
The Importance of Foundation

AN: So a massive chapter mixup happened in Pathless Orgins where chapters 27 and 28 and 29 were mixed up. Some where in the wrong order and one even had the wrong title. Sorry for the inconvenience caused sigh. Anyway its fixed now so please reread Pathless Origins from Chapter 26 so the story makes sense. Thank you for reading!


To use Pathless Origins, one had to have anti-divinity as their core attribute. And that in itself made one into a target for deities to hunt. Which meant that life would forever be a race and Artillian would constantly be chased.

Hestia had however given Artillian quite the head start

Although she had endangered him by forcing his anti divinity to awaken, even Artillian had to admit that she was pulling more than her weight.

Hestia's wise gaze looked on as Artillian changed with pleased eyes. Artillian was fusing with the Origin Pyramid better than she thought.

'As I thought, this boy was made to be a deity killer. It's absurd how much he resonates with the Pathless Origin. Can he even still be called human?'

Although she wasn't sure what the upper limit of compatibility with Pathless Origins humans could have, she was sure that Artillian would be at the top or somewhere around there.

'This tempts me to raise his level, but there is no need.'

Cultivation was the process of taking in energy to increase one's strength and elevate one's state of being. It could not be rushed and had to be taken step by step. Hence Hestia did not raise Artillian's cultivation level at all.

Cultivating could be likened to the construction of a skyscraper. The greater and more solid the foundation, the greater the building one could build. 

Artillian was receiving a high quantity of energy, and Hestia was confident that she could turn him Into a Baron by using her divine power. But she refrained from doing so. 

'If I do that, he will become stronger, but he won't reach the peak of the Knight Pearage.'

Instead, she absorbed more energy from outside and fused it to refine Artillian's. Then she filtered and compressed Artillian's energy over and over again. Improving the boy's foundation.

'I'm not sure what these peaks are yet. But they are without a doubt connected to strengthening one's foundations.'

Hestia had been to many different worlds with many different methods of cultivation. Many with different types of unique systems. But they all had one thing in common. If one's foundation was stronger and more stable at the beginning of cultivation, then one would be able to reach greater heights on their path to the top.

This was why the first major level in all cultivation systems was often referred to as the Foundation Realm.

'Assuming that the Knight Peerage is the Foundation Realm of this world, then I can't rush things. I have to restrict his energy so that it can become purer. He also has to acclimate to his new mind, body and soul as well.'

Artillian was receiving a new mind, body and soul all at once. All of them were powers he had no experience using. He would need time to acclimate. While the Medici Matrix and Medici Vault played a big role in helping with this, it still depended a lot on Artiliian's individual effort. 

'There is a limit to how much I can help him. If I coddle him, it will only have adverse effects and make him weak. He is still a cultivator and martial artist. He will have to fight most of these battles on his own.'

Certain powerhouses like Eden made it difficult for Hestia to come out. Hence in front of such beings, she would not be able to assist him much. This was one of the main reasons she had chosen to impart the Medici Matrix and the Four Great Medici magics to Artillian.

'The moment he summons his first two avatars and makes the soul contracts, we can use the Medici Network. Then he will truly be frightening.'

The Medici Network was one of the Four Great Medici Spells. It has also been utilized to great effect by the Solitary Sword Sovereign and the King of Titans. 

Its original form was actually known as the Medici Connection. The Medici connection was a spell that helped minds form telepathic links. Allowing for uses such as sharing information and linking senses. It was one of the most used templates for ancient telepathy spells on many worlds thanks to its usefulness and intricate nature.

Not many telepathic spells existed due to the sensitive nature of the human brain. Telepathy was about the mind. Of the three vessels, the mind was the most ephemeral and hard to understand, but there was no doubt when it came to the mind's link to the brain in living creatures.

The King Of Titans was a researcher of many magics, and he improved the Medici Connection to a higher level. He did so after applying how computers work in earnest. As the Medici Spells were centred around a supernatural computer. 

To the King of Titans, the Medici Connection was close to the idea of a network but it fell short for him. At the end of the day, to him, it was just a glorified form of telepathy. The fact that telepathy spells for mass communication during ancient times used the Medici connection as a reference, further reinforced this.

But there was a higher level of connectivity in existence that people in ancient times were not aware of. A true wireless network.

According to Earth's definition, A network consisted of two or more computers that were linked in order to share resources, exchange files, or allow for communication. On earth computers on a network were linked through cables, telephone lines,  waves, satellites, or infrared light beams. But with the added participation of cultivation, the links were potentially limitless because of the applications of spiritual energy.

The King of Titans had access to a source of energy he was not familiar with, hence he had a lot of room to experiment. 

People were still unsure of how he had travelled through time. Many still doubted that he did as he neither confirmed nor denied anything. But rumours of him being a time traveller had spread like wildfire. 

Every time the man appeared it was with a flashy entourage, and he was extremely hard to meet. He was also arrogant and obsessed with research, so he rarely showed his face. But when he did appear, he caused waves  in the cultivation domain across multiple worlds.

Hestia wasn't alone in these thoughts.Even, who Artillian was processing knowledge as he evolved his abilities, shared a similar outlook. Especially when it came to strengthening his foundation.

Even on Earth cultivators knew the importance of foundation. The Solitary Sword Sovereign had the greatest foundation of all of Earth's cultivators. And the reason was that he had been stuck in the Foundation Realm for 5 years.