
Phantom Bonds

Disclaimer: I'll be mentioning some real-life people but they are a parody so don't take it too personally if I depict you or someone poorly. Spero Viceroy ventures into a haunted house on Halloween by losing a bet to Dean Inoue. Spero was to record everything in the haunted house by himself as Dean reminded him that he lost the bet. Spero had 10 minutes to record the haunted house and check back to Dean. Dean never believed to be a ghost in the house as every supposed haunted house he ventured to was not haunted but this one was. And someone was waiting for them both but who? This moment has changed their lives forever and what’s fake is now real. Join their journey to see what adversity they both face. Author's Notes: (I was originally going to upload this book to Kindle and stuff but never finished it since the plans for this series are long to write. I do have the beginning written so I'm going to upload that. I'll try to write as much as I can but I procrastinate a lot and I got school. I'll be uploading the chapters I already wrote but after that, I'll be uploading mini chapters. Pray that I do because the people that know me knows that I take months to finish a chapter. Luckily with Webnovel, I can upload bit by bit of these chapters. Once I get to a certain point, I'll probably stop uploading till I finish the final climax of the book then I'll mass drop to prevent people from stealing my work. I'll also drop it on Kindle and iBook to make it cheaper for you guys. Aight that's enough with the author's notes since it's getting too long. I hope you guys enjoy this book as much as I enjoy writing it.)

SkibidiSigmaAuthor · 幻想
10 Chs

Chapter 3: Survive Sor Part 2

"A baby bird hatches from its egg.

Early on, its wings clipped.

Never able to reach the skies like their brethren.

But as the bird grows older, time heals all wounds. 

The bird flies for the first time in its life…

Not the highest or the lowest but enough to keep flying forward." 

P.S. I think this poem is bad, Dean but Mrs. Louis said it's pretty good. Easy A.

- Spero's poem in AP literature 

July 23rd, 2015 - 7:35 p.m.


Where am I? 

"Come on, Kevin. Let's go to this house."

"But it's getting dark, Spero."

"It'll just be a quick peak." 

"What happens if there's a ghost inside?" 

"There's no ghost inside, Kevin. Trust me. It's just a house"


I remember this but I don't want to. Please let it stop. Whoever you are please I don't wanna experience this again. Me and Kevin were 10 when we went inside this abandoned house. Our parents went camping together. I grabbed his hand and ran to the house.

It was just a brown wooden house in the middle of the forest. We got curious more like I got curious and walked inside. That looks like a shack but I couldn't prepare myself for what was to happen. 

"I'm scared, Spero." 

"Trust me, we'll be fine."

"Okay, I trust you."

We were in the living room. 

"Hello little boys." We turned around and saw a man from the kitchen doorway.

"Who are you," I said innocently. I just stared at him. 

He was wearing black khaki pants and a white polo shirt. I thought he was just a regular person but I thought wrong. 

He didn't even reply. He saw Kevin peed his pants. He went for him and began to choke Kevin. I ran towards the man choking Kevin, trying to drag him away but my hands went through him the whole time. I even tried hitting him. It went like this for minutes, trying to push the man away or just anything to prevent him from killing Kevin. At the end he said, "Effusio," and a blue spirit came out of Kevin and to him.

He grinned, looking up. And he laughed to the hole on the ceiling that reveals the clear sky. He let go of Kevin and pushed me away then he tossed his body in front of me. I looked down at his dead body. frozen not knowing what to do. 

"It's okay, you don't need my approval to go check on him. Go. I'll make it quick." I looked up to see him grinning evilly and back down at Kevin's lifeless body.

I got up to check on him. "Kevin, wake up." I shook his body. 

He wasn't breathing. He's dead but I didn't wanna believe it. I stared into his lifeless eyes. My tears dropped down to his eyes. It seemed he too was crying. 

"KEVIN!!" I screamed. Tears were flowing down my eyes. I nudged him again and again like I was trying to wake him up. "Kevin move, we gotta go. There's a scary person coming to get us both." 

The man just stared at the whole interaction. Even though he was choked to death, I tried to pull him and make him walk. His lifeless body was so heavy. I kept repeating to myself Kevin isn't dead. Kevin isn't dead. KEVIN ISN'T DEAD. I walked away with his arm on my shoulder but I couldn't. I was too weak.

"You're next little boy." I turned around to see the man running towards me. 

