
Percy Jackson: Zeus's Bastard Child

In this fanfiction set in the world of Percy Jackson, we follow the story of a young demigod who discovers his true heritage as the child of Zeus. Unaware of his divine lineage, he navigates the challenges of being a teenager in the mortal world until a series of supernatural events reveal his extraordinary powers. He is soon whisked away to Camp Half-Blood, a training ground for demigods, where he must learn to harness his abilities and embrace his identity. Alongside his newfound friends and allies, he embarks on a dangerous quest to fulfill a prophecy and protect the world from impending doom. Faced with mythological monsters, unexpected alliances, and his own internal struggles, he must prove his worth as a hero and uncover the truth about his family's past.

Marcus_Adderley · 書籍·文学
54 Chs

Chapter 49

Chapter 49:

"Come here if you dare!" Ares taunted and Marcus complied.

He pulled the crackling lightning reigns attached to the horse and made the horse turn to the direction of Ares.

He ducked down for aerodynamics and pointed his lance in front.

"Hap!" He breathed and commanded the horse to raise forward. The galloping of the lightning construct produced electricity every time it's hoof touched the ground, the strand of lightning it produced then traveled through the nearest target incinerating them to dust.

Though Marcus' face remained stoic, the posture he had and the power his stride exudes overwhelmed those who dare look at him.

A tiny bead of sweat dripped down on Ares' forehead as he looked at the galloping disaster coming right for him.

"I shouldn't have said that," Ares swallowed his word.

Next to him Athena descended down and spoke.

"You may have the offensive power but I'm sure you won't be able to take that attack head on," Athena the Goddess of Wisdom and Strategic War said.

"You are right." Admitted Ares.

Athen pounded her spear into the ground, then from the crack a bronze shield came out with a head of a woman with snake hair on the middle embedded to it.

It was Aegis, the original one.

The serpent haired women in the middle of the shield embedded opened its eyes in ominous green glare. Athena activated the spell it has that turns anything into stone and directed that power towards Marcus.

Feeling the approaching ominous power Marcus eyes glew purple from electricity covering his eyes with dark purple lightning rendering Aegis' attack useless.

"Impossible!" Exclaimed Athena she didn't get to complain another word as she raised her shield at Matcus's indomitable stride.


Marcus broke tge sound barrier with his dash and as if teleporting from point A to point B, Marcus suddenly appeared right in front of Athena and collided against Aegis.

A world breaking noise erupted from their impact, the ground violently shook and the sky's cloud that was gathering in the sky dispersed.

"Gah!" Athena was sent flying from the impact reaching all the way to the edge of New York.

"I'm here." Marcus turned to look at Ares who was grinning at him.

No more words were need to exchange between the two of them, Ares brandished his flaming sword while Marcus once again galloped with his lightning construct.

The two once again clashed against each other, swinging their respective weapons with ferocity and unrelenting strength.

"Haaa!" Screamed Ares as he swiped his flaming sword horizontally.

Crackle! Ksshh!

His target dissapeared and appeared instantaneusly near his side.



"Gah! A sudden pain assaulted his side, he look to see what it was and saw the lightning lance Marcus was holding deeply embedded to his side.

"Raaahhh!" He shouted and swung his sword but he wasn't able to reach his target once again as he was kicked in the stomach.

Ares was sent stumbling down before falling on his back. In the ground he raise his sword once again as he felt something approaching and that was the tight decision as the next moment the lightning lance appeared in front of his face just inches away from his face fortunately it was blocked by his sword.

Meeting the God of War's gaze Marcus looked deep into his flaming haze and responded his abyss-like gaze.

"Your eyes… they are like the primordials," Ares can't help but comment.

"I know." Responding Marcus before putting his lance up, followed by this action was the sound of collision of divine energy. He looked at the ground to see what passed by him and saw a silver arrow deeply entrenched in the ground.

He moved his gaze to turn to see who released the shining silver arrow and saw a woman covered in pure silvery armor with a glowing bow alongside with rotating arrows around her like the planets of milky way orbiting the sun.

Currently Artemis was in her divine form so divine energy flowed out naturally from her. She raised her bow and one of the orbiting arrow flew towards her, she knocked the arrow on the bowstring of the silver bow and pulled it.

Suddenly on the ground a green grape vine emerged and entangled Marcus' lightning construct's hoof. Followed by that was a intense smell of alcohol with euphoric inducing effect.

Anyone who would have smelled this would've already been insane but Marcus was different, instead of faltering from the mental attack of Dionysus Marcus remained steadfast.

"That's some strong mental defense," Said Dionysus while gritting teeth. But he already achieved his purpose and that was to tie down Marcus.

And so Artemis took the opportunity given by the drunk dude. He releases her arrow from her bow leaving a silver light streaking through the air.

Marcus seeing this coming deconstructed the lightning horse construct he was riding immediately reigning freedom from Dionysus indestructible grape vines.

His body then transformed into lightning and teleported away from the arrow's trajectory. Then he appeared right next to her and covered his fist with dark lightning and punched her stomach.

Artemis was too late to react so Marcus' punched connected and she fell down on her knees. Without even wasting a second Marcus once again transformed into pure dark lightning and this time his target was Dionysus.

The poor god didn't even managed to predict where he would appear the next second after he saw a hand going through his chest.

"You!" He exclaimed but it was futile. He fell on his knees with his divine form diminishing, it was the problem with his divine form, he was simply too big making him move slower in exchange for strength, he was also a bigger target on his divine form since he is so huge in that form.

"Enough!" Suddenly a thundering shout emerged, followed by a descent of a huge pillar of blue lightning, Marcus put up his hand in order to defend from the attack.

The blue lightning pillar struck Marcus but it didn't do much damage.

Once the light subsided it revealed Zeus' divine form crackling with ferocious lightning.


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I will upload every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week, but if you want to read advance chapters follow me on Pat_Reon, Magnus Ragna just search it, it'll pop out but if you can't find it here's a link https://www.patreon.com/RgnMagnus?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator,

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