
Pawahara Seijo no Osananajimi to Zetsuen Shitara,

Sir_Smurf2 · ファンタジー
323 Chs

The Fall of the ‘Shield’

It was so sudden.

"—Fufu, found you… ♪"



Just as we were about to leave the inn, the voice of a woman that

we'd gotten familiar with by now sounded, followed by Porco-san's

frightened cry.

"U-um, your chest is hitting my back!?"

Actually, I wasn't sure whether it was out of fright or not, but anyway,

Phinis-sama was clinging to Porco-san from behind him, her arms

around his neck.

When did she appear?

As we were stunned, Phinis-sama patted Porco-san's face with her

supple fingers and whispered in his ear, "You, you are the 'Shield'

Saint, right…?"

"Y-yesh!? T-that's true!?"

Porco-san seemed to be thrilled for some reason, and Elma

screamed at him, "What the hell are you thinking, you stupid pig!?

Why do you admit that readily!?"


Porco-san seemed to have regained his mind thanks to that, but

when Phinis-sama patted his cheek again, he let out a masochistlike cry, "Ahii!?"


Ah, it might be better to give up on this person—was probably what

was on everyone's mind.

"Fufu, I like honest children the most, you know…? So, I'll give you a


"R-reward!?" Porco-san's breathing became very rough.

I didn't know what he was actually expecting, but I thought the

reward Phinis-sama had mentioned was most likely different from

what Porco-san had in mind.


"…Mm? –Eek!? W-what is this!?"

Black aura entwined around Porco-san's body.

I had a hunch, but it seemed that Phinis-sama did intend to turn

Porco-san into a Blackdoll.

If possible, I'd like to save him before he turned, but as Phinis-sama

was exercising her power directly, I couldn't make a move


"Alright, the cute doll is ready…♪"


Without being able to offer any resistance, Porco-san was turned

into a Blackdoll.

◇ ◇

Bang! Porco-san's attack destroyed the wall of the inn, and while

avoiding it, we each got ready for battle.

Phinis-sama seemed to be satisfied enough with turning Porco-san

—no, the 'Shield' Saint into a Blackdoll, and she had disappeared

immediately after, leaving behind the words, "Okay, I'll be off now…

Have fun~…"

I got a feeling she withdraw quite easily in spite of the fact she had

finally found the 'Shield' Saint she had been searching for all this

while… or was it just my imagination?

I couldn't get what she was thinking.

However, how should I put it?

I felt like she was in a rush.

I had totally no idea what prompted her to be in a rush, though.





Well, putting that aside, weren't they all really merciless…?

If Porco wasn't a saint specializing in defense, he would've died…

"My, I think my"Superior Arms"might be unnecessary."

"Um, more importantly, is Porco-san okay…?"

During the attack, Shiva-san and Magmell, the only ones that hadn't

participated, said.

I wasn't sure if anyone would be fine after being ganged up on like

that, but despite his drawbacks, Porco-san was still the 'Shield'




Therefore, once Porco-san started seriously defending, the girls

couldn't break through his shields and their attacks got repelled.

Covered in five shields, he looked as if he was hiding in a shell. The

sight of him somewhat reminiscent of Adamantia.

I supposed I should say as expected of the 'Shield' Saint, huh.

With the addition of a Sacred Treasure to his arsenal, he boasted

defensive power equal that of an impregnable fortress.

The only way to break might be to neutralize it with Shiva-san's

"Superior Arms", who had the same "Treasure Shield"power as



"Yes, it seems that's the only way."

It looked like she had reached the same conclusion as me, and she

came closer to me to activate"Superior Arms".

But, right then.

"…Gu, gigi… Y-you… you…"


Porco-san suddenly began to speak while pointing at me.

No way, was he still able to retain his reason?

If so, I'd like to purify him while he was holding himself back.

With that in mind, I paid close attention to Porco-san's words, but—

"You… lots of wives… no fair… Give… one… to me…"


Err, did this count as reason…?

Or instinct, perhaps? I tilted my head, didn't know the answer. But

what I did know was that his words had put the girls off.