
Peak Of Power

In a world full of cultivators and magical beast,, one has to survive through fighting. Huxton is the only son of the clan head of the Leon family, but was considered a trash because the techniques for the element base he awakened does not exist, so he only has to learn martial art and help out in the family business. fortunately he found a castle with the cultivation techniques of his two elements, so now he has to cultivate to become the most powerful existence In the world. join him as he adventure and fight to pursue the peak of power

Stilejimmy · ファンタジー
46 Chs

Eyes In The Sky

"What disaster grandpa?"Huxton asked in an alerting manner opening his eyes with a profound gaze staring around his surrounding.

Bryan noticed his weird behavior and asked with a raised eyebrow and a suspicious gaze

"What is it?"

Huxton didn't reply and continued to stare around the premises with his spirit sense, Bryan couldn't notice the spirit sense and continued to question Huxton to find out the problem with him

"I don't see any problem grandpa"Huxton Said with a resolute voice

"It is coming, a great one at that, it would be a narrow escape if this sect is not destroyed"Huzzah said seriously

"Grandpa, say what it is, what is coming?"Huxton still continued to asked to find out the problem from huzzah

Bryan stood by the side and watched Huxton behave so strangely

"What is wrong with him? is he going crazy" He said lowly to himself

"A strong being is coming to this sect, if it's not handle properly, then this sect would end today, no longer existing in this world"Huzzah said with a solemn face

"A strong being"Huxton mumbled lightly to himself with confusion on his face

"This being is far stronger than this sect can handle, far stronger than any person I have ever noticed in this world"Huzzah said with all seriousness

"Far stronger?"

"And this aura I know it too well, so they have already made a move in search of the new thunder God, that was fast, so they are never tired of this" huzzah said to himself

"Grandpa who are they? do you know them?"Huxton asked in a panicked voice, he was shocked when he heard huzzah say the being is far stronger than any person he has seen in this world, that makes it really threatening to the sect, not even the sect master can chase this being away

"Well... I know this being very well, we do have a conflict with him"Huzzah said solemnly

"Who is we?"Huxton asked lightly

"They are the enemy of the thunder gods, they have tried in anyway they can to steal the lightning god castle from the thunder gods ever since it's creation"Huzzah said still with a serious tune

"So they were the people chasing after Aunty Tina"Huxton said in realization

"Yes they are"Huzzah replied lightly

"Which means, I am also their enemy, they are looking for me"Huxton shouted in shock after think for a while and realising the whole thing

"Who are looking for you?"Bryan asked with a suspicious gaze and also shocked by Huxtons behavior and words

"Grandpa, how powerful are they? and who are they?" Huxton asked in panic

"They are called the Immortal Demon sect, I will tell you more about them, but as for now, let's know why they are here"Huzzah said lightly

"Ok grandpa, but grandpa, won't they know I am the new thunder god when they see me"Huxton asked with a panicked face

"Haven't you wondered why even your father who is far ahead of you in cultivation hasn't notice you have become a cultivator before you left your home?"Huzzah said with a chuckle

"Yeah... that is true, but why, I have always wanted to ask you, my mother and father couldn't see my cultivation level, and they don't even know that I have become a cultivator even after several breakthrough"Huxton said lightly

"The lightning cultivation technique you are cultivating is a very high grade technique, if a cultivator is not strong enough, he or she won't be able to see your cultivation level"huzzah said lightly

"oh... so that is it, very well then, so what do we do now?"

Immediately he asked that question, the whole sect shook heavily like an Earth quake

"What is that?" Bryan asked in a shaken voice

The whole place shook again, vibrating really hard, the disciples of the sect started running out of their living quarters to find out what was going on in the sect, the sect elders ran out too to see what was the problem.

The sect shook again for the third time.

"I guess they are here already"Huzzah said lightly

"Grandpa, how do we handle this?"Huxton asked with a scared voice,he was panicking, he wanted to enter inside the lightning god castle but he was stopped by huzzah

"No Lord's Huxton, don't come inside the castle, they will sense the lightning energy within the castle and know of your existence here, so it is better to stay out there, they can't sense your Lightning because they are not strong enough to"Huzzah said with a reassuring tune

Huxton breathed out, trying to relax in the situation, he continued to sit down on his bed.

The whole sect became chaotic and everywhere were noisy, the sect elders were trying to put the disciple's in order at the same time trying to find out the cause of the quake

Huxton walked out of his stone house and saw the chaotic place, he also started walking towards the direction the disciples were running towards, suddenly the disciples stopped running including Huxton and the whole place became quiet with the heads of every disciple there raised upwards, they were all staring at the dark Sky which appeared to have something on it

"What are those two huge golden lights in the sky?" The silence was finally broken by a disciple

"It's has a dark spot in the middle"

The whole disciples and elders were staring at the huge golden lights in the sky, they wondered what it was. Suddenly the huge golden lights disappeared and appeared at the same time.

"It just appeared and disappeared almost at once"One of the disciples said

Huxton stood there still staring at the golden lights with a pondering look. Suddenly he mumbled lightly in a shock voice

"It's an eye"

The disciple standing beside him heard what he said and said with shock too

"It's an eye, what!"

the other disciples standing closed heard the word and shouted in shock

"It's an Eye!!!"

"It's... it-its a-a-an e-eye, how is that possible"One of the elder said in a shocked and panicked voice

The eye blinked for the second time, this time it blinked several time

"It's an Eye"

The whole place became chaotic once again, with shouting and screaming everywhere

"Grrroarr!" a loud roar resounded in the sky, echoing in the sect, sending shock and fear in the spines of every living being within it's rage

"It's a beast"A disciple shouted loudly while the others were running really fast

The beast raised a leg, stepping on a stone house shattering it and sending stones in every direction

"Grrroarr"the beast roared loudly again