
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · ホラー
60 Chs

Don't be disappointed

Cynthia looked down at the fierce jailer over the bars and slowly said, "Soldier, I...."

"Cynthia! "Cried Promise in a frightened voice.


The jailer hit the iron fence with another baton and shouted angrily, "You shut up!"

Promise body shivered with fear, eyes gradually infected with a trace of despair.

Cynthia spoke slowly, "I wish you would stop that crying noise, it disturbs my sleep, that weak bastard disturbs my rest, and can you tell me the number of the weeping man?" I guarantee he'll be the first one to die in three days."

Cynthia slowly leaned forward, the dark and tall figure gave the soldiers outside the door endless pressure, the gray eyes like the dark night lurking beast, the light words with endless killing, for a time, the soldiers outside the cell only feel cold body, scalp tingling.

"Get out... Go back to sleep!" The soldier stammered, as if he felt he had lost his prestige, and again he hit the iron fence with his baton, causing Cynthia to retreat half a step closer.

"Hum." The soldier seemed satisfied with Cynthia's reaction and turned away with his baton.

"Ah." Cynthia looked at the soldier in silence as he ran away. Yes, she saw a coward in a coward's skin.

"Call..." Promise plopped down on her knees, her hands over her chest, she really couldn't stand the thrill.

Suddenly, Cynthia turned around, put her hand under Promise's chin, lifted Promise's face, and looking at his frightened face, Cynthia said softly, "I can't be a despised informant."

"You... You!!" His cheeks were red with promise, but he did not know what to say.

"Face the reality, Xu, I can use force to make you obey, this way is just to let you save some of the bitter flesh, after all, three days later is a life-and-death battle, you may still be my teammate, isn't it?" Cynthia flexed her fingers slightly, as if petting a kitten or dog, and gently scratched Promise's neck.

"Now, tell me all about it." Cynthia whispered.

Why, this woman who does not bully himself and even protects himself has suddenly changed her appearance?

Why, in just one day everything has changed?

Why, in just a few minutes, would you be completely destroyed?

What the hell was she doing before she got caught...

The promise of the heart rose a sense of powerlessness, this taste is really very bad.

At the same time.

Bei City, the edge of the rich living circle with mansions, a small residential house.

A woman, carrying a bowl of broth, came to the basement entrance and slowly walked in. Splat, with the lights on, there came into view a young black man tied to a pole.

There is no doubt that the person holding the broth is Caitlin's high school friend Neya, and that the young black man tied to the pole is Mike, one of the "Nerd Trio," and Ethan and Green's former best friends.

"Wake up." Niya came to the pole and tapped Mike on the shoulder.

Mike's body shook slightly. There were too many wounds on his body. Although Niya's treatment had stopped the bleeding, it was still painful.

Mike opened his unexamined eyes and took a long time to adjust to the bright light and see the woman in front of him.

"Eat some." Niya sighed deeply, heart sour, two people know each other's identity, high school had a lot of contact, after all, Caitlin was Green's girlfriend at that time, so two people are not strange.

Niya scooped up a thick soup and passed it to Mike's thick lips, which were dry and cracked.

Of course, these are nothing compared to the wounds on Mike's body.

Two people are silent, one quietly feeds, the other quietly eats.

The smell of the basement was replaced by the smell of mildew in the thick soup, which was scattered with minced meat and no idea what the food was made from.

Niya looked at the quiet and clever Mike in front of her, her heart could not help but have a burst of bitterness, she is not a hard-hearted person, in the face of Mike, once a friend, Niya wanted to help him end this life.

But the end of this son of a bitch left Niya with no choice but to give in to Caitlin. Niya knows what the consequences of helping Mike are, she is also an ordinary person, but also want to live, so, she is like Mike, low head, silently accept what fate imposes on the body.

A small bowl of broth gradually disappeared, Niya put the bowl aside, with a hand towel wiped Mike's mouth, and Mike led a grin.

