype, in the end is what kind of beauty?"

Qin Yu tone is very casual, he does not think small five son mouth Shen Qian can look better than Su Ziyan.

"Ok, I just woke up and I'm a little hungry. Let's meet at a western restaurant."

"Sure, send me the address."

Ten minutes later, Qin Yu received Liu Tianfa's address.

Qin Yu called a Didi express, came to Wellington restaurant.

Wellington Restaurant is considered a high-end western restaurant in Los Angeles, and the social elite are coming and going.

Although Qin Yu came by taxi, although Qin Yu's dress is very ordinary, but the well-trained doorman is still very warm greetings.

"How many, Sir?"

"Yes, table seven."

"This way, Sir."

The door boy enthusiastic for Qin Yu to lead the way, soon turned a corner, Qin Yu saw Liu Tian in the distance to enroll him.

Liu Tian was wearing a Playboy short-sleeved pink shirt, black slacks, shiny brown shoes and a shiny gold Rolex watch on his wrist.

There's an elitist vibe all over me.

Beside Liu Tian sat his sister Liu Xi, and opposite Liu Xi sat a girl in a black dress.

Just look at the back, Qin Yu points a praise, do not know how to look at the positive?

Qin Yu stepped forward quickly.

"I'm sorry I'm late, they say that women have changed, and Aurora is really more and more beautiful."

Qin Yu sat down on his own, laughing at Liu Xi, from beginning to end, he did not see the beauty next to him.

Liu Xi wears a small shirt printed with cartoon patterns on the upper body and a short denim skirt on the lower body, revealing two young and healthy long legs.

Single eyelids, pink lips, skin is very white and tender, the whole person appears particularly pure, a look is a simple little sister next door.

Be praised by Qin Yu, Liu Xi's face appeared a little blush, but the heart is happy, a face of delicate anger.

"Yu brother is really bad, I know to make fun of others, compared with Shen Qian, I have nothing to do with beautiful two words, Shen Qian was our school flower, the people who chase her can be arranged from Luo University to the capital!" I heard you stood up Shen Qian yesterday? I adore you!"

Qin Yu smiled awkwardly and turned to look at the beauty beside him.

At this sight, Qin Yu was stunned!

I'll go!

The little five really did not brag than, this Shen Qian is also a first-class beauty!

Small master, there are still oh after this chapter, please click the next page to continue reading, more exciting behind! But Shen Qian and Su Ziyan are not the same type.

Su Ziyan is dignified beauty, and Shen Qian is enchanting.

Shen Qian the most attractive place Qin Yu is also the eyes!

Shen Qian's eyes are long and narrow red phoenix eyes, as if they can talk, with her melon face, it is simply the existence of the charming dead!

Qin Yu difficult swallow water, it seems that last night, whether it is the right place or the wrong place, is a big encounter!

It's just, how does a player like Five-o know such a high-grade beauty?

Qin Yu took a look at Shen Qian again, Shen Qian is wearing a slightly low-cut long dress, revealing a delicate collarbone.

There is a shiny clavicle chain on the collarbone, the crystal skin against the extra delicate attractive, this is definitely the beauty of the water ah!

In fact, Shen Qian usually dress style is not so unrestrained, she is long foxy very, and then wear some seductive clothes is not forced the male cattle crime?

Today Shen Qian deliberately wear so attractive, she is very angry, this bastard dare to stand her up?

I can't bear it!

Shen Qian decided that she would let the man prostrate himself before her, and then kick him off to solve her hatred.

"Hello Miss Shen, I am Qin Yu, yesterday suddenly received an urgent task, so I had to turn off the mobile phone." I sincerely apologize to Miss Shen and hope she will forgive me."

Qin Yu's eyes were calm, as if he were telling the truth.

Liu Tian heart point a praise, Yu brother, you this acting, do not go to the entertainment circle mixed is a pity.

I'm starting to believe that shit!

An emergency mission?

And turn it off?

Shen Qian heart of anger instant disappeared, Shen Qian looked at Qin Yu two eyes.

The appearance level is very high, the body is good, although the wear is more ordinary, but the whole body reveals a confident temperament.

Not bad.

Shen Qian softly asked: "Listen to Xiaoxi said, Mr. Qin is a special forces soldier?"