



River's P.O.V

About eleven years later

/"Elijah, Evan stop running in the house you’re going to break something,/" I yelled, trying not to get angry at them I mean after all it was there first time making an A on their math test.

/"Those imbeciles are not going to listen to you Mom, they have an attention span of apes, /"Elaine claimed while setting her bag on the chair.

She was witty yet intelligent and had her father’s ocean blue eyes but dirty blonde hair.

/"You do realize we share similar DNA as apes, right? /"Mason asked, as always trying to make his sister feel stupid.

/"Mommy where's Nathan? /"Angel asked, tugging on my jeans with her tiny hands.

I smiled picking her up, /"He's working with your dad at the company. You know once Nathan becomes twenty-three, he will take over. So he has to show him how things work./"