The door sprung open and my parents came through. I turned to look at them and back at the man but he disappeared. They ran towards me and hugged. They've been looking for us for about 30 minutes. I felt relief that man could never hurt me again but I was traumatized by what he did to Kevin. What came next was a flurry of questions. The cops came and asked me what happened and I told them it was a ghost but they didn't believe me. They thought I was deranged and killed Kevin for fun. I was fucking 10. 

They put me in the mental hospital until I was 14. 4 fucking years of society pushing down my throat that I killed my childhood best friend when there's no evidence of me killing him. Only choke marks on his throat but the size of a man's hand. How would I kill him or choke him to be exact? They thought I was hiding the perpetrator but I didn't know what or who he is and where he's gone. The only thing their tiny human brains could comprehend was that I killed him and only because I was the only kid with him. 

4 years ago they let me out. I only got out because I accepted it. I faked it. I had to, if I wanted out. I had to be the murderer. That was the only way out of there. In highschool, I was mercilessly bullied and avoided by other students. I fought my bullies back but that only got me expelled so I had to go to different highschools. My parents never believed I did kill him but his parents did. And they never forgave me for it.

Where I met Dean. Dean believed me because well he's weird. In a funny way, don't tell him I said that. As you already know, he's obsessed with the paranormal. So when I told him my story, he was the only person who believed me. He heard stories online but most of those were fake. I didn't understand why he believed me all he said was "you don't look like you're lying. Plus, why would you kill your best friend? What do you gain from that? Nothing. If you are lying then you're a really good liar and looking for a friend to do it again is a psychopath but I'm willing to take that bet." 

Ironically, when we first met, we were betting against each other. And betting got us here in this situation. 


Present Day


Sor went for a downward slash and I immediately weaved to the right. I took my katana out of its sheath. I then slashed upwards and downwards in quick succession before he could recover. As we've been going at this for a minute straight, the man has a thick hide as my slashes aren't deep enough to cut any limbs off. I've been dodging, parrying, and blocking left and right, trying to get any free hits off. I even learned SWORD MASTERY 1 and upgraded it to SWORD MASTERY 5 while fighting him for that long. 

He's using the length of his blade to gain an advantage in neutrals. Heavily zoning me out from going in, causing me to be on the defensive side most of the exchanges we had. 

He swung his sword, trying to cleave me into two. I immediately jumped up and drop kicked him. Pushing him slightly back away from me. 

He went for another slash down the middle and I quickly side stepped to his side. I stabbed my katana forward to his chest. To dodge he let go of his sword and moved to the side. He grabbed my sword hand and pummeled me in my face like last time. He sent me flying, I hit the wall and landed on my ass.

A green health bar appeared on the top left of my vision. Below it was a blue bar assuming that's my mana bar. 100/125. A portion of my health dropped but fastly recovered due to my insane regeneration. Without my quick healing, I would be a goner. 

"You know, you're making this too easy for me. I could've kept on punching you over and over instead of knocking you back but I want a fight. A challenge. I'm giving you all these chances to prove yourself instead of ending the fight earlier. And right now boy, you're just disappointing me." 

'We'll help. Point us forward.'

Okay, Egors, is that even your name? You know what I don't even give a fuck at this point. I'll do what you say. I'll let that bastard eat his words. 

I didn't even get up, I just sat where he sent me flying. I pointed my katana forward and It started glowing red. 

All the heat from my sword went towards the tip of my katana. It released red particles and began to form a fireball in front of my katana. I pointed it towards Sor. It went directly at him. He dodged to the left at the last second but the red ghost was hiding behind the fireball and kicked it towards him. The fireball impacted him on his chest and caused an explosion. 

I put my arm over my eyes to shield it from the bright light that was caused by the explosion. I put my arm away from my eyes. Sor was still standing but the bedroom was on fire. Without command the blue ghost knew what I was thinking and washed the fire away. Scorch marks everywhere. I didn't want the house to burn while Spero was unconscious or die from inhaling the smoke. 

My katana was still red. Flames coming out of the blade. I spun the blade for fun. I got two notifications that I leveled up two abilities. I quickled read them. 







'Don't worry about burning everything. We want him to believe he's dead. Go all out. Don't worry about Spero, he'll live. Trust us.'

Sor's chest was messing but it began to regenerate. Foam like gas filling out the missing hole in his chest and then forming it into solid.

"Okay, playtime is over. I'm gonna kill you now." 

"Well, excuse my fucking language but you're doing a pretty fucking bad job if I say so myself." 

I charged at him. He wielded his long sword with his left hand and slashed downwards towards me but I quickly rolled to the left predicting his move already. What I didn't anticipate was him predicting my moves. 

