

The first thing I'd noticed was the grass and the vines overrunning the street. The trees that I'd remembered were little more than twisted and scorched husks. But the flora that had taken their place was sparse in some areas, and dense in others. Grass and moss like a thick carpet of underbrush, roots poking through the streets, making my journey rougher as I traversed the cracks.

It was only a few blocks later that I'd noticed my building fatigue. I could feel the weight in my legs and the strain in my chest. While I was no athlete, I was in good shape, so this level of fatigue would usually require much more work than a short bike ride would need.

This would make my trip more arduous thanI'd hoped. And it would take a while longer than half an hour, but as long as I was smart about the hills, there should be no problem.

I knew the way to Sanctuary Hills, as I'd visited frequently to see new sister. I'd know the roads connecting my shop to her house like the back of my hand. But I could barely recognize these streets. The trees, the overgrowth, the cars, all of it. It was like I was watching a film at the drive through.

If not for my familiarity with the area I would have long since gotten lost. With the road frequently obscured by debris or foliage, and the street signs destroyed.

It was a little over half an hour of pedaling and frequent breaks, that I began to enter concord. And to little surprise, it was in no better condition than my own neighborhood.

Once I was almost through the town, I noticed a group of people being escorted through the streets. I was relieved to finally see some people since who knows how long.

I was going to approach them, hoping that they would have some answers. Until I saw that they were armed.

I'm no Einstein, but I know better than to approach armed people, especially in a situation in obvious civil unrest.

With my mind made up, I turned my bike back around, and began north. Sanctuary hills was close, and I needed to see my sister. I had questions I needed answered.

After another five minutes I passed a few convenience stores, and the red rocket fueling station. The bridge to sanctuary hills was in sight.

As I approached I could see the state of disrepair it was in. Deciding to avoid any unnecessary risk, i dismounted the bike and walked it into the cul-de-sac.

The neighborhood was large and sprawling, with its own park and community pool. Now what was once one of the most prestigious and clean communities in the commonwealth, was little better than the ruins I had seen on my way here. Many of these large space-age houses, long since collapsed onto themselves.

My heart was beating faster that on the ride here. Having realized that Nora may not be safe. And I began to feel a bit faint.

I steadied myself on the bike and made my way further into the neighborhood, passing thrash, ruins the the remnants of what must have once been some really nice cars.

And despite walking another five minutes I wasn't able to calm myself until I saw their house. It was in a state of disrepair much like the others. But it was still standing, a small respite.

I opened the front door with my spare key and was once again discouraged by the sight I front of me.

The furniture was ruined, the tv was broken, and there was no sign of life.

"Nora?" I called as I stepped into the room.

"Nate?!" I shouted, as I moved between the rooms.

"Shawn!? Anyone?!" I screamed from above the shaky stairs. "anyone?" I said, slumping to the floor. "please..?"

But there was only silence. Silence throughout the house.

'What happened? Where is everyone? We're we invaded? Was it a biological attack, was i-'

"Hello? Show yourself, I have a buzz-saw with your name on it." Called a voice from what sounded like the downstairs kitchen.

There was quite obviously someone there. And I wasn't all that prepared for a fight. I've been in my fair share of scraps, but I'm much weaker and fatigued than I'm used to. And what madman, threatened someone with a chainsaw?

I had to think smart in this situation. 'Let's think, I don't know how many there are, they've got a buzz saw and are probably in better shape, I have a tire iron and flesh that's quite susceptible to power tools. These ain't good odds.'

I was hoping to avoid a direct confrontation as much as possible, so I moved around the corner in an attempt to catch the threat by surprise.

I waited around the corner for them to come up the stairs, trying to track their footsteps, by sound. But no matter how I strained my hearing, I couldn't hear any steps. Only the sound of… fire?

What ever I was hearing, it was getting closer. Any second now and I would be able to see their silhouette from the sunlight peaking through the roof.

Seconds passed, several long seconds passed as the sound grew closer and closer.

I gripped my makeshift weapon tighter, ready to attack the moment I saw shadow.

And once I did, I was ready to leap into action before the distinct shape of the shadow clued me in on just who else might still be around the area.


(Authors note: the sanctuary hills I imagine will be based upon the concept art for the game. And so will many of the other minor details. Since I don't have to worry about asset complexity in a fan-fic.)