


River's P.O.V

We were staring at each other intensely before someone cleared throat,/" Are you guys going to remain outside mentally tearing each other’s close off with your eyes or actually enter the house? /"Kenan chuckled and Ethan shot him a glare before passing him to enter.

/"You do realize your nearly thirty so I expect you to be somewhat mature about this, right? /"Kenan shook his head and right when Ethan left a smirk formed on his lips.

/"You’re not dropping the subject, are you? /"He chuckled and shook his head. /"Good to know./"

/"Oh, my goodness it's so good to see you after all this time River. /"Mary laughed and took me into her embrace. /"When are you going to find out the genders?/"

/"Today actually our appointment is at four thirty. /"I smiled and she did as well.