

Determined to cleanse his school, and change his students attitude towards their studies, Professor Park In-Su made a deal with the devil, no matter what it may cost him. Introducing the school's first transfer student in a decade, he plans on showing his students a different side to life. Helping them find their inner personalities and gifts.

ossai_rhoda · 若者
1 Chs


Eating together with her parents have always been a thing of joy, but today, the dinning table was quiet, except for the footsteps of Mrs Wong moving around them.

"Anna" her dad called her, but she replied him with a nod not looking up.

Mrs Wong looked at the family of three, wondering what could have caused the dead silence. "The car is ready sir", she informed him while his wife gave him his jacket.

"It's only for a year", he told his daughter as he held her hand. "If by the end of the year, you don't feel like going to the school, I won't stop you".

"Saengsacho", Anna said a word since she woke up. "Who gives a school such a name?", she asked taking her bag following her dad outside.

"Saeng, we all call it Saeng for short", he told her looking at her with worry all over his face.

She used her hand to rub his cheek before letting him give her a peck on the forehead. "I got myself into this mess, don't worry dad, I'll definitely get myself out of it".


Anna walked into the store room feeling the sounds her shoes made made with contacts to iron. The container which was used as a store room aside order purposes, was also used as a hideout for she and her gang.

At the age of ten, she had formed her own gang of boys comprising of mostly college boys, and few high schoolers. Their mission was simple, 'cleans the bad from within and purify the devil'.

"Boss!", the boys saluted her as she walked in. The interior was well furnished, from armed seat to a mini table tennis. Also a whiteboard was placed at two different sides of the room. One used for group studies, while the other was used to track down victims and accusers.

She had been called while shopping that a victim needed her assistance. Most times not all victim's actual victims, some of them are just curious as to who wears the mask of 'Boss 10' a name her minions call her.

Wearing a mask as she sat down on her chair as she signalled for the victim of the day to be summoned in. The victim who turned out to be a girl, wore a short gown exposing most parts of her legs, pairing with a four inch heels.

Exposing of one's body is now a trend among high school girls, but exposing with scars and bruises, is definitely a fraud. Clapping her hands twice, she gave a signal to her boys while she listened the girls testimony.

"I attend Saeng Academy", the girl started. "I am a transfer student from the States. The school is said to be among the best schools here, so I gave my all to be accepted. During my first week, all was well but the week after it was like hell".

"It definitely will be like hell", Anna thought within herself. Whoever sent the girl wanted something, something more than who wears the mask. "You have a lovely bow tie", she told the girl walking up to her.

"It's a gift form my boyfriend", the girl answered nervously.

"It sure is'. Removing the tie from the girl's neck, she noticed some bruises around her neck. The bruises where real from the feel of it. But the ones on the girls leg looks like they were painted.

"Miho", she called her assistant as she headed for the entrance. "Take care of her needs". Giving him a double tap on his shoulders, she signalled him not to take the girl seriously.

As the car drove her away Anna felt uncomfortable about the girl. Something big was coming that is going to change her life.

Mr Park smiled as he went through the pictures he was giving, though it was risky with his daughter's life involved, he was ready to risk all he has in order to coarse the devil.

"Is it all to your liking?", the paparazzi whom he hired asked standing close to him. "I still don't get why you want such pictures", he talked as he counted the money in was given.

"It's none of your business", Mr Park answered him giving him an extra envelope. "These pictures must not be sent or seen by anyone else aside from the four of us in this room".

"Am I included?", Mrs Choi a history teacher who had kept quiet since the beginning of the discussion, asked while she adjusted her eyeglasses.

"That's why I said four", he said getting on his feet. Taking a large envelope, he passed it on to his daughter who he had used as bait.

"Father", she called taking the envelope.

"If I am not home by tomorrow morning, send this envelope to the vice chancellor", he instructed her. "When he sees it he will understand".

"Sir", Mrs Choi called walking up to him.

"You are coming with me", he told her before she could alter another word. He had her curse under her breath but gave her no heed. Turning his attention to the paparazzi, he touched the boy's head before walking away.

"Don't let the pictures get out", he told him as a walked. "She would not come after you, the devil will come with a scythe.

SAENGSACHO ACADEMY has always been his second home, a place where he felt in control and at peace. Lately with no achievements, and the change of personalities in the students, things have not moving the way he expected.

For the past eight years and counting, the school had not won any awards of anykind. Not even an award of best clean school of the year or month.

The students lacked behind in their studies, bullying the weak ones among themselves. To top it all, their parents finds no fault in their children dealings.

He had been able to persuade the Williams to let their triplets finish their senior high at his school, at least with their performance the school entrance exam scores will boost up by two percent.

Walking towards the house ahead of him, he dread the moment he will come face-to-face with Geon, a former student of his back then when he held an insignificant position.

Geon, was among the few students who turned the school into a prestigious school it is now known for.He single-handedly made half of the schools rules, which includes no bullying of teachers and students in school premises.

If such a rule never existed, Mr Park wondered what would have happened to his precious School. Among all his past precious children he had, Mr Park knew that Geon was the only one who could bring the school around.

"Mr Park", Lisa, Geons' wife who was also a former student of his greeted him at the door. To what do we have the honour to have you in our home?". Bowing the second time, she greeted Mrs Chio who looked around curiously.

"It's been a long time I saw you, and I long to taste your sweet ginger tea", he joked as he tried to calm himself the moment he locked eyes with Geon.

"I'll get the tea", Lisa said leaving the room.

"I can't believe a man who called me the devil would come to my home to drink ginger tea", Geon said in an unwelcomed manner, "what brings you here?".

"At least let him have a taste of the tea", Lisa told her husband while carrying a kettle and three teacups. "You know how much he loves Ginger even though he is allergic to it".

Hearing this, Mrs Choi almost choked at her tea, trying to take in every little detail she saw and heard.

"So what brings you here?", Lisa asked sitting close to her husband exposing a side of her lap.

"I came to see your daughter", he told them with all honesty.

"We don't have a child", Lisa answered without hesitation.

"I heard you gave birth to a Phoenix".

"I've never given birth before", she counter-attacked.

"I have evidence".

"Evidence from where, the web or rumours?.

"From Ceed", he answered holding his breath.

"Ceed" Geon finally spoke. "The unseen paparazzi? You got to be kidding me".

"I'm not", Mr Park answered handing over the envelope he had with him. He watched as Geon eyes narrowed while his wife shook her head in pity.

"Your daughter has done it again", she said sipping her tea.

"You framed her", was all Geon could say.

"I had no choice Mr park answered. "There is more where that came from", he informed them.

"What do you want", Geon asked throwing the pictures on the table.

"Let her come to Saeng", Mr Park told him starring his tea while talking. "I heard she's about entering senior high, all I want is for her to be a student there, even if it's for a year".

"The school is rotten", Lisa protested.

"That's why we need her phoenix fire to cleanse the school", Mrs Choi spoke up for the first time since she came in. "A year is all we need and we promise, we will not go back by our words.

"A year", Geon said contemplating on his chances. "You came to meet the devil to allow his flame into your school, what were you thinking?".

"I am desperate", he said kneeling down before him. "Your daughter's flame is the only thing that can save the school, please have mercy".

"A year", Geon repeated. "Consider it done".

"She's not going to like it', Lisa told him.

"That's what she gets for getting caught", he replied to leaving the room.