
Arc 1-Chapter 7 (Love and loss)

August 21st 1997

Fort Rasputin, Russia

It's been over a moth since Yuri's second meeting with Natasha and things have improved. He started going to her therapy every week and became less aggressive and didn't fight anyone, although most were just smart enough to stay away from him. He didn't make any friends aside from Miki who was... well, sort of a friend.

(Institution cafeteria)

Most of the teens were sitting and eating while a lot were still waiting in line. Yuri and Miki were the last ones to walk in and they got in line. Everyone was looking at Yuri thinking he's gonna do something but to everyone's surprise, he's calm and wants to avoid getting attention all together. Everyone around him felt weird, some where sweating and some were repeatedly blinking out of nervousness. Yuri stood behind the skinny teen who ran away after Yuri knocked out the three that were trying to pick a fight.

He was very nervous and sweaty. He closed his eyes:"Oh God what's he gonna do? Is he gonna hit me in the head or throw me to the side. Oooohhh I KNEW going after him was a bad idea. He saw me with them and now he thinks I'm involved. He's here to finish the job I just know it!"

Yuri tapped him on the shoulder:"Hey!"

The teen's heart started pumping faster and he started hyperventilating. He thought something bad was gonna happen. But what happened surprised everyone.

Yuri put his hand on the teen's shoulder:"You ok."

The teen opened his eyes and slowly turned, still nervous. His jaw was shaking:"Y-Y-Yes. Wh-Why?"

Yuri:"The line is moving but you're not. Do you need help?"

Teen:"N-No I'm fine. I'm just... not really hungry right now. H-H-Here you can take my spot."

Yuri:"Thank you but I don't really need it." He turns to Miki,"Hey Miki you were complaining about the line being to long, you can take it."

Miki was a bit shocked:"W-Wait really? Thank Big M!"

Yuri:"Don't call me that."

Miki:"You got it!"

Miki moved in front of Yuri. This was a surprise to say the least. Yuri Maksimov, the monster of fort Rasputin, the animal everyone feared, was now just a normal chill dude. What did that therapist do to make him behave this way?



Warden Novakov's office

Grigori was pouring vodka into two glasses. In front of him, sitting in a chair was Natasha. He gave her a glass and stood in front of her.

Grigori:"Well, I must say I'm pleasantly surprised, impressed even. You managed to do something I thought impossible. Congratulations. Though, how DID you do it. In such a short time span nonetheless?

Natasha smirked:"I could tell you, but a man like you is only interested in the results so why bother?"

Grigori:"Well you got that right. Still, it's pretty unbelievable."

Natasha:"Don't count your chickens before they hatch warden, I'm not done."

Grigori:"What do you mean?"

Natasha:"It's been a month and a half. I still need to treat him. He may be calm on the surface but even the tiniest spark can cause a wild fire. He still hasn't fully gotten over the death of his family and he still hasn't forgotten about his father's training and teachings."

Grigori sighed:"She's right. We still have work to do. This could take months, maybe years. You can't just make someone take a U turn on his life. Still, I'm just glad SOME progress is being made."

Natasha:"But don't worry, I WILL help him. Trust me, he won't have to go to prison."

Grigori:"Well, I hope you stay true to your word. Cheers!"

They drink the vodka.

Natasha's face turns sour:"Oh God! I don't think I'll take up drinking... EVER!"

Grigori laughs


(Later that day)

Natasha and Yuri are in the therapy room. Yuri no longer has any chains or the mask. They were siting next to each other on the couch watching Star Wars. Yuri was confused when Natasha first made the reference so they decided to watch the movies.

Yuri was looking at Yoda:"So he's the one who said it."

Natasha:"That's right. He's very wise."

Yuri:"With age does come wisdom. But I don't understand something. These 'Jedi' are all supposed to be great warriors. I don't see how someone that small and old could wield a sword and fight."

Natasha:"There are different ways to fight. Being a warrior doesn't just mean you have to be big, strong and good at killing. A man that knows peace is infinitely greater than any warlord."

Yuri:"I know. You told me that words can hurt greater than any weapon."

Natasha:"Not just hurt. They have the power to do great and beautiful things. As long as you know the right words, there is nothing you can't do."

Yuri's life was turned around. All this time he was relying on his strength, agility and instincts. He thought that life was all about survival everything else was just a pointless distraction that gets people killed. But now, he knows that isn't true. He knows the world isn't such a harsh place. It may have been while his father was in the army, but that was the past. Times have changed for the better.

The movie ended and Yuri got up. He turned towards Natasha and they smiled and each other:"Thank you Ms.Cetinski. I really liked the movie."

Natasha flicked his nose:"I told you already, just call me Natasha."

Yuri chuckled:"Right. I'm sorry. So what will we do next time."

Natasha:"Hmm. Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future."

Yuri smirked and then laughed:"Stop quoting the little green man."

They both started laughing.

Natasha:"Oh! I almost forgot!"

She rushed over to her desk and grabbed a small box from the cabinet. She walks over to Yuri and gives it to him.

Natasha:"Happy birthday Yuri."

Yuri's eyes widened:"Y-You knew?"

Natasha:"Of course I knew, now open it."

Yuri looked at the box:"What is it?"

Natasha:"Just open it."

Yuri opens the box and what he saw brought him to tears. A wooden orthodox Christian cross, just like the one his mother gave to him.

Yuri was covered in tears but managed to say something:"How? How did you find this? The police took it."

Natasha:"Well they still have it. I just saw the photo of it and went to by one just like that."

Yuri kept looking at the cross and then looked at Natasha.

Natasha:"I'm sorry, I didn't know if this was ok with you or not. I just thought it would be nice to-"

Yuri hugged her and she stopped talking. He was still crying:"Thank you... Thank you."

He was bigger than her. She felt so small in his arms, like she was just a baby, being held by a giant. But she didn't mind. She liked it. She made him cry tears of joy.

Natasha hugged him back:"It's ok."

Yuri:"Can we... can we stay like this... for a while longer... please?"

Natasha smiled:"Of course."


June 12th 2000

It's been around two years since the day Yuri got his cross and he completely changed. Instead of being a quite loner he was a social butterfly. He began giving self defence classes to the other teens and passing along knowledge he learned from Natasha about the sense of right and self-control. Those who would continue to be assholes would be punish by Yuri. However, most were open to this. Natasha and Yuri began to give the entire institution treatment and classes. Most of them had their sentences reduced drastically after they were sent away. The record for successful rehabilitation in fort Rasputin has grown by 70%. This was huge and warden Grigori Novakov has gotten a lot of attention from the media and the public.

As for Yuri, he was happy he could move on from his past life and start a new one. One free from violence, fighting and death. He can focus on helping people.

Right now he was in the courtyard supervising the teens on their workouts and training.

Yuri:"Come on! Harder Jovan! Mikhail! Stop locking your shoulders, you need to move your arms more. Ivan! You need to move your arms LESS! You're giving him way to many openings! Keep your guard up! ... Sergei how many times have I told you?! Back straight, head down, legs parallel to the shoulders! You're gonna give yourself cramps!"

Sergei:"Sorry Yuri! I'm just to big."

Yuri:"You really think size matters?"

Miki, who was sitting on the monkey bars:"Weeeeellll actually-"

Yuri stops him and points his finger at him:"YOU don't get to answer that!"

Behind Miki on the pull up bars the tattooed delinquent was doing pull ups. Yuri noticed he wasn't doing it right.

Yuri:"Alek! Stop!"

Alek got down from the pull up bar:"What is it?"

Yuri:"You're doing it all wrong. You can't just go up and down in a straight line, our spines are in the shape of the latin letter S. That's why we have to move in that line. Also, you have to straight up, not to the left or right. You're putting too much stress on one shoulder and not enough on the other."


Yuri:"Don't be sorry, be better. Now watch me."

