
Path to Victory (PJO)

Jaya has been fighting all her life. If she wasn't fighting. She was training to fight. In her childhood, her father, an ex-MMA Champ taught her to never give up. Her mother Nike, ensured that Jaya has pursued nothing but absolute victory over others. But now Jaya finds herself not in the realm of normal fighting, but in the world of mythology and mystery. She helps her friend Percy when he needs it, but Jaya is focused on one thing. Becoming unbeatable. After being undefeated in the normal world, now she embroils herself in trying to get to the top in the world of monsters and gods. Unlike her comrades, she doesn't have the supernatural powers of controlling the ocean and sky, but she can punch the hell out of someone. Jaya will face the entire world if it means accomplishing her goal. But what does the path to ultimate victory look like? What sacrifices have to be made? It is worth it to win? Is a total victory possible by just fighting? Either way, Jaya will do what she knows. And FIGHT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *This is not a transmigration novel or a reincarnation* *It says male lead, but I have a female lead. I select male bc the tags are restricted to mainly romance if I choose female. This story is about fighting and exploring. Not really romance* *This is Rick Riordan's world-building, I only own my OC's.* *There is a slow pace to the story as I like to develop my writing* *I will follow the general guideline of the books but Jaya will have her own adventures*

Careless_03 · 書籍·文学
19 Chs

A Promise and a dream

Marcus groaned as the sound of his alarm clock shattered the peaceful morning silence. Rubbing his eyes, he pushed back the covers and swung his legs over the side of the bed.

It had been two years since he had last seen Nike, three since the fight. The woman who left him with more questions than answers. Even now after her admission, it was hard to believe gods and goddesses are real.

But after fighting a god, he could say for sure that she had the power to back up her words. But Nike didn't just leave him with questions about his mortality and religion, but also the product from that fruitful evening after the fight.

Nike had come back nine months later on August 23 of 1993.

----2 years ago----

Marcus had just gotten home from the doctor. They gave him a month and a half to live. Marcus had started the anti-bacterial treatments and chemotherapy but they just weren't effective as late as he was to the game. Even though he had chosen to fight against cancer after that eventful night with Nike, it wasn't doing much.

As Marcus entered his apartment and put his keys down on his kitchen counter he heard that oh-so-familiar voice.

"I see you have chosen to fight Alejandro." As Marcus turned around he saw Nike standing there holding what looked to be a bundled loaf of bread.

She seemed taller than when he had last seen her. Her clothes were not the combat gear she had worn before, this time it was a red shoulderless dress that hung to her knees, and a golden wreath necklace hung around her neck.

She was as beautiful as the day he lost her.

"N-Nike? What are you doing back?" Marcus said as he looked at her frozen before a broiling rage burned in the pit of his stomach as he began to pace around his kitchen. "You tell me, a Catholic, that Greek gods and goddesses are real, and one fell in love with me? You say that you loved watching me. That you love me, then you just leave me? What kinda goddess are you?!"

Nike seemed taken aback as if this is not how she expected the conversation to go, before collecting herself and saying, "If I were to stay it would put you in danger. I cannot."

"So what? I only have around a month to live. 9 months from when you left me." Marcus paced back and forth before whirling around to Nike, "You, an apparent immortal being, say you love me, and then fight me. What if I wanted to love you back? What if I could have found love all this time? And now you stand in front of me and say you couldn't have stayed with me for nine months?"

Nike was standing impassively, but her eyes were trembling, no longer a sharp gