
Photography At Its Best

Adventures Of A Photographer I posted it before from another account

jon9639 · 書籍·文学
34 Chs

Ch 32

Watching Penny sway in front of me, wearing nothing but a red ribbon was certainly beautiful. Beautiful enough to tempt me to reach forward and give a tug to the little knot that was keeping her improvised ribbon together. 

Yet, I kept myself back, deciding to let Penny take the initiative for once. For a submissive beauty like her, a change of pace like that was certainly a novel change, enough to break my usual attitude when it came to having fun. 

After all, Penny certainly worked hard to earn that treatment. 

So, I stayed still despite my instincts begging me to take an action, even as she took her place on my lap once more, rubbing and swaying, her breasts arriving at the eye level thanks to elevation advantage of her. 

Penny looked down, her excitement battling with trepidation as she found herself in the position of control, a rare situation in our relationship — if one could call our weird entanglement a relationship.

Yet, it was a sign of her improvement that she barely stilled for a second before she grabbed my head and pulled me into the glorious valley between her breasts, the ribbon stretching between them barely a barrier as I got buried in their beautiful depths. 

Penny squealed in pleasure as she rocked back and forth on my lap, each second giving me more time to enjoy her barely covered bosom. "Not a bad start," I murmured, making her blush, which was apparent even in her bosom. 

It was amazing that she could act shy under my words even when dressed like that, rubbing against me at a speed that would make a stripper self-conscious. I wanted to raise my head and catch her gaze, but I had a feeling that, if I did so, the little confidence she was able to collect would collapse spectacularly, and while that would have been fun in its own way, I decided to let it slide nonetheless. 

Still, it was impossible to reject the temptation of not playing her completely. I put my hand on her back, gently caressing as it moved back and forth along her spine, my touch enough to make her tremble. 

"N-no," she stammered. "No touching," she added after a deep breath, one that did some interesting things to her bosom, interesting things that I got a direct view of thanks to my face still buried in her breasts. 

"As you wish," I answered as I pulled my hand back, my voice muffled the best way possible. However, I didn't pull back without a little trick. I had delivered a little tug to her ribbon, which dislodged the knot that was holding her costume together. 

That raised no comment, signaling that she had missed it. Not that it surprised me. It wouldn't be the first time she had missed an extremely important detail that led to amazing amorous situations that went against her initial intent. 

She was truly a rare treasure. 

I said nothing as she shuffled on my lap back and forth, each move giving me a deeper sensation of pleasure, tempting me to push forward and ruin her plan. Only the slow crawl of her ribbon, getting looser each second, kept me back. 

Soon, a moan escaped her lips, one that suggested that she was having even more trouble rejecting the temptation of the last step. It was a beautiful one, colored with arousal and desire, making my fingers tighten in anticipation, begging them to move lower. 

Before I could take that move, however, Penny decided to stand up. Not fully, which would have strained her ribbon and left her naked, but a half-rise, a transitory move before she knelt in front of me. 

Yet, her hands stayed on the side, making me think that she had no intention of helping me divest my clothes. "Tease," I whispered. 

"Are you sure?" she answered, this time managing to deliver that without a stammer as she looked toward me. I quirked an eyebrow, feeling lost about her meaning, even when she leaned forward, using her teeth to grab the sash that had been holding my robe together. 

A tug, and it lost the ability to keep it together, my shaft finally springing free from its protective layer. 

And even better, that move finally caused the end of her gift wrapping. Not because the move finally strained the knot that was holding me together, but because it finally strained my patience to the limit. 

I grabbed, a pull enough to free her body from the already-deficient grasp of the ribbon. "Best gift ever," I murmured even as I grabbed her waist, and threw her on the couch. 

"S-such a rough little boy," she managed to say, trying to sound coy despite her shyness. "Didn't you learn to open your gifts more gently?" 

"Never," I said mockingly. "I'm not the one that cares about the gift wrapping, only the gift itself…" I stopped for a moment, my smirk widening. "Sorry, the gift herself." 