Everyone just watched as Yuri did pull ups. They could just stare in awe. His muscles were by all means perfect, like he was sculpted. The way they moved as he was doing pull-ups made some of the teens question their capabilities. They just couldn't believe that someone that young could look like that. To achieve something like this you would have to dedicate more than time, and yet, he did it. It's a good thing none of these guys are gay, cause that would cause problems.

Yuri got down from the pull up bar and looked at Alek:"See? That's how you do it."

Alek:"Y-Yeah, thanks."

Yuri walked away thinking:"They really have improved. This is... strangely fulfilling. Training these guys feels... familiar." He remembers how he trained with his brothers and how they were constructed improving. Getting strong on your own can only get you so far. But getting strong with others is a whole other story. It's not about just becoming stronger and faster, it's about filling the gaps your friends have and intern them filling yours. It's about noticing each other's flaws and working on improving upon them. Having flaws doesn't make you weak, it makes you human. And humans are drawn to each other. Alone we're weak, but together, we're unstoppable. He looked at the teens and smiled."You were right mom. All I had to do was look. And I think I found them."

Suddenly, the doors open and two guards wearing red shoulder pads come out. One with the number 8 the other with number 11.

Guard 11:"Mikhail Markovich!"

Miki:"I keep telling you it's Miki!"

Guard 8:"And I keep telling you we don't care. Come with us, it's time for your relocation."

Miki:"All ready? Huh. Ok just gimme a minute."

Miki runs over to Yuri:"Hey Big M. I guess this is goodbye."

Yuri:"You're... leaving? Why?"

Miki:"Well last month the warden told me that he noticed the changes in my behaviour and decided to move me to a students home. He also got me into some technician school. Apparently I BARELY made the cut. Didn't think I was gonna. Hehehe."

Yuri looked down:"Well that's... that's great! You get to have a normal life."

Miki:"Yeah." He looked towards the others," Sorry for being an annoying douchebag all the time."

Alek:"Don't sweat it Miki."

Sergei:"Yeah man it's all good."

Jovan:"Tell you the truth we're gonna miss ya."

Ivan:"Yeah, now we don't got anyone to tell some bullshit stories and make us laugh."

Miki raised his hand:"I'll have you know that all the stories are 100% true... well... 99.9% seems fair."

Everyone started laughing and Yuri grasped Miki's inner forearm:"Stay safe pencil neck."

Miki:"You too hillbilly... oh wait I forgot! Here!" Miki gave him a small wrapped piece of paper.

Yuri's eyes widened:"Is this-"

Miki:"Yeah. It was a BITCH to get. But considering you're my friend and I owed you, it was worth it."

Yuri smiled:"Thank you."

Miki:"Don't mention it." He winked and went inside with the guards. Yuri stood there holding the piece of wrapped paper.


(Later that day)

Therapy room

Natasha was siting at her desk filling out some paperwork. She thought to her self:"This past year, things have gotten busier than I could hope for. I never thought I would help to many kids. This ended up being... better, than I could of ever imagined. And it's all thanks to him. He truly has changed for the better. I'm glad."


Natasha:"Come in."

Yuri walked in:"Am I interrupting something?"

Natasha:"Oh no not at all." She looked at the guards who brought him."Leave us."

The guards exit the room and go back to their posts. Natasha is still siting at her desk:"Why did the guards bring you here. We were supposed to have our session tomorrow."

Yuri:"I know. I just wanted to see you."

Natasha:"Really?" She gets up from her desk,"Why?"

Yuri took out the piece of paper from his pocket:"Happy birthday."

Natasha's yes widened in shock:"How did you know?"

Yuri:"Well, a few month ago, warden Novakov wanted to see me regarding recent changes and I took the opportunity to ask him about it."

Natasha:"Ok? But what's this?"

Yuri:"I got Miki to get me something from the outside. He owed me from saving his ass a while ago."

Natasha giggled:"So... what is it?"

Yuri:"Open it and see."

Natasha opened the wrapped paper. She thought it was some kind of golden ring or bracelet. But instead, she found a simple necklace with the picture of a woman in a small circle shaped frame. She held the necklace and inspected it.

