
Pawahara Seijo no Osananajimi to Zetsuen Shitara,

Sir_Smurf2 · ファンタジー
323 Chs

Side Story 64: 《Quite Conversation》Saint Side 5: Miscalculation

Sometime before then.

"Lastall, the continent's largest capital, huh. It fell surprisingly quick," Elysium muttered disinterestedly as he looked down on the burning castle town of Lastall from afar.

In the end, Lastall became a sea of fire without him having to lift a finger.

Even Lastall—known as a great country—ended up in this state.

Clearly, it was only a matter of time before other countries around the world would follow suit and be reduced to ashes.

"That being said," Elysium looked in the direction of the country north of Lastall and muttered, "It seems that Berqua is still holding out quite well. Those six 'imitations' are there, if I'm not mistaken. I guess this is to be expected, they are modeled after a saintess, after all."

The model was the 'Bow' Saintess, no less.

Thanks to it, they were able to safely shoot down dragons that had the highest chance of breaking through the frontlines from a distance.

Six individuals with saintess-level power, even if somewhat inferior.

With them in its ranks, it only made sense that Berqua was still holding up.

"But putting it on the other way, those six people—no, six puppets, are the key to its defense. If those puppets gone, Berqua will fall in no time."

From his vantage point, he could see survivors from Lastall were all heading for Berqua.

He could easily kill all the puppets, but that would make things too boring.

He wanted to make things at least a little interesting.

"Hm, killing them one by one should do the trick."

That way, the defense line would slowly be pushed back, and the humans' faces would also slowly turn from hopeful to despair. That would make an interesting sight.

"All right. Let's start with the puppet called 'Iris' first. It seems to be the one in charge of the others."

Having said so indifferently, Elysium was about to flap the eight black wings growing out of his back.




At that moment, Elysium sensed a presence that he'd believed would have never sensed again. He looked in the direction it was coming from in shock.

No, it couldn't be.

That guy should have fallen into"World of Oblivion: Judgement", the deepest part of "World of Oblivion".

It was an infinite prison that even the Goddesses of Genesis absolutely could not escape from.

Even Elysium, who was in possession of the combination of their powers, was certain that he had no chance to escape from there.

That man should have fallen into the pit of that hell, but why could he feel his presence in this world?

No, it wasn't just him.

As if they were covered by his presence, Elysium could also faintly sense the six goddesses and the seven saintesses.

In other words, they had all escaped from "World of Oblivion: Judgement".

"But that's impossible!?"

Raising his voice, Elysium flew at full speed in their direction.

How did they come back!?

He had dragged that man along with all of his women—who had the Phoenix Seal—to the"World of Oblivion"with the sole purpose of preventing that from happening!?

Could it be that the demons had helped them…!?

No, they shouldn't be able to escape even with the demons' help, otherwise, he wouldn't have chosen that place to trap them.

In that case, was it just his imagination?

—No, that's impossible!

There was no way he could mistake this presence that kept growing stronger!

This damnable presence!

The one who owned this presence had stood in his way over and over again—how could he possibly mistake it!



BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!! Swords clashed, and the resulting shockwave rocked Magrid greatly.

Naturally, the one who had stopped Elysium's slash was a smiling young man dressed in a divinely shining outfit.

"Yo, looks like in the time we haven't seen each other, you've grown quite impatient, huh, Elysium."


Yes, it was Exa, the abominable Savior whom he had been sure would have not seen ever again.