The blush that spread through her face in response was simply spectacular, the confidence she showed earlier as she was on my lap nowhere to be seen. I said nothing else as I sat on the couch as well, and gestured for her to spread her legs. 

Ironically, her shyness might prevent her from saying anything, but it certainly didn't stop her from widening her legs invitingly. Meanwhile, I finally followed the desire of my heart and put my fingers to her wetness, my fingers danced around her knob. 

And just like that, her moans exploded, destroying any chance of a reply. 

After an extended teasing, I could feel her excitement reaching to climactic level rather rapidly, signaling me to act faster if I didn't want her to collapse before I could make a move. 

The way she shivered was all the evidence I needed to signal the seriousness of the challenge. 

Yet, even then, I wasn't the one that would keep myself back. I leaned down, pressing my lips to her inner thigh for a moment before starting to move up, leaving a trail of kisses over her beautiful stomach, each kiss earning a louder moan, exploding once my head disappeared between her legs, her lips wet under my tongue, her aroma delicious. 

She just moaned loudly, making her amazing breasts jiggle again and again, though the rapidness of her cries warned me not to delay that assault for too long, or risk spoiling the fun. 

Instead, I suddenly pulled back, the disappointed gasp of her easy to mollify by replacing my tongue with a certain other, harder, part of my body. 

Her cry was enough to show just how much she appreciated the sudden change of approach. She pushed her hips forward even as her beautiful, plump thighs tightened around my waist, entrapping me in the most amazing prison imaginable. 

"Harder," she murmured dazedly, her voice suggesting that her mind was blanked in a thick layer of pleasure. I waited for another moan to explode from her beautiful lips as I grabbed her hips for leverage, my fingers sinking deep into her flesh, the softness spectacular. 

My shaft started throbbing in anticipation, increasing her pleasure even more even as it signaled she wasn't the only one that was dangerously close to a climax, her tightness telling the story of growing arousal, each second getting more intense. 

Even more, even as I impaled her aggressively, I could feel exhaustion growing in my body, noticeable even with all the adrenaline that was growing in my body. Understandable, as it had been a very long day, starting from the exhausting encounter in the morning, followed by an exhausting work day, and topped up by the encounter in the bathroom. 

Still, it was a pity as I would have loved to continue until the early hours of the morning, teasing her skin glowing under the first rays of morning. 

Penny moaned, still under my touch, distracting me from such unimportant details like my own exhaustion or alternative plans. I hummed as pushed my hips forward even harder, enjoying the way she tightened around me, her climax just seconds away… 

Yet, she managed to surprise me once again. Before I could explode, she suddenly rose — which also freed my shaft from her core — and pressed her hands on my chest. I could have resisted her push, but her move was simply too interesting to be stopped, so I let her succeed. 

She pushed me down until I found myself lying on my back, which would have been a sad conclusion to our encounter if she hadn't followed up immediately, sitting on top of me, skewering herself with my glistening shaft once more. 

I said nothing as she put her hands on my chest once more, this time using it as support as she started rocking her hips with a desperation that pushed me toward the end far faster than I expected. 

Luckily, she still arrived first. 

She cried as her tunnel tightened around my girth, loud enough to wake up the dead. Still, surprisingly, it wasn't enough to actually wake up Nancy, who had been still sleeping in the other room. 

Apparently, I wasn't the only one that had been exhausted during the day. 

Yet, as her hips rocked, Penny's hands tightened on my shoulders, her fingers biting deep enough to leave their mark. Not that I was complaining. With the pleasure radiating in my body, pushing me toward that final explosion, the pain just become another facet of the pleasure I was feeling. 

She had long collapsed against my chest when I started filling her insides, shivering softly against my body as the pleasure hit her hard, her eyes closing for a moment. Clearly, she was no less exhausted. 