Natasha:"Who is this?"

Yuri:"That is the Virgin Mary. The mother of Jesus Christ."

Natasha:"Virgin Mary?"

Yuri:"Yes. She was a loving and caring mother full of compassion. Like you."

Natasha:"Me? But I'm not a mother."

Yuri:"I know. I just consider you like one. When I felt your embrace after you gave me this cross, it was like when I felt my mother's four years ago. When she died, I thought I would never again feel something like that. That is until I met you."

Natasha blushed I little:"I... I don't know what to say. Thank you."

Yuri:"No. I should be thanking you. Now lemme put that necklace over your neck."

Natasha gave him the necklace and turned around. She moved her hair as Yuri placed the necklace around her neck and tied it together. She just blushed and smiled. She felt happy. Even though she was supposed to be professional, she couldn't help these feelings she felt. Yuri tied the necklace and she turned around. Her brown eyes met his as they stood still. Neither of them moved a muscle.

Yuri then moved closer to her. His heart was pumping faster, but not as fast as her's. She didn't move, she just closed her eyes as he leaned towards her face. He went to kiss her but hesitated a centimetre in front of her lips. He then closed his eyes and kissed her. They kissed for a few seconds before Yuri moved his head back and looked down.

Natasha opened her eyes, lifted his head up and pulled him closer. They kissed even more passionately and intimately.





*Heavy breathing*

While they were kissing Natasha was trying to take of his shirt, but Yuri held her hands and with a calm voice said:"Don't."

Natasha didn't stop. She took of his shirt and revealed his body. She couldn't believe what she saw. A body seemingly perfect. She blushed. But other than that, she saw scars. About six scars on his chest and belly and about a dozen on his back. Yuri lowered his head. How could someone love him if they knew what he was? But Natasha didn't care. She gracefully touched his scars:"It's ok." She pulled his head and kept kissing him.

He then started taking her clothes of down to her bra, picked her up and brought her against a wall. She felt... small. He picked her up like a doll and held her without any trouble.

Natasha was panting as she wrapped her arms around his neck:"You're so strong."

She then lowered her arms and tried to take his pants of. Yuri noticed this and carried her to the couch. He put her down and started taking his pants of. He didn't know what he was doing. He never saw this before but he knew what to do. Was it instinctual? It didn't matter. He slowly took his pants of and revealed his penis. Natasha was shocked. It was about 20 centimetres long. She wasn't expecting it to be that big for someone of his age.

He than crawled over to her. Her legs were between his and her body between his arms. Yuri lowered his head and started kissing her. At the same time he pierced her pussy with his cock and she started panting and moaning.

Yuri stopped for a second:"Are you ok?"

Natasha was breathing rapidly:"Yes. Keep going."

With that he continued to pierce her. He started thrusting his hips back and forth slowly and over time faster. She couldn't hold it in:"O-Oh OH OH! Y-Yuri I-"

Yuri was swearing and breathing rapidly:"Yes?"

Natasha:"I'm-I'm gon- I'm gonna..."

Yuri:"So am I."

They both started panting, their hearts were pumping faster than ever before, their faces were completely red and their bodies were sweating out of control.

With one last push, Yuri ejaculated and Natasha let out a long moan. He laid down beside her, a bit exhausted. She was still moaning a little but she calmed down and turned towards Yuri.

Yuri:"Sorry *Pant* this was my first time."

Natasha giggled:"Don't worry." She kissed him again,"It's my first time, too. Thank you. This was the best birthday present anyone's ever given me."

They stayed on the couch and cuddled.

This was the day, Yuri became a man.

(End of lemon.)

(God damn this was weird to write.)



Warden Novakov's office

He was filling out some specific documents. Tanya walked into the room:"Sir. Here's the file you wanted."

Grigori:"Ah. Thank you Tanya."

Tanya:"Sir, might I ask, what are these papers for?"

Grigori:"They are for Yuri's acceptance into the military academy."

Tanya:"Bud I thought you weren't going to send his into the army."

