
The New Life

It had been a year since Typhon started his new life, the body he used was 6'2" tall male with black hair, and steel grey eyes, formally known as John Smith who died due to a gunshot wound in the military. He did do some cosmetic changes, like making the hair slightly thicker, and the pupil gained a slit like a cat's or a snake's. Along with increased muscle mass and some extra height.

He spent most of the year, learning English, along with basic utilities, such as driving, body hygiene, physical fitness and learning to cook decent foods.

He did learn some of the modern sciences, but stuck to the quiet life of a simple mechanic living in New York. He didn't get too attached to anything as in another  two years he will disappear, but he managed to make some human friends.

Emotions though were a bit different; after all, he never experienced them before, so it took some time to understand them.

He did meet someone who seemed to recognize him, but was unafraid, a woman by the name of Sally Jackson, who stopped by his small shop for some maintenance on her car. She took one look at him, and her eyes widened, then the most unusual thing happened, she didn't run away screaming, she just smiled and the two continued talking about her car.

That was the most bizarre thing Typhon had ever experienced, even his wife was somewhat afraid of him! Then this woman from nowhere wasn't even stuttering.

'I will admit, it is refreshing to be treated as a person rather than a giant monster.' Typhon though as time went by. He continued to see Sally around New York and they became friends. Since she knew who he was, Typhon didn't need to keep things from her. The most amazing part was that she believed him about the anger potion and all the other events that happened in his long life.

A year had passed with the pair becoming closer and closer. They were almost inseparable, but Typhon did tell her about his deadline of three years. She was understanding, and they continued their friendship.

Eventually, that friendship became more and the two started dating, despite Typhon leaving being inevitable. He swore to her and himself that he will escape again and he will return.

They eventually had a son, by the name of Perseus Typhon Jackson, Percy for short. He managed to stay for only a few weeks before he lost the energy and his soul returned to his real body. He managed to cast one final look at his son, and girlfriend. Whishing he could stay with them, but he was already out of time. He looked at Sally and Percy looking at him with tears in Sally's eyes as the two waved. Typhon's body then dissolved into nothing, while his soul went back to Saint Helens.

Sally meanwhile while was crying over the loss of Typhon, despite being a supposed raging monster, he was actually a very kind and smart man, cursed by his own mother.

She did see some of the monster in him, after all his temper was legendary among the populace in New York, but he never hit her or even hit something else. He only took a few deep breathes and let it out. He was nothing like his real form would suggest, his real form was a giant humanoid from the waist up, but his legs were like the bodies of boa constrictors. On each hand, he had a hundred fingers tipped with red-eyed serpent heads. He had massive leathery wings, long matted hair that smelled like volcanic smoke with an ever changing face, becoming a more horrible monster than the previous one.

He was said to have massive strength, which was above the big three, incredible durability, able to withstand the full power of Zeus's bolt, fire breathe, spew vast amounts of poison from his snakes and lastly, the ability to summon violent thunderstorms, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions and floods.

Percy was his first Half-Blood son, so Percy himself was going to be extremely powerful. What characteristics he gained from Typhon was unknown. Time will tell though.