I thought about lifting her, but her comforting warmth was simply too comfortable. I closed my eyes, just to catch a moment of sleep. 

Though, the couch was rather comfortable as well…

I woke up to the sound of a doorbell that I didn't expect. 

Under normal circumstances, being woken up by an unexpected visitor was certainly not a pleasant experience. Waking up on a couch wasn't supposed to help as a flashback to the unlucky time after I had lost my job. 

 Yet, the couch didn't feel as bad as it was supposed to feel. For once, the painful back pain that plagued me in those times was absent thanks to the amazing quality of the couch that I was lying on, one that was significantly better than my current bed. 

Still, the great comfort of the couch was nothing compared to my amazing blanket, one that was amazingly comfortable even though it was significantly heavier. A beautiful, blonde blanket. 

It was good to see Penny had other abilities than being an excellent model. 

I shuffled in place, feeling the soft weight of her beautiful breasts against my chest. But before I could close my eyes again and fall back to sleep, the doorbell rang again, putting a snag into my plan.

It seemed that I had a determined visitor. I decided to stand up and answer the door before the girls woke up as well, when my plan hit another snag. This time, it came in the form of her beautiful globes pushing against my palms, tempting me to stay on the couch rather than stand up to answer the door. 

They made a compelling argument, especially when combined with the amazing strength of my morning wood. 

Yet, the doorbell rang once again, ruining that little plan. This time, it even managed to wake Penny up. 

Unlike me, her first reaction was too look shocked and panicked, though a quick kiss worked wonders to remove her momentary panic. Then, the doorbell rang again, the presence of an impending visitor enough to resurrect the shy parts of her personality. "Are we expecting any guests?" she managed to stammer as she pulled back panickedly, looking around to find her robe. 

"I don't remember any," I answered, but I couldn't help but have a niggling feeling that I was forgetting something. "It must be a mistake," I said as I squeezed her breasts. "But since we're already awake … why don't we start with a morning exercise," I suggested as I squeezed her breasts, which earned a delicious moan, showing she wasn't entirely against the idea. 

The doorbell rang yet again, showing that our visitor was rather determined. 

"Give me a moment to send them away first, sweetheart," I whispered as I grabbed her waist to lift her, easily depositing her next to me. "Why don't you put on your robe while I send away our impatient visitor to prevent any accidental glance, and we can focus on our morning exercise when I return," I said, my smirk getting bigger. "Not to mention, I love slowly getting rid of them." 

Then, I walked toward the door while Penny was busy blushing. 

My annoyance didn't survive for long, when I looked from the peephole, only to see a familiar face. 

The brunette from the reception, one that I promised to have a test shoot in the morning. 

I was tempted to reject her and go back to help Penny exercise, but the peeping hole give a view wide enough to reveal not only her cute face but also her striking dressing — a naughty crop top and a skirt that was significantly shorter than reasonable for a first-time visit too a stranger's room — was good enough to change my mind. 

The cart she was pushing, filled with some very expensive silver trays, was just a bonus. A nice one, of course. She clearly had a reason for her early appearance. 

I turned to Penny, who was just pulling her robe on. I waited for a second, enjoying the glimpse of her nude body before speaking. "Oh, I forget that I promised to have a test shoot with an aspiring model. Our morning exercise needs to be canceled," I said, which made Penny reflect a look of disappointment. 

Normally, a petulant look like that wouldn't have been an attractive attitude, but like most things in life, it looked significantly better on a barely-dressed busty blonde, trying to stuff her beautiful body into a robe that was too small for her amazing curves, a blush of arousal on her face. 

"We have two options," I decided to explain. "First, you can go to the bedroom and continue sleeping…" 

"And what's the second option," she asked, rather quickly. 

"You can stay here and help me assess the new model," I whispered, my tone leaving no doubt about the limits of the things I had in mind. "Would you be interested in that?" 

Penny didn't say anything, too busy blushing, but the fact she was still sitting was sufficient as an answer. 