Grigori:"Well not as a normal soldier. I pulled some connections with a certain major I know and he's willing to take him up and school him to be an instructor."

Tanya:"You mean like a drill Sargent?"

Grigori:"Something like that. You saw how he performed with those delinquents. In a few years he'll be an instructor and God knows what he'll be in a decade. He will train others."

Tanya:"Well that great to hear sir."

Grigori:"Indeed. Could you please call him in. I want to give him the good news personally."

Tanya:"Well, he's not in his cell or the courtyard. He's with dr.Natasha."

Grigori:"Really? That's weird, according to the schedule their session is tomorrow... wait, today's the 12th of June right?"

Tanya:"Yes sir."

Grigori chuckled:"So he remembered. Hahaha. Ok then."

Tanya:"Should I go and bring him here."

Grigori:"No. I'll go greet them myself."

Tanya;"Are you sure sir?"

Grigori:"Of course."


(A few minutes later)

Grigori was walking down the hallway with a folder in his hand. He came up to the door and knocked but no one answered:"That's weird."

He opened the door and stepped in:"Sorry for the intrusion I came here to-"

He stopped talking and saw them together in bed. They were naked and covered only with a blanket.

He furiously yelled out:"WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?!"

They woke up and jumped out. Yuri quickly started putting his clothes on. He put on his underwear and pants. Natasha put her pants on and her bra.

Natasha:"W-Warden? What are you doing here?"

Grigori:"I came here to bring some good news." He held up the file he brought."But then I saw THIS! GUESS YOU SHOULD OF LOCKED THE DOOR THIS TIME!" He threw the folder into the trash bin.

Natasha:"Please warden you got it all wrong. I-"


Yuri:"Mr.Novakov please let me explain."


Three guards wearing blue shoulder pads come in (6, 8 and 13)

Grigori:"Grab him!"

Guards 6 and 13 grab Yuri. Six was on the left and 13 was on the right. Eighth stood next to the warden.

Natasha came up to him:"Grigori please! Just let him go! He's-"

Grigori slaps him in the face with a backhand, she falls down on the ground and starts crying. Yuri saw this and became furious. His eyes completely widened, his teeth gritted, his fists clenched and all the rage came back to him:"DON'T YOU TOUCH HER!"

He pushed the other guards away from himself and charged to Grigori.

(Yuri's POV)

I charged at Grigori and punched him in the jaw full forces, breaking it and sending him flying into a wall. I turned to guard 8 who attempted to swing his baton at me, but I grabbed his hand with my left and used my right to launch and upper cut and break his chin. He fell down on the ground and grunted in pain. I turned to the other two guards who stood in a stance and prepared to fight. But I could smell something radiating off of them... fear. They were scared.

Guard 13 horizontally swung his baton with his right hand, hoping to hit me in the face. But I stepped back just enough so he couldn't hit me. I grabbed his arm with my right hand and pulled him closer. Then I repeatedly kept punching him with my left. After he was dazed I kneed him in the side and then choke slammed him into the ground.

Guard 6 was about to charge me, but I beat him to it. I charged into him, picked him up on m shoulder and brought him down on the ground. I took off his helmet and started repeatedly punching him until his face was covered in bruises and some of his teeth were missing.

Then I could hear Natasha call out to me:"STOP!"

I turned towards her and she was still crying:"Please Yuri, stop."

I just stood there looking at her. She wanted me to stop. Why? I'm defending her. These men attacked her, attacked US. Why stop.

Just then, two more guards, this time in red shoulder pads with numbers 5 and 10 rush in. Guard 5 ran towards me and hit me in the face with his baton.

Strangely enough, I didn't defend myself. I just took it. As I was falling to the side I kept hearing a high pitched noise. It got louder and louder until I finally heard a familiar voice in my head.

???:"Fight. Fight! FIGHT! What are you doing?!"


Ivan:"These men are your enemies! They hurt you, they hurt the one you love and what do you do!? Nothing?!... Compared to you they are weak. But you let them attack and that makes you weak."

Yuri:"I'm not weak."

Ivan:"You know what happens to the weak. They don't make it."

