
Percy Jackson: Son Of Artemis(Complete)

"I don't want much... Just my mother... or... at least know who she is... if she cares... can I find that at Camp Half-Blood?... then sign me up..." I own nothing but my OC's and plotlines... Also, Mc Doesn't know that he's Artemis's son for a long time The cover isn't mine, Hope you enjoy it! Read on Patréon! Patr0n.com/GodSage

TheGodSage · 書籍·文学
93 Chs

Chapter 2

Gonna be updating 3-5 chaps a week, eventually it will be one to two a day, enjoy... I feel so much more relaxed after putting Marvel on Hiatus...


"Argen... You are what we call... A demigod" Chiron started his speech and explained everything he knew so far about Argen and his origins.

Chiron didn't know about his godly parent, but if he had to guess he'd pick a minor goddess as the most likely candidate for his mother.

"Like... those things from the myths?... Hercules... like him?" Argen asked confusedly and Chiron smiled and nodded, glad he knew some of what he would be telling him.

"That is correct, just like Hercules... but your Godly parent is unknown... and until you are claimed you will not know who she is... Now on to why we have this camp"

Chiron then explained everything about camp and how he would be going into the 11th cabin. "That's cool and all... but... nevermind, thank you Chiron" Argen decided to be patient, hopefully his mother would claim him soon...

(11 years ago)

"Please!... I know my pledge but this was Aphrodite's trickery!" Artemis said bowing as she was in front of her father, the king of the gods.

"Artemis... I know of it all, Aphrodite has told me already when I felt your immortality disappear... luckily I have a solution" Zeus replied to his daughters begging and she nodded. "Anything"

"Thankfully only Aphrodite knows beside us two... and it shall stay that way, never talk or watch your child, we will say that you have just been on a secret mission for me... If he survives... we'll have someone else claim him if you wish... or we can ignore him... I will leave this decision up to you..." Zeus squinted his eyes, making it clear which decision she would need to make.

Artemis nodded, she didn't feel much for the child that had come out of her, maybe if it had been a girl she might feel something, but for a man she wouldn't feel the slightest shred of love or caring... at least she thought so...


"This is the cabin... make yourself at home, I can steal some basic things from the camp shop to get you started... " Luke Castellan, the camp counselor for the Hermes cabin says to Argen as they look at the crowded cabin.

On the front door had been a cadeus indicating the god of medicine aspect for hermes. As Argen looked around his new home he couldn't help but feel regretful at not being able to see his old friend sam anymore... maybe when summer started he'd get the chance to see her.

"Hey! Argen how dare you ignore your only friend!" Sams angry voice shouts out and he turns around to see sam... except she had hooves... and was shirtless... no, she wasn't a she... it was a guy!?

"Sam?..." Argen ignored Luke who was just about to give him the rundown of the cabin and went outside to see his friend. "What are you doing here... and why are you... like that?"

Sam smiled and hugged him before backing up and twirling around. "I did a pretty good Job pretending to be a girl right?... I've always felt more comfortable playing a girl role" She... No he said to Argen with a smile.

Argen nodded completely shocked at the fact his one and only friend that he thought he knew like the back of his hand... turned out to not only be, one, part of this camp for mythological beings, and 2, not a girl!? something he'd been used to for an entire year at this point.

"U-Um... right... what are you doing here?... and are you a faun?" Argen had done some research on mythology in freetime and actually enjoyed the myths, but he didn't expect to see other mythological beings, making him question if there were other myths that were real as well besides the greek ones that Chiron had told him about.

"It's called a Satyr... Luke I'm going to give him a tour, we'll be back at Dinner!" Sam yelled to the blond haired 19 year old demi-god that was standing in the doorway. Luke just nodded and went back inside to play some video games, he had been called to show Argen around, but he'd gladly push it on someone else to play the new call of duty game.

"So how do you like camp so far?.. amazing right?... I couldn't wait for you to learn what you are... do you know how many times I had to keep myself from telling you about your demigod things everytime you complained in english..." Sam then went on recapping all of Argens complaining as they made their way to the first tour spot... The canoe lake.

"Up for some canoeing?... the nymphs are hot!" Sam grabbed a canoe that was left on the side and hopped in leaning over to look into the water.

