
(darkroot basin) (blight town)

Percy went down the stairs again and through the archway and went down the stairs.

inside a big room with a wreckage was a big metal thing.

it held a long metal staff, and it shot lighting. I tried fighting it but died.

[you died] (89 iirc)

and so began Percy's perpetual torment. fighting it over and over.

[you died] (x15)

over and over. death by death. this guy is such BS.

after 15 painful attempts, he finally killed him. and what was his reward for doing so?

[2000 souls

demon titanite]

the reason why Percy died so much was because of this guy's reach. Percy would be far enough away and he would still get hit.

but his reward brought something else to mind.... demon titanite...

that would mean there were demons here... and even Percy knew that they would be bad news.

not for him, but for the demons since he will kill them all.

Percy entered a forest area. and was immediately hit with the smell of nature. he was so much nostalgic that Percy sat by a tree and slept.


when Percy woke up he walked forward and was met with a tree-type monster. Percy quickly dealt with it.

It took three light attacks to kill it, but when Percy stepped in the water, it only took 2.

it was like the water itself was giving Percy strength. since his estus flask was empty Percy filled it up with water.

he poured a little over himself and his injuries began healing. not fast, but still quickly.

so if Percy ever ran out of estus, he could easily get more healing. oh yeah... felt his brainpower increasing the more he spent here.

(I went to the bonfire behind the illusionary wall to heal. NO this does not mean Percy did too.)

Percy then had an option, go right or go straight. naturally, Percy went right, where the giant cliff was.

Percy had to go down this narrow ledge and in the distance he could see a bright white light.

and in most cases, people say don't go to the light, but Percy isn't like most people is he?

no, he's an average dark souls enjoyer. (no he's not)

[darkroot basen]

Percy was just fast enough to kill the thing that tried to run away. why did Percy kill it? because if you run away you're an enemy.

[1 soul

2 twinkling titanite

1 titanite chunk]

Percy continue his journey downward and saw a soul item, so he went to collect it.

[leather armor

leather gloves

leather boots


feather arrows x10]

'taketh that merchant, I saved 1000 souls' Percy thought.

Percy decided to switch to that armor since it proves more defensive than his pyromancer armor.

or rather just the chest piece, since it offered more defensive stats.

Percy continues exploring and found two ways to go. one that leads down, and one that leads straight.

naturally down was the correct way for Percy.

Percy had to dodge a black knight and sprinted away into the cave that was there. the black knight didn't follow Percy so Percy went further into the cave and found a bonfire.

Percy rested at the bonfire before going to challenge the black knight again.

[you died] x5

Percy finally got a lucky parry and then he punished the black knight for it.

Percy drove his claymore through its chest before Percy repeated it four times until he died.

Percy went back to the bonfire and rested before he went further into the cave.

at the end of the cave was an elevator, but Percy had to pull a lever first. however, before going down, Percy decided to go back to Andre.

it was certainly a long run over there. and it was certainly going to be worth it though.

on his way, the three people dropped some interesting stuff.

[Blooming purple moss clump

purple moss clump

bloodred moss clump]

Percy will soon find out just how needed these things were.

Percy walked to Andre.

"ah hello again, you look to be doing alright. need anything forged?" Andre asked.

Percy had just enough souls (after using the soul of a nameless soldier) to buy all the necessary things to get his weapon upgraded.


Percy was about to run back, but then he pulled out one of the homeward bones he got at the beginning and cracked one.

his vision went blurry and he reappeared in the cave again.

this time Percy went to the elevator and pulled the lever.

Percy stepped on the pressure plate and rode it down. he sent it back up by stepping on the plate again and rolling off.

when Percy left the tiny hallway and to the outside world he saw grass. but next to that grass was a giant wyvern.

a giant blue wyvern.

[you died] x5

nevermind. these things were unkillable at his current stats.

his weapon just simply did too little damage, so he decided to run passed them. but first, he decided to take the bridge.

why? Because it was a goddamn bridge.

Percy had to hurry, but he picked up the risky soul item.

[brigand armor

brigand gauntlets

brigand leggings

brigand hood

spider shield]

he didn't have time to look because he was dodging some thunder breath from the wyvern.

Percy had to quickly climb the ladder where another soul item was.

[red tearstone ring]

read tear stone ring: boost ATK while HP is low

Percy sat at the edge of the tower thinking about life. he jumped down and surprisingly, he lived.

but what came next killed him. The wyvern completely electrocuted him.

[you died]

Percy went back and it took three times to get passed a wyvern that blocked the cliffside.

Percy ran around it, before running alongside the edge and continued climbing the mountain.

however, a big sleeping dragon was now in Percy's path. Percy quietly ran passed the dragon, and luckily didn't wake him.

up the mountain, Percy went, before crossing a pretty long bridge. passed the bridge was a door and Percy had to cross some planks that looked like it would break.

Percy picked up the soul item at the door.

[large soul of a nameless soldier]

Percy tried to unlock the door but to no avail. however next to him was a cave and Percy entered it.

in there were soon troll monsters and Percy made the wise decision to run past them.


when the trolls didn't follow Percy, he opened the chest that was sitting there.

[key to new Londo ruins]

and with that Percy climbed into what would be known as hell.


nah, Percy got that Zoro direction.