Yuri:"I'm not weak!"


I stopped hearing his voice. I was still falling but I stepped in my right foot to stop myself. Then I clenched my fist and as the guard was about to hit me, I struck him full force into his windpipe, breaking it causing him to fall down and choke. After a few moments, he died.

I stood up straight and looked down at his corpse. I saw blood coming out. I looked at my fist and I saw it was covered in it. I saw Natasha shaking. She was terrified. I wanted to go to her, to hold her, to make her stop crying and shaking, but then I felt something sharp hitting me in the shoulder. It was a dart. Guard 10 had a tranquilliser gun. My body felt weak but I could still stand. I slowly started walking toward him. He shot me with another one. I fell on the ground and started crawling. He then kicked me in the head and all I could see was darkness.

(Natasha's POV)

It's all over. Everything I worked for, gone. All the pain, rage and hatred, it all came back in a matter of minutes. How could I let this happen. Damn you Grigori. Damn you to hell!


(One month later)

July 2000

(3rd person POV)

The knocked out guards were taken to the hospital. Each one of them had several broken bones. Warden Grigori Novakov had a fractured lower jaw and had to take extensive care and treatment. The news about this were very difficult to suppress since one of the guards was killed.

Natasha was relieved of her duties as the institution's psychotherapist and was sent away to Ukraine. This way no one will find out about the scandal and they will make it look like there was a riot. The delinquents planned to fool everyone and start a revolt. They somehow managed to overwhelm Yuri. This was hard to believe but that was the story all the guards testified for.

As for Yuri he was locked in solitary and was ordered to sent into a maximum security prison for life.


A figure came by with papers demanding Yuri's release into his care. This... was Zoran Markovich. He knew all about the incident as he had eyes in the institution.

He was siting in a black room with Yuri in front of him. However, Yuri was tied to a chair with several restrains all over his body and a mask covering his mouth.

Zoran sighed:"I'm not gonna lie. This is a SERIOUS problem. You couldn't fuck this up more if you wanted to. You didn't just step in a puddle of shit you are swimming in it."


Zoran:"Look... it wasn't easy, and it was VERY expensive, but I managed to get you off the hook. Now here's the condition... you have to join the army and obey whatever it tells you to do for the rest of your life. You will serve and you will never know anything else. What do you say?"


Zoran sighed:"Look Yuri, it's really not as bad as living in a moist, dark room that doesn't see the light of day. Someone of your skill should-"

Yuri:"I know it was you."


Yuri:"You pulled them strings. The deaths of my brothers, this place, you planned everything."

Zoran:"What are you-"

Yuri:"Don't deny it. A man like you doesn't just give up. I knew you were planning something since the funeral. I didn't want to believe it, but it's as clear as day."

Zoran:"Yuri, I swear... I never-"

Yuri:"But it's fine."


Yuri:"Thanks to you I have nothing. But that's what you wanted. Cause you know the only thing more dangerous than a man that has everything is a man that has nothing. I could kill you, but that wouldn't do any good for anyone. So... I accept."

Zoran:"You do?... Alright. You won't regret this."

Yuri:"I will. At some point in time. But for now, I might as well enjoy what I do best. Just one thing colonel."

Zoran:"What is it?"

Yuri:"You don't control me. You send me to do something I do how I want it done. I WILL finish it, but if you even think about lecturing me, it's over."

Zoran was a bit hesitant. He wants freedom to do what he wants. This means he won't follow rules and protocol if he doesn't want to. This is a risk, but one he's willing to take:"Fine."

Yuri:"All right then. We got a deal... Colonel Zoran Markovich."

End of chapter 7

(A/N: Holy shit was this a long chapter, 4800+ words. Damn. I was expecting it to be half the size but I guess I got carried away. Hope you enjoyed Yuri's childhood cause the next chapter is called "The call" and we get to see just how dangerous he can get. Peace bros. Also, for the workout refresh's you should check the chapter out on wattpad. In the future I will have more pictures and that's something I can't do here. Have a good one.)