When I rolled he immediately grabbed my neck with his right hand. "The same trick won't work on me." He slammed me down towards the floor, causing both of us to go through it and downwards the kitchen floor. 

Pushing all of his weight down on me. While falling, Sor was still choking me. I let go of my katana and wrapped my legs around his neck mid-fall while gripping his right hand not letting go. I began to twist his arm off. 

I landed on the table crushing it as it cushioned my fall. He picked me up and slammed me again and again. I just started twisting even harder, trying to rip it apart. Right as I ripped his arm off, I got into a handstand and leg grabbed him , slamming him through the wooden floorboard. 

He pulled himself back from the floorboard and side kicked my stomach, launching me to the wall. He moved so fast to me like he teleported right in front of me. He started comboing me, pinning me to the wall. Helpless to the mercilessly abuse he's giving me. Haymaker to my left temple, jab to my right rib, chop to the chest, slap on my right cheek, and then an elbow to my left cheek. 

I felt the pain of each hit but slowly it was numbed out then faded away as I healed. 




Distracted from the notification to counter back. He grabbed my head and threw me through the wall between the living room and kitchen. I hit the living room wall, falling straight down to the floor. 

I pushed myself up to dodge his incoming kick and then ducked his side kick. I uppercutted his chin then jabbed his stomach. I side kicked his stomach afterwards pushing him back. 




Ignoring the notification popup, I looked back at him to see his sword reappeared in his hands and swung it at me. I flipped backwards to dodge the sweep. The Egors retrieved my katana and floated the sword to my hand. I slashed upwards and he slashed downwards. He recoiled back and I rushed him. As I got closer, he grabbed by the neck and stab me in the stomach

"Any last words, boy. It looks like you were the one who underestimated me." He pulled his sword out. 


He stabbed me in my stomach again and I returned the favor by stabbing his stomach too. I spit out some blood. 

I grabbed his shoulders to lock him in place and before he could do anything, I grabbed my hilt, and looked him in the eyes, "Burn."

A bright orange glow illuminated his blue spirit body. And exploded right in front of me. It sent me flying to the front of the living room and him through the window outside. I sat up and looked up to see the moon lighting up the room. It's a clear night sky, ain't much to say about that. 

Fuck this shit hurts. Motherfucker pulled out… his sword out of my guts and pushed it back in. Pause. I turned over to lay on my back. I looked at my wounds and damn, I'm bleeding like a motherfucker. I was regenerating quickly and proof of that is my health bar going up. 

We both underestimated each other. He thought he checkmated me and didn't expect I would go all suicide on him. It was a gamble, risking my life. I barely got the hang of my power but he knows his own power completely and had experiences using them far longer than me.

No reason to complain though, I have to get up and wait for Spero to wake up. The wound healed just as I heard something crash upstairs. I quickly ran up the stairs and to the room where Spero was in. I saw Sor injured but alive. Just like me, he regenerated his health quickly. Seeing no scratches, cuts, bruises, and no burn marks. He grinned at me and I rushed at him. He proceeds to bitch slap me to the side of the wall. He was still grinning but stopped when he saw Spero's body. 

'He's here.'

"Why is he here?" He asked. 

Who's here? Why did Sor sound afraid when he asked that? I got up and turned to see Spero's body. A blue ghost with blue armor and a crown on his head. He had a red cape on his back with a blue longsword on the side of his waist, nothing fancy. On his cape, he had a ghost symbol with a crown. 


 'I found out who betrayed me, I know it was you. I forgive you, Sor but I'm taking this boy with me to bond with. The boy has a strong spirit.' 

"You wouldn't! He's my prey. That boy is mine for the taking. You have no right to claim what you don't own." 

'You dare defy your king, Sor?'

"You were never my king to begin with. I would betray you again without a second thought." 

'Then you are lost, Sor.' He looked at Spero. 'Spero Viceroy, I choose you as my bonded. Do you accept it?'  

I saw Spero open his eyes slowly. Sor lunged his claymore at Spero hoping to pierce his neck. 

"Yes… I accept." He whispered before Sor stabbed him in the neck.

'Then wake up, Spero Viceroy.'

"I've won, King." He laughed. "You almost had me this time." 

Nothing happened for a few seconds but then a blue light began to shine from him. The light was blinding. It threw me and Sor back. I brought my hands up subconsciously and was pushed to the wall. Sor had to stabbed the floor to not get pushed back outside. I saw the Phantom King merging with Spero's body. 

