
The Face That Always Fills the News

In the last few days, Christian's face had been constantly appearing in the newspapers.

Almost everyone in town was guessing whether he would end up with Nadia or not. After all, the two of them are very compatible in many ways.

There are even some people who make an analysis about how much profit they can get for their companies and families if they get married.

Nadia can give everything that Ella can't give to Christian.

She didn't deserve to be compared to Nadia at all and Ella knew that very well.

Ella came to her senses.

Looking at the pensive woman beside him, Liam took the newspaper in Ella's hand. He saw a photo of Nadia leaning on Christian's shoulder. They both looked very affectionate and sweet, as if wanting to tell the world that they were about to announce some good news.

Liam doesn't know what Christian is up to and he doesn't care.

What Christian is doing right now makes him very happy.