
Pervert's Diary

Dropped. The novel didn't gain traction because I abandoned it for a long time.

Perverted_Fella · ファンタジー
47 Chs

Adventurers' Guild [part 1]

"Damn, the guild is larger than I had anticipated," I mutter, casting a glance at the colossal guild standing before me.

It is a square-shaped building, appearing as though it were meticulously carved out of marble. The words "Adventurers' Guild" are written above the entrance, crafted from a white type of marble stone that stands out amidst the black stones that form the rest of the guild's structure. Observing this guild, one can easily discern its age, for it has withstood the test of centuries.

"Ikyaa~ This building is immense! Actually, the entire city of Orthis is breathtaking," Verona murmurs, her eyes filled with awe as she gazes at the structure. I can perceive a surge of excitement on her face, along with a resolute determination.