"Excellent," I said before I turned my attention back to my new visitor. 

"Good morning," I said as I opened the door, facing a cute brunette, blushing as she realized I was only wearing a robe. "I hope nothing is wrong. We don't need to check out early, do we?"

"N-no, not at all," she managed to stammer. "I t-thought you could use a breakfast, complimentary!" 

"How kind," I answered, intrigued by her stammer. She had been much more confident while she was in the reception. A part of it could be blamed to change of meeting location, from public to private, and the importance of the way I dressed, only a robe, was hard to deny. 

Yet, there was something else as well. 

"Please come in," I said as I took a step back, gesturing her to walk in. She did, pushing the cart as well. Naturally, when she entered, the first thing she noticed was Penny, wearing a robe that was already too small for her beautiful curves before ceaselessly ruffling and displacing it in our little game. 

I had no doubt that her face was contorted with a beautiful panic, but since she was frozen in shock and looking the other way, a casual observer like our aspiring receptionist could mistake that for dismissal. 

"I-I shouldn't interrupt," she murmured as she pushed the cart panickedly before turned back. 

"Where's the hurry," I said as I gestured for her to stay, not willing to miss such a beautiful moment and opportunity. "Penny and I can't really finish all of it together. If you don't have anything to do, why don't you stay and help us?" I offered. 

"I…" she murmured as she glanced at Penny, her eyes wide. Penny still looked the other way, inadvertently giving the impression of haughtiness. 

"Don't tell me you have work to do, you're clearly out of your work clothes, so your shift should be over." 

"It… It is," she whispered as she closed her eyes, doubtlessly measuring the perks and challenges of making such a choice. She then opened her eyes and glanced around, focusing on Penny for a moment before her gaze slipped toward the half-open bedroom door, the angle just enough to notice the naked leg of an exhausted Nancy. 

It was a rather exaggerated view about my approach of mixing business and pleasure. While I certainly enjoyed seducing the models I had worked with, I had never actually used that as a condition for their job. It only cheapened the beauty of the conquest. 

She was more than free to reject my advances, as long as she was a good model, I would continue work with them — which was, I had to admit, a rarity in the industry. 

And, in my current persona-non-grata state, I was more than willing to drop the skill requirements for my models as well. As long as a model was beautiful and enthusiastic, I would work with them. No perks were necessary. 

Of course, from the perspective of the cute brunette whose name I was yet to learn, the situation looked markedly different, so much that, I expected her to stammer an excuse and walk away. 

Instead, she continued to push the cart toward the sofa. "Thanks," she murmured, her stammer replaced by determination. 

Interesting, I thought until she had pulled her phone to write a quick message, but on that message screen, I noticed a photo she had shared with a friend. 

The cover of a global magazine, carrying a famous supermodel stuffed into a tight bikini. I was able to recognize it with a glance, because it was the single most high-profile job I had done — unfortunately, the celebration for said job managed to destroy my connections in the industry. After seeing that, I understood the sudden shift of attitude she was displaying, erroneously assuming I still maintained that level of career, and was determined to prove herself. 

The question, just how determined she was for that proof of ability. 

And while I never pushed it as a condition, I was more than enough to accept the benefits of such offerings directly. 

"Why don't you take a seat, I'll handle the service," I said as I gestured for her to sit next to Penny, who had a stony expression and a confident posture. Panic was still dancing in her beautiful eyes, of course, but it was hardly noticeable by another aspiring model. 

She made eye contact, and after receiving a nod from me, changed her posture, not bothering to fix her clothing as she shuffled in place. 

Interestingly, even a day before, Penny would have folded completely under such a surprise development. A day that started with sexy modeling and ended with a threesome clearly had some positive impact for her confidence, at least under the situation where I was there to help her mood. 

"This is Penny," I said, gesturing at my beautiful busty blonde model. 