"Can... Can let me... Um..." The words in Niya's mouth are stuttering, and it is obvious that her heart is struggling extremely, but in the face of that extreme temptation, Niya's will breaks down, and she loses to greed and enjoyment.

Mike sighed gently and looked down at Niya. Mike's mouth suddenly lit up with a wry smile. "Yes, at least I have another way to cry recently."

Mike recalled the memory of reading in Caitlin's mind, the familiar figure, the picture of the trio before the end. For a long time, a tear came into Mike's eyes, and he didn't know whether it was joy or worry.

In just a few seconds, the ice-blue tears were left.

Mike uses his skills so skillfully that it hurts.

Niya quickly caught the tear with her finger, put it to the end of her nose and sucked it up.

The water-like tears dissipated in the form of energy, and Niya's body shook, her face was stupid, and she smiled, and she was unsteady at her feet, and her body was soft, and she lay on the cold ground.

Mike looked down at the woman lying on the floor, drunk and dreamy, and in his mind he recalled Catelyn's shrill voice: "Why am I not a Power?"

At this moment, Mike was also very angry, but his question was: Why... Why am I a Power?

"Niya, can you do me a favor?" Mike said suddenly.

"Well... Um..." Niya shook her head, still delirious.

"Niya... I want you to... Huh?" Mike suddenly froze, a dull pain in the brain, the mind can not be repressed into the memory of Niya brain, and not those past memories, but at this moment of delirious Niya memory.

Mike was a little stunned to read Niya at this moment of those strange ideas, an instant, Mike actually felt a connection between himself and Niya, this is a kind of inexplicable feeling.

"Stand up... You stand up." Mike's ability to continue to use, in the bizarre ideas of Niya, Mike crazy use of the second power, at this moment, he finally found that his second power is not just the simple reading memory.

A few seconds later, Niya staggered and actually stood up!

Modify your memory? No, it's supposed to affect each other's hallucinations!

Mike trembled with excitement and muttered, "Untie me, untie me..."

Seconds later, with a glazed look and a silly grin, Niya reached for the rope that was holding Mike's body.


Mike's heavy body fell to the ground with a crash, the still-healing wound opened and gurgled with blood.

Mike bares his teeth and murmurs in pain, but his heart is filled with joy. This combination of physical pain and inner ecstasy in an instant made Mike's expression extremely odd.

Mike tried to get up, but was disappointed to find that he had been tied up for so long that his weak body could not support him to do anything.

And Mike also found that the wonderful ideas in the clouds in Niya's mind were slowly fading, and the effect of the first power was going to pass?

Mike quickly changed the vision in Niya's mind, and Niya also knelt down, UU reading www.uukanshu.com again picked up Mike shed tears.

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" Mike cried with joy. This time, he did not have to try to remember the past. This time, he did not have to suffer flesh and blood.

This time, Mike, as an adult, really did leave hot tears, tears of joy.

"This is incredible! Mike murmured in his mouth, and finally stood up under the support of Niya.

Mike shook his head vigorously, trying to keep himself awake and thinking about what to do next.

Years of captivity seem to be going away from their life, they will finally see the light of day, can finally restore freedom?

However, Mike's final command is unimaginable, in the face of such a temptation, Mike's ecstatic expression gradually dissipated, slowly calm down, eyes shining wise light: "I... Tie it up! Back to normal. Now, tie me up. Clean up the ground, take care of my wounds, put everything back together."

Time is the number one killer of everything in the world, it can change everything.

Some people become people under the ravages of time, while others remain true to themselves.

Faced with such great temptation, Mike still calmly analyzed everything.

In the inner world, he is still the thin young man with a bamboo pole, curly hair against the scalp and glasses, he is still the most composed and wise of the "nerd trio".

Looking at Niya skillful binding himself, Mike mouth a inexplicable smile.

Ethan, Grimm, and... Caitlin.

Bay City, the Marauders, and the world.

Please don't be disappointed,

We have a long day ahead of us.