
Perfect Civilization: Secret Origin

A lone country sets on its own beliefs, wages war against the whole world in its holy crusade. The war has become the norm and has lasted for a hundred years (X210). In a nation that views the usage of magic and species of magical origin as blasphemous are now facing their own conflict, terrorism. Humans are a species known for their inability of utilizing magic has started to birth offspring capable of using it. The beings are known as witches and must be exterminated not only for the doctrine but the potential destruction they can bring to Aristrentle. A young witch named Edil must now struggle in his life, keeping secrets of his abilities and origin while facing conspiracies, infighting and betrayals while rising in rank and status.

MoutainPink · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 2: Failed Attempt

After eating his breakfast in the empty dinner table that can hold on average 12 individuals, Edil headed towards the exit of his home.

His meal was averaged compared to the luxurious foods that typical nobles eat. In fact, most meals the household would be ordinary if it weren't for the influence of the 3rd wife and her demanding noblesse and etiquette from all. Still, it was delicious, and he was grateful to his maid.

"These sides of her remind me that she is technically a maid, if only she was like this all the time…." He softly said to himself out loud. Upon noticing his mistake, he cautiously turned his head to look at the maid following behind him.

All she did was give a smile in response clueless to what he said, at least he hoped that was the case and smiled back to her.

The two quickly arrived in front of the main entrance and the only exit that children of the duke are allowed to go through. Edil with quick but precise movement took an appropriate stance that required minimum exertion and proceeded to pull open the enormous tungsten door that spanned 3ft wide and 8ft high. This the first challenge and rite of passage for those with the blood of Rosalind. They must undergo the test and be able to pull the predetermined weight based on age open with whatever means in their disposal. The set amount for Edil is 500 pounds.

Without completing the test, they can't personally leave the home themselves and can only come out for official reasons.

This was Made trivial when Edil became the age of 10, as he can now perform the task with minimal effort both physical and magical.

While lost in thought feeling proud of himself for choosing to avoid the difficulties that will no doubt come from his stepmothers and siblings. He took a step outside the mansion expecting to continue on his way, but instead hit a wall.

Edil surprised from the unexpected contact tensed his body and prepared to enter combat if need be. This is due to the potential danger he was in, as with his abilities he should be aware of any obstacles as obvious as a wall no matter how distracted he was.

("If it was an enemy I would probably be captured or dead by now. There's only one person allowed to be here at this time capable of pulling such a feat.") And in a span of a second, Edil relaxed but immediately felt dread.

Slowly lifting his head up, he came face to face with the lord of the city and region, Duke Leonard Rosalind, his father. ("My father!")

Instinct took over and as fast as he could, he hid behind his maid, shaking and peeking his head to the side of her to address his father.

"Hello father, what good morning it is."


"Boy must you hide behind the little witch every time you face me? It is a disappointing sight to see."

In hearing those words and not the first time made him still feel disheartened.

("Ugh… must he say that all the time. It can't be helped! It is his fault! I remember that day and the days after. Hell, my dreams doesn't help me not be scared of him! The bastard was willing to get rid of me if need be.")

"I apologize if I disappointed you father." Edil slowly creeped out behind Lilith and bowed to him. Still being behind her, holding her sleeves and trembling.

"If you are truly sorry then come in front of me and show me your face." Leonard said with a disapproving tone.

"Yes fath-"

"My lord I implore you to be easy on the young master, you should know the origin of his condition more than anyone," Lilith prevented Edil from stepping forward and implied the fault of it to be the duke rather than the child for his behavior.

The duke upon hearing those words glared at the maid and released a threatening aura, for Edil such an incident was the norm but couldn't help but feel hopeless. Even now he felt like fainting being exposed to the threatening atmosphere and wouldn't dare step forward to defend his maid.

"Hmph." After what seemed like hours, the duke snorted and stopped pressuring the maid.

"You have grown, little witch." Instead of reprimanding or punishing the maid, he instead praised her for further improving and getting stronger. Although it is questionable if he would spare another servant if they spoke to him like that, and none other dare try.

"Thank you, my lord." Bowed Lilith.

"Why are up at this hour my lord?" she proceeded to inquire about his presence, knowing that him being here at this hour is rare to say the least.

"What else but to see off my son in his first day to school."

"Father…" Edil feeling touched looked to his father.

"I won't remind you of our fate if you ever lack judgement, just remember not to bring shame to the name of Rosalind."

It would appear that he knew of his son's demeanor and preferences to avoid his wives, honestly, he too would want to do so if he was in his position.

"Yes father!"

Though it would appear attempting to escape is futile.

From behind Edil a shadow emerged and enveloped him, restricting his movement.

All he felt was warmth, squishiness, and the wonderful smell of roses. Though all of that was physical stimuli, mentally he felt like dying.

What appeared after the shadow solidified was a woman with snow white hair and red irises. Most wouldn't notice at first such a distinct feature, why is that? That is because the most noticeable feature is her body that seemed to be sculpted to entice both men and women. All the fat on her body has been strategically placed but still the child felt like bashing his head unconscious would be preferable than encountering this woman today before school.

Decided to cut this chapter short compared to the others, just to try keep up with a daily upload. Missed yesterday due to father's day. Happy father's day! BTW.

It seems to me the more I write the more it would appear that my chapters are going to be long as I easily surpass a 1000 words and not much progression has happned. Though I am on my second chapter, I hope I can improve on my pacing. Again I would be happy for any feedback.

MoutainPinkcreators' thoughts