"And I'm Laura," she answered, looking hesitant as she gazed at Penny. An understandable attitude, as Penny was an impressive woman even when dressed casually. Dressed in an ill-fitting robe, her cleavage peeking beautifully, she looked more like a dream, the kind that would remind the other women of every single deficiency they possessed — and conjure a wreath of imaginary ones in the process. 

The perfect view to blunt the confidence of an aspiring, determined model.

Under Laura's complicated gaze, impressed and intimidated at the same time, Penny just nodded, not bothering to say anything as she grabbed the cup of coffee I prepared for her.

She used the opportunity to take a long sip, using it as a chance to adapt to the situation she found herself in. If it wasn't for yesterday's adventure, I would never trust her with such a mission, but during the latter half of the day — particularly during our shared bath — Penny had proved herself to be a magnificent assistant, enough to earn my trust. 

It still took a while to adapt to the role, but luckily, as she raised her hands to take a suspiciously lingering sip, she had other assets to steal Laura's attention. Such as, the way her small robe loosened further as she moved. 

I let Laura take stock of the view, enjoying the way her earlier urgent confidence left itself to hesitance. It was good, because, for the earlier sessions, I preferred models unsure of their places and their ultimate results. It helped them to follow my directions with the appropriate care rather than assuming they knew the best. 

It was helpful even when working with professional models. But if it was nice to have then, it was a must while working with aspiring ones, a category that the brunette in front of me certainly qualified for. 

"So, Laura," I said as I poured a cup of coffee for myself, taking a step to interrupt Laura's gaze, enjoying the sudden blush that came from the realization that she had been ogling another woman for the last several seconds. "I remember promising you a practice shoot…" I started, deliberately being vogue, curious whether she would try obligating it as a payback for the room. 

She managed to pass that little test easily. "I'm happy to have the opportunity," she replied quickly, her beautiful brown eyes wide enough to show her enthusiasm, yet mixed with a touch of desperation, showing that it wasn't the first time she tried to penetrate the business. 

"Good," I said as walked toward the couch they were sitting on, using the opportunity to glance at Penny, who was radiating an unusual amount of confidence that suggested she was getting into a mood that promised a lot of fun. I put my hand on her waist, which would have been too low for the mixed company if the way we dressed hadn't already ruined any potential of respectability. 

"So, tell me about your modeling aspirations," Penny interrupted, and I patted her hips, showing I approved her initiative. 

"I…" Laura whispered, but her voice trembled a bit as she noticed my hand dancing up and down on Penny's waist, the movements too large to be just a casual caress. She took a deep breath as she tried to gather her wits, self-conscious about the situation she found herself in. 

I might have taken mercy on her, if she didn't choose to wake me up at this ungodly hour. I admired her initiative, but not enough to save her from some punishment. 

Unaware of my thoughts, she the earlier question. "I have always wanted to be a model," she murmured. 

"Just a model?" I asked, catching a small pause in her explanation, suggesting she was not being entirely forthright. 

She blushed. "N-no, I also want to be an actress—" she tried to add, only to be interrupted by Penny. 

"And you thought that being a model was an easy step to launch you forward, like modeling is easy," Penny interrupted dismissively, with a level of derision that was rather excessive, especially considering she was trying to use the exact same strategy. 

"Behave," I warned Penny, but that warning was not particularly harsh considering it came with a playful spank and a kiss on her neck, a little byplay that made Laura blush more than Penny. 

"Don't worry about Penny, it's not a problem that you want to be an actress. A considerable number of models I worked with also had small yet decent acting careers," I added, not mentioning the part that I lost contact with all of them under current circumstances. "Do you have any experience with acting?" 

"Some," she murmured shyly. 

"Really, why don't you show them to me," I said. 

She was quick to pass her phone to me, a gallery already open. I circled through it, unable to prevent myself from shaking my head dismissively. Just cycling through the photos without seeing one of the videos, I could see that it was one of the local theater productions, one that took themselves too seriously, to the point of their detriment — usually due to a self-important director. 

