
(the depths) (firelink shrine)

Percy sat at the bonfire and upgraded his stats, and now he could wield the big sword that dropped from the black knight.

[black knight greatsword

physical: 220 +140

magic 0

fire 0

lightning 0

critical: 100

strength: B

dexterity: E

req parameters:

32 strength

18 dexterity]

the reason Percy was able to wield such a weapon was because he was two handing it.

[. Percy Jackson

covenant: chaos servant

level 35

souls 1678









Percy went down the ladder again which brought him to the bonfire.

Percy cleared the rats and the slime that was hiding in the water. Percy also found a large metal door however it was locked.

while killing some rats Percy found a small fog wall.

at first, there wasn't anything but then a nose came out from the sewer. then a horrific monstrosity came out.

it had gaping teeth, smelt horrible, and was large.

it began crawling towards me but it slammed down and rushed forward.

Percy would have killed it the first time however a spell came from nowhere and made him lose focus.

[you died]

that made Percy go and search for that sorcerer and destroy him, and destroy he does well.

this time the "gaping dragon" as Percy called it got demolished.

Its attack patterns were easy to learn. it either stomped on you, tried to grab and eat you, or slam itself onto the ground and charge you.

by learning the attacks, Percy was able to punish lots of his attacks. and mainly Percy aimed for the tail since it was the most vulnerable.

[dragon king greateaxe]

and upon defeating the boss Percy was able to gain

[27482 souls

twin humanity

homeward bone

blightown key]

also, there was a soul orb in the arena so Percy grabbed it.

[standard helm

hard leather armor

hard leather gauntlets

hard leather pants]

in the end, Percy decided to use the homeward bone, since having souls and going softly is better than potentially losing them.

while Percy made his way back to fire link, Percy saw a person under the bridge.

curious Percy made his way to the man. Percy had to jump onto the bridge and make sure not to fall off.

the man sold pretty decent stuff, however, the only thing Percy bought was the [master key]

call it intuition but Percy felt it was important.

at fire link shrine, Percy found Laurentius again.

"Well, I see you made it out! Yeah, I made it out safely, too. I have my Pyromancy of the Great Swamp, so I can usually manage, with a bit of care. Oh, yeah, by the way, er, I can share my spell with you. I think you have a knack for it. All you need are the materials. I'd be please to help you. … Ah, unless you find the magics unsavoury?" Laurentius said.

I shook my head no. I liked magic. it doesn't matter what kind, I found it amazing.

"Yeah, wonderful! I'm sure they'll be of some use, some assistance. Why, let's get started right now" he said.

Percy bought [fire orb, combustion, and fire ball] from him.

with the rest of Percy's souls [7698] Percy made his way to Andre.

Percy on his way to the elevator saw more priest people gathered there. they didn't seem too important so Percy went to the blacksmith.

"Ahh, why, that's a fine ember you have there. I could smith some mighty weapons with one of those. Why not lend it to me?" Andre said as Percy pulled out the large ember.

Percy gave it to him.

Percy also had enough twinkling titanate to upgrade his black knight greatsword to +3.

Percy rested at the bonfire and decided now....he would take on the gate.