

"Did you hear? Wei Wuxian, that devil sprouted wings and flew away. He really was a demon!" 'You don't say! To believe that despicable creature bewitched one of the Twin Jades of Gusu!" "Ah yes, I hope they hunt down that demon and finish burning him at the stake!" ... A long time ago there were two gods that balanced out the world, the Goddess of light, and the daughter of Baoshan Sanren, Cangse Sanren, and the God of Darkness, Wei Changze. Together they lived in harmony and loved one another, and their love made a precious son that they named Wei Ying, a courtesies name Wuxian who fell in love with a mear mortal and was only given greave and loss for his love. To be fully released on December 25, 2020

Krisamity · 書籍·文学
49 Chs

Chapter Forty-Seven

It's been a full year later, though to the gods it's only been a day when Wei Wuxian woke up in the Temple of Baoshan Sanren. E looks to his bedside to find his parents and smiles kindly at the familiar sight. "I'm home aren't I?" Wei Wuxian asks.

"Yes, my son." Cangse Sanren says running her hand through her son's long glossy hair. "You're finally home and away from those horrible humans."

Wei Wuxian's smile falls when it comes to what he has to do, "And it seems that I am not done with them just yet." he says.

Sighing both of his parents knew that this was coming. "You seem to be right, son." Wei Changze was the one to answer.

Sighing Wei Wuxian gets up from his bed and swings his legs over to be able to stand up. His parents are both up him only reaching to their chest, still making him feel like a child, he hugs them and they hug him back in a family embrace. "I will miss you both so much, but you will always be in my heart," he whispers to them.

"We will miss you soon, but will always love you," they both say before letting him go and Wei Wuxian takes off to the skies on his wings.

Landing in Nightless City he sees Jin Guangshan holding a vase full of Wen Qing's ashes as he let them fly away in the wind while all of the cultivators were yelling victory over the Wen's. It broke Wei Wuxian's heart but he could cry even if he tried so instead he laughed.

All looks up at him terrified to find the great Yiling Patriarch on the roof of the Nightless Palace. "I was a fool to give you humans the gift of Cultivation as now it has led to nothing but lose and despair as you all crave nothing but more power!" Wei Wuxian says.

Everyone pulls out their sword but instead of them being tung as a warning, all of the spiritual swords and their spirits knew they went too far so instead they all turned against their masters and cut off the hand that held them. Only a few had both hands, which were most of the Jiangs and Jiang Cheng, and Nie Huaisang who would never point their swords at their friend. But Everyone else was missing their hand that they helped their sword with.

"I will never let this world witness this tragedy again. I am taking back what I have given you all and now walk and live the rest of your lives as normal humans." Wei Wuxian waved his hand dismissing EVERY SINGLE GOLDEN CORE IN THE WORLD. Everyone felt it, it didn't matter who they were, no one had a core even if they weren't there at the conference like Lan Wangji and Wen Ning.

They were all nothing but normal humans never able to pick up their swords again or use spiritual energy again. They will have to learn how to offend themselves against the dark without the gift that Wei Wuxan has taken back.