"Not bad," I said, but the dismissal in my tone was neither hidden nor fake. "Do you have any experience in modeling?" I asked. 

"A … a couple," she said as she switched to another folder, this time a proper studio. A glance was enough to confirm that it was a professional environment, and the poses she showed suggested that it was not a professional photo shoot, but one that she paid for — probably a considerable amount of the quality of the studio was any indicator. 

Unfortunately for her, but a nice studio didn't always mean quality work. 

Laura's sets certainly suffered from that. Despite clearly being a paid session for a modeling portfolio the professional choices made by the photographer ruined its usefulness completely. The photos were clearly taken by a hack, because they hardly showed any of her best qualities. 

Laura was certainly a beautiful woman, and while her body lacked the curves Penny proudly displayed at the moment, considering the requirements of the modern modeling world and preferences of the fashion companies, it was more of a benefit than detriment.

Unfortunately for her, the professional she had worked with was clearly unaware of that, as none of the angles they picked up highlighted Laura's most marketable traits that might give her a chance to stand out in a crowded application, instead doing their best to hide them, disguising her as another standard model from nineties.

Consigning her into rejected application pile of any semi-decent professional work. 

For example, as the beautiful miniskirt she wore displayed perfectly, she had amazing legs, thin yet toned at the same time, which was a feature that needed to be highlighted further by the pose selection, yet the body shots turned chose angles that turned her beautiful legs into ordinary. 

Her face certainly suffered from that even more. The makeup choice was horrendous. She had a face with some interestingly sharp angles — though not enough to mar her classical beauty. In the photos, they had chosen makeup that leaned toward the classical aspect of her beauty, hiding the angles with makeup — further enhanced by light. 

Of course, even through badly taken photos, a professional could easily see the truth of her features. Unfortunately for her, the actually experienced photographers almost certainly never deal with the initial screening, and leave it to interns to reduce to a manageable number. 

And, with those photos, Laura could never qualify through that stage. 

I had no doubt that, if she had a better portfolio, it would have been much easier for her to get a job. She would probably get some state-level campaigns already, maybe even some minor national ones. Not exactly the height of fame, but enough to free herself from the necessity of having a day job. 

Maybe even more, if she was as willing to trade in favors with the shadier members of the industry, as she was clearly trying to imply at the moment. 

What a waste. Seeing a potential model ruined by her photographer always annoyed me, an affront to my professional pride. After all, while I certainly enjoyed the glorious benefits of the high-flier lifestyle, it didn't change the genuine passion I had for my work. 

No matter the network they had, one couldn't climb the heights I climbed without genuine skill and passion for the job. 

I turned to her, intent on telling her to never work against whoever was the hack that was responsible for killing her potential career, when she took the phone from my hand. "These are not the only ones," she whispered rapidly, her face stark-white in fear, clearly misunderstanding the target of my frustration.

A chuckle escaped my mouth at her move, and I was ready to explain to her my anger wasn't directed at her when she pushed her phone back into my hands, the view on the screen enough to change my words.

A view that was enough to make Penny blush despite her current mood. 

"Interesting," I murmured even as I squeezed Penny's hips, while my gaze danced between the screen and Laura's face. My statement was not directed to the quality of the photos, as they were definitely even worse than the previous ones she had shown, though considering that they were by Laura, with the help of a mirror, the quality was hardly surprising. 

The interesting thing was her clothes, or more accurately, the lack of them. 

A scoff escaped Penny's mouth as she examined the photos. I recognized it as an attempt to compensate for her shock, but Laura, missing that nuance, only blushed harder. 

I examined her reaction, trying to see whether she was used to revealing those photos. Yet, the level of excitement she was displaying, along with the rather clumsy way she chose to reveal them suggested that it was the first time she was choosing to employ those photos. 

And, not just in the context of getting a professional backdoor, but also in a private context. It proved her determination. 

All that remained, was whether she had the skills to support her daring opening gambit.