
Permanent Martial Arts

It was a dangerous era. Extraterritorial ferocious beasts occupied 90% of the living space in the world, while humans could only survive in a small space. Fortunately, some of the surviving humans awakened to genetic martial arts! Breaking the shackles of one’s genetics was the foundation of cultivating martial arts. Lin Feng, who was born with congenital disease, could not experience a breakthrough. However, by some fateful encounter, he awakened to the ability to merge genes. [Wild Bull gene successfully merged. Strength of genes has been improved!] [Mutant Earth Dragon gene merged. Earth Dragon Scales have been unlocked!] [Planet Behemoth gene merged. Ability to survive in outer space unlocked!] Lin Feng broke through the shackles of his genes and cultivated martial arts, becoming the most powerful person in the universe!

Shadow on the Moon · 東方
1975 Chs

Time Acceleration!

翻訳者: Atlas Studios 編集者: Atlas Studios


Suddenly, something in Lin Feng's body seemed to have "ruptured".

"That's… another type of chiliocosm domain rules?"

Lin Feng's heart skipped a beat. Unlike other Controllers, Lin Feng had multiple chiliocosm domains in his body, so he naturally had countless chiliocosm domain rules. Lin Feng usually did not use these chiliocosm domain rules, because compared to pure world power, chiliocosm domain rules actually did not have much of an advantage.

However, no matter how little of an advantage they had, they were still countless chiliocosm rules. Moreover, they just did not have much of an advantage relative to world power. Once these countless chiliocosm domain rules were used, even Celestial Devils or Controllers at the same level would struggle to deal with them.