Argen sighed seeing his friend. Even if he had been pretending to be a girl, Sam's personality was still the same, energetic and perverted one of the reasons that Argen felt relaxed around him.

Sam went on to explain more about camp as they saw several different locations at Camp-Half blood. The rock wall that Argen made a note to avoid after seeing a camper get scorched from the lava. The arena that some people were sparing in, A blonde girl with grey eyes could be seen fighting a tall bulky girl with light tan hair.

They both seemed to be fighting pretty seriously, making Argen worried that he'd be drawn in to fight eventually. Chiron had explained that this was a camp for training, so he wasn't sure what to expect.

"That's Annabeth... we don't talk much... I got caught looking at her panties..." Sam said sighing as Argen looked at his friend with a deadpan expression, he never understood how an 11 year old could be so perverted... well he found out as they walked away that sam was nearing thirty and already had his horns growing in.

They went on to look at the beach, the amphitheater, the forge, the armory and even the strawberry field before making their way to look at the big house that Argen had spent a few minutes with Chiron in.

"Oh great... I suppose you're the new camper andrew?" A man with a loud shirt drinking diet coke said looking at them while sitting at a table with a few Satyrs. Chiron had gone back to Yancy academy to watch another demi-god.

"It's Argen sir... Like silver... Are you dionysus?" Argen asked in awe. He was now open to the idea that other beings would be here, and this was the first thing that had popped in his head.

"Seems not all of you demigods are ignorant... are you two going to stand there or play pinochle with us?" The now identified Dionysus asked just as a loud sound was heard throughout the clearing.

"Oh crap... Let's get you back to the hermes cabin so you can get acquainted with your new cabin mates!" Sam grabbed the reluctant Argen. He had wanted to ask if Dionysus would know who his mother was, but it seemed dinner was more important as his stomach sounded out its opinion...

Sam left after dropping him off with the Hermes cabin that was walking out of the cabine and going toward the mess hall, which was surprisingly located outdoors with no roof in sight.

"What if it rains?" Argen asked the guy next to him. The kid smiled and raised his hand revealing Argens underwear before throwing it back. "Hi... I'm connor, but you can just call me connor... but weather doesn't get in unless it's allowed to, that's all,we should talk again... and be careful in the cabin, everyone has sticky fingers... as you can see'' Connor nodded at him and went to get some food.

Argen nodded before walking out and putting his underwear back on, a bit embarrassed by the fact he hadn't noticed after dealing with tons of thieves at his old job.

When he came back inside people were chatting with plates full of food before standing up and walking toward a large fire in the center. As Argen grabbed his own plate and just put a brisket and roll on it he followed Luke who was the closest to him to the fire as well, he didn't want to anger anyone on his first day.

"What do I do?" Argen asked another boy that was behind him as Luke scraped half of his food and bent his head down in some kind of prayer. The boy looked at him slightly shocked before smiling widely. "For the people who have been here for a while they say it quietly, but for newcomers its tradition to tell the gods your dream out loud, make sure to add hallelujah at the end as well... names Travis by the way, we're in the same cabin"

Argen nodded and thanked the still smiling boy as he stepped up and scraped half his food before bowing his head. "Mother I wish to know who you are, Hallelujah!" Argen then opened his eyes after screaming it loud and looked behind him to see people gawking at him and Connor and Travis laughing their asses off at the small prank played by Travis.

"Oh... sorry haha..." Argens face reddened in embarrassment as he ate quickly not bothering to sit at the Hermes table and instead stood up before leaving the mess hall before everyone was even done with their prayer to their godly parents.

As he walked away he chuckled at the prank, it was funny in an immature way, but that wasn't the reason he was out here. Being in a crowd of people made him uncomfortable, he's mostly been alone all his life, with the exception of Sam of course.

"Whoever you are... please claim me soon... I'd love to meet you... mother" Argen said looking up at the sky with a smile before going back in and listening to the announcements where they said warnings for him and told about him being a new student. Dinner then ended with a few songs and stories and they went back to the cabin and fell asleep... little did he know he'd have a blonde girl on his tail in the morning now that she found out about him