

A slim, tall boy who seemed to be in his teens stepped out from a black Maybach.

The material of the black matched suit he wore tells that he was no ordinary boy.

His handsome, cute face held no expression as he walked inside the private sepulchre.

'Park Eujin,18' was written on the side of the casket inside the small apartment made of glass. The frame beside the casket was a picture of a young cheerful man. His blonde hair in addition with the background which was the blue sea made his appearance looked more like a sweet boy, his blooming face gave no aura that should be.

Regrets and sorrows could be now seen on the boy's delicate face as he put the deep blue rose beside the casket.

The picture was taken just the night before the accident happen. If only he were one step cautious, he would not be standing right here right now.

Though the world claimed him the most powerful man of the century in the world that ever existed,

he find himself

not powerful enough,

Not powerful enough to protect the most important person in his life,

Not powerful enough to protect his own brother,

Not powerful enough that he can't even find his body when he can't save him from enemies' plot

He find himself not powerful enough to protect his only family in this world.

It had been weeks ever since he couldn't find his body. To avoid enemies attention,he placed a fake corpse and held a funeral by himself but still search secretly everywhere.

'I'll sure find you brother.'
