
Peak Of Power

In a world full of cultivators and magical beast,, one has to survive through fighting. Huxton is the only son of the clan head of the Leon family, but was considered a trash because the techniques for the element base he awakened does not exist, so he only has to learn martial art and help out in the family business. fortunately he found a castle with the cultivation techniques of his two elements, so now he has to cultivate to become the most powerful existence In the world. join him as he adventure and fight to pursue the peak of power

Stilejimmy · ファンタジー
46 Chs

Annual Competition

They all stared at huxton with a surprise look for while before bursting out into laughter

"hahaha... this kid is really stupid" one of Toal's friend said with a loud laughter

"I guess he doesn't know when it's over"another one said still laughing

Toal just stood there staring at Huxton with a poisonous gaze.Huxton felt shiver all over his body but still control himself

"So you refuse to kneel and kowtow to me, you've just gotten yourself into a big problem"Toal said with solemn face

"You should be lucky because secret fights are prohibited by the sect"Huxton said lightly, he was trying to avoid that fight by saying out those words to remind Toal the sect rules

"You really have some guts boy, but guts without strength is nothing, The annual sect competition is next week, then the sect rules won't be there, even if it was there,I want to see how you would make me unlucky just as you said, I won't touch you for now"Toal said while gritting his teeth in anger

He turned and walked away from the restaurant with his gang, Huxton breathed out a sigh of relief

"So you can be this scared and shameless"Huxton said calmly with no expression on his face, he got up from his seat and walked out of the restaurant, leaving Bryan still kneeling on the floor.

Huxton walked gently towards the street looking at the busy night market which had different transaction going on, some were buying, while some were selling, Huxton walked around the city for a while looking at the whole place with a gentle smile before buying a dozen of roasted beef for Tabbit.

"Grandpa what do you think about the competition he said just now, should I partake? Huxton asked huzzah gently while still walking on the busy road heading towards his house

"Lord Huxton, you shouldn't waist your time on that kid, he does not deserve your time, you won't be getting anything useful from the competition so I would advise you cultivate during does days for the competition"Huzzahs voice gently resounded in Huxton's mind

"I also thought the same, I still have a lot to do and alot to learn, I guess I can't play with him for now"Huxton said with a smile while still walking in the noisy environment

While walking in the street, he heard some of the disciples discussing about the annual competition, Huxton heard bit of the discussion but couldn't hear the whole story.

"I would love to know the reward for the competition, but they would want to extort money from me just for it, I don't really care About the competition, let it be" Huxton said to himself with a grim

He wanted to let the matter be but he was too curious for the reward

"Just three copper coin, it won't cause any harm to me"Huxton said to himself while stopping a boy passing by

"Please can you give me more details about the annual competition?" Huxton asked lightly

"Oh that means you are new. well... the annual competition, it is a competition done every year to select the best outer Court disciple, they also use that medium to select disciple to train in the inner court"The boy said gently, explaining to Huxton

"Ok, so what place gets the spot?"Huxton asked lightly

"It is only a spot for the first, second and third place, that is the only spot allowed"

"So what is the reward for those winner"He asked the question that he has been curious to find the answer to

"The rewards for this winners are, the first place gets fifty essence stones, one low grade spirit weapon of his or her choice and also one bottle of essence replenishing pill, the second gets thirty essence stones, high grade mortal weapon and also one bottle of essence replenishing pill, while the third spot gets twenty essence stones, one medium grade mortal weapon and also a bottle of essence replenishing pill"The boy said gently explaining in details to Huxton

"So that's is it, no wonder everybody is so interested in it"Huxton mumbled lightly to himself

"If that's all you want to know, then I would be on my way"The boy said lightly before turning and walking away gently without even looking back

"Huh..."Huxton was surprised but didn't stop him

he gently kept back his three coins and continue heading home, he got home and sat on the wooden bed to cultivate for a while, he cultivated for a few minutes before Bryan pushed the door open, shouting

"Huxton what have you done, do you know who you just offended?"Bryan asked with a bitter face

"And who the hell is he?" huxton asked lightly still sitting in a meditating position

"That was Toal, Toal Adel, he is also an outer court disciple like us but he is the second nephew of elder Parth, the disciplinary elder, he has bullied a lot of disciples, beat and crippled alot of disciples without even giving a shit about the sect rules, I was surprised he let you go but that makes it more terrible for you , you would be seriously injured if not dead during the annual competition"Bryan said in a hurried voice, he was really sweating

"So because he is elder Parth's nephew he can misbehave as he wants, well you won't be seeing me at the annual competition"Huxton said gently

"Ahhhhh... that was what I came to advise you on, just don't go to the annual competition, it's very dangerous, you are now a target to Toal's, he will kill you"Bryan said with a sigh

"Thank you for you concern but I will be cultivating those days, excuse Me for now, I would be going back to my cultivation"Huxton said before closing his eyes, going back to cultivation

"Grandpa, how would the One Billion lightning Step technique I learnt work with my fist technique I learnt during my martial art training, I want to try them together"Huxton gently asked huzzah

"Well... moving with the One Billion Lightning step, it would be very effective if you can use it with a fist technique in a battle, I wanted to give you a fist technique to train on, but that would be when you breakthrough to Core element tier, but now if you come across a problem you can still defend yourself with your Martial art fist technique and the One Billion lightning Step, but if the opponent is too powerful, I would advise you to run because you are not strong enough to handle such people"Huzzah said gently

"Wow, that would be great, I can't wait to use the two technique on an opponent, when will we continue our training?"Huxton asked excitedly

Huzzah didn't reply for a few seconds

"What is it grandpa,say something"Huxton asked lightly after waiting for a response from him

After a few minutes of silence Huzzahs voice finally responded gently in Huxton's mind

"Lord Huxton, A huge disaster is coming"Huzzah finally spoke