The light began to shine even brighter then a huge shockwave occurred in the room. I was eventually pushed through the wall, then through the roof and to the streets outside landing on a car. Before I was pushed out, I saw Sor stabbing his sword into the floor again and holding onto it. 


During Dean and Sor's fight


I'm in this weird place now. I'm in the bottom of the ocean, falling down continuously. I can't seem to move my body. I can't swim up. It was like I was in that one scene in Get Out where Chris was falling down to the abyss and couldn't come back up. 

I still wasn't over Kevin's death. I try to avoid going anywhere that looks abandoned or has any ghost activity. I can somehow feel if something's haunted and what not. 

'You are on the verge of being consumed by Sor but I can help you Spero Viceroy.' 

Who are you? I turned around in the deep while falling. Looking for the person who said that. 

A blue orb appeared right in front of me. 'I am called by many, the Phantom King.' 

What do you want from me then? 

He materialized as a blue ghost with blue armor and a crown on his head. He had a red cape on his back too. To make a pact or bond whatever you call it. I would be your familiar and we would go exorcize ghost, demons, and devils.  

Why would I want to exorcize them? I don't need to do it. It's not my job to exorcize ghost. Many others can do it. 

'Then you and Dean will die.'

I facepalmed. 'Shit, I forgot about Dean and the situation we're in. Fine, I'll do it.' 

'Be quick, he's killing Dean. He thinks you are dead but once he finishes off Dean, he will realize you are not. We have to bond, Spero.' 

Fine, how do I do it?

'I choose you as my bonded, Spero. Do you accept it?'

Yes, I accept it. 

I'll say it again. Spero Viceroy, I choose you as my bonded. Do you accept it?  

I slowly opened my eyes, "Yes. I… accept." I whispered. 

I felt a stabbing pain in my neck then a few seconds later, it was gone and I blanked out again. 

 Then wake up, Spero Viceroy.


I woke up, standing up somehow. There was a blue light all around me. I couldn't see anything beyond it.. I saw the Phantom King right next to me. 

'You're awake now. Let's go kill, Sor. You aren't ready to use the sword so you'll be using the spear. Just use your thoughts to make it appear in your hand.' 


I imagined the spear and it appeared in my hand. 

Do you have any other name besides Phantom King? It's kind of a hassle saying that.

King is what I'll tell others but since we are bonded you may call me Rex. 

I felt calm. I thought reliving moments of being with Kevin would break me but it didn't. I feel at peace. I don't know what he would want me to do but I won't let what happened to him happen to Dean. I'm going to kill him. 

Okay Rex, let's do this. 

I waited for the light to vanish and it did. I saw Sor kneeling holding onto his longsword that he stabbed on the floor. He got up and pulled it out. I saw him rush at me and slashed his sword downward. 

I sidestepped it, he anticipated me sidestepping and punched me right in my guts. I saw it coming but I wanted to see how strong it was so I let it hit me. It was weak but enough to push me out of the room and broke the wall in the bedroom, through the streets and landed on the side of a car.

I looked to my left and saw Dean running towards me with his katana on his left hand. 

"When did you get a kimono and a katana?" I asked and raised my eyebrow. 

"I bonded with some ghosts like you." He scratched the back of his head. "Apparently, the abandoned houses I went to were haunted. These guys were just waiting for me to meet a ghost like Sor and took advantage of me when I'm about to die and had no other choice but to accept them." 

"I guess we're in the same boat then." 

"Still wearing your Black Air Forces huh?" I smiled. "I thought you would be wearing sandals or sum."

"I am one with the black air force." He somehow grabbed a toothpick out of thin air and stuck it in his mouth. "Plus, Sor should be easy to finish off since I tired him out. Kinda" 

"I highly doubt that." 

"You're acting like we're both gonna die." 

"And you will." Someone yelled in the house. "Brutally."

We saw Sor rubbing his hands together, appearing from the shadows of the bedroom hole. He had a grin on his face. "I'm going to enjoy this." 

Dean and I stood back to back, pointing our weapons forward at him. Rex phased out of my body like a stand in JoJo. 

He turned his head to look at me. "Ha, you have a stand like Star platinum just blue. I just realized that. Lol" 

I turned to look at him back. "I was just gonna say that too, bro."

'My name is Phantom King, Dean. Please, can you two focus on the task. There is a ghost wanting to kill you both.'

"Yeah, whatever." Dean smirked evilly. 

And all three of us jumped at Sor and he jumped down right at us.

I'll try and keep writing more. I hope you guys enjoyed this

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