
Losing Virginity (Part-05)

I slowly pushed my genital into hers. The moment I put it in, my whole body felt a sensation that I have never felt before.


It feels like she is feeling that too.

I slowly went inside. My penis reached to her hymen.

"I am going to tear it up. It's going to hurt a bit, so bear with it." I warned her.

Saying that I started to gently push my penis inside her hymen.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaa..... It's hurtsssssssssss.... Ummmmm"

Few drops of blood started to come out. I panicked a bit. I know blood come out but is it that much?

"Aaaaaa.... It's hurts...."

What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? I feels like I should stop. Rei-nee is in pain. I don't want her to give pain. What should I do?

Suddenly, Luna-nee hugged me from behind and said,

"Calm down. Calm down. Don't worry, you were gentle enough. She is feeling much lesser pain than should be. This much blood is normal. I think the more blood should come out. She is alright. She have to endure this much. After all, she will get much more pleasure in the end."

Because of Luna-nee, I was able to calm down. I thought I was hurting her too much. But according to Luna-nee she is alright.

"Thank you, Luna-nee. Because of you, I was able to come back to my sense."

After that, Luna-nee started recording again. Seems like she gave her camera to Yukino, just to calm me down.

"Ufufufufu, I thought it hurts a bit but seeing you panicking I feel like this much is nothing. I feel like my pains are long gone. Thank you for caring me so much."

"I love you, Rei-nee."

"Yeah, I love you too, darling." she replied.

After breaking her hymen, my little brother started to enter even deeper.


I started to push and pull and she started to moan like crazy.

"Ahhhh... I like it. I feel like it hurts a bit but it gives me pleasure at the same time. What a excellent way to enjoy hurting. Aaaaaahhhhhh.... It's so good..."

I speed up a bit.

"Ahhmmm, .....Deeper.... More deeper... It feels sooooo goooooooodddddd."

I started to go more deeper.

"Ahhhhhhhmmmmm... So good..... Oh, no this much pleasure is not good.... I might cum...."

Hearing her voice, I feels like some went through my body. I am becoming more and more like an animal. I started to move faster.

"Yeah, baby.... It's amazing... It's heaven..... It's heaven...."


"Yeah, ....yeah..... Yeahhh.... Yeah.... Yeah..... Yeah.... So good."

"Haaa.... I am started to hit my limit." I said.

"Me too..... Wait, don't Cum..... We will do it together.... Ahhhhhhmmmm"

"Haaaa haaaa."

"Ahhhh... Yeah.... More faster more faster...."

Hearing the voice, I started moving more faster.

I don't know, we are doing it just one position. But it feels so good..... We are right now is standard position....But I feel like I can't change any other position for this time.... I am about to cum....

"Yeah, baby.... It's great... It's great... It's great...."

"Haaa haaa."

"I feel like I am becoming a bitch... I am gonna be a bitch... I am gonna be your bitch.... Your exclusive bitch...."

Hearing her world, I don't know what to say. But I am feeling like I can go on.. At the same time, my strength is reaching its end.

"Rei-nee, I am going to cum... No more..."

"Me too... Ahhmmm... Let's cum together...


"2" I said.

"1...and ahhhh.... Let's gooooo...."

After that, my love juice started to come out. Same goes for her..... I released my cum in her womb.....

And after that I lost my balance and fell in her boobs.

"It felt awesome..." Rei-nee said.

"Yeah. I feel like doing it again and again.." I replied.

"Don't worry, we will do it again and again..."

"By the way, was it okay? I mean, I released it in your womb." I asked apologically.

"Haha... What are you thinking? It's okay.. Today is my safe day.... Besides, even if it wasn't, it doesn't matter. I would love to get pregnant with your child. You might don't know, how much I am having from my subordinates to have a heir.... They says that we have to make children within this year..." she revealed.

Hearing that from her, i felt a little bit relieved. After all, I am more important to her than Keren-san..

"Thank you for choosing me... I was scared that you might choose to have Keren-san's child over me." I said.

"Keren's child? Hahaha... You're worried over that little thing? Hahaha haha.... You are the one and only option I have... Keren might be one of the most important person for me... But... Well, you will find out soon enough anyway.... Let's see... If you want me to only become yours... Than try to steal me from her." She said laughing.

Wait, does Keren-san has any problem? I mean, I could understand if he was a girl, but I am sure that he is a boy... I mean, I have seen his data after all... Does that means, he is incapable of having sexual relationship or anything?

"Okay, I will definitely do it..... But your boobs are really too soft and worm..." I said while caressing her boobs.

"You like them a lot..." Rei-nee said.

"Yeah... I love them.."

"Then why not just turn your upper body as female? ..." She asked.

"Hell, no... I mean, transgenders are not bad... But people don't like to have a body like that... I don't want that too... I am happy to have a body like this... Besides, why do I feel like you want me to be a pornstar?" I asked.

"I thought that would be fun." She replied.

"You really like to play with me." I asked.

"Yeah, I love it... I love to play with the person I love and hate." She replied with a big smile.

"So, you love me right?" I asked

"Do you want to have sex with the person you hate? Wait, you might be.." Rei-nee said.

"Only if it's a beautiful girl. Okay..."

"I don't know.. But I might hear one day that, you have stepped into the world of homos. Well, I welcome homos." she said.

"But I don't. I only like girls... Okay... Only girls..." I said.

I started pulling out my penis from her womb and after that I gave her a deep kiss and said,

"I love you, Rei.." I called her without nee... I called her only Rei...

"I love you, too darling." She replied.

After kissing, she get closer to my ears and said,

"I don't hate being called Rei by you. I love it.. I feel like we have become actual husband and wife." She said..

"I like it, too."

"Then call me by Rei when we're alone..." She told me.

"Yeah, I will."

After that, we lightly kissed each other.

"Luna, it's okay to stop recording now." Rei-nee told Luna-nes to stop recording.

"Okay." saying that Luna-nee stopped recording

"Please let me come in. I have to check up." I heard a female voice coming behind Luna-nee.

It was Frigg. Wait, what is she doing here?

"Frigg, what happened?" I asked.

"My lady, Rei-sama just lost her virginity. I need to check up her to make sure she is alright. Beside, her couch might be hurting." Frigg replied.

She is referring me 'my lady' as usual.

"You can do that too?" I asked in surprised.

"Umm, I am a supporter class remember. I am not a normal supporter class hero. I am a five star... So, I have much more ability than a normal supporter class hero." saying that she sat closer to Rei-nee.

"May I touch your vagina a bit, Rei-sama?" Frigg asked.

"Okay, but be a little gentle." Rei-nee answered.

After that she touched a bit and closed her eyes a bit.

"Humm, I didn't find any abnormal sign. So, I think it's just hurt a bit. I will cure that so don't worry. Besides, it seems today was your safe day. Well, don't worry about having sex anytime. I can control this kind of little stuff. If I am here you don't have to worry about getting pregnant, if you don't want." Frigg said.

I see. I am glad to hear that.

"You can control weather I can get pregnant or not?" Rei-nee asked in surprised.

"Surely. I mean, I can do it. You don't have to worry about getting pregnant with a close relative. If I do a daily check up, I can pretty much prepare you to give birth of a healthy child. So, if my lady want you are free to make pregnant anyone you want. You can even make a child with your own mother." she said.

"I refuse. If I do that, my children will become my siblings. Our relationship will get complicated." I replied.

"I just suggested it. You don't have to do it if you don't want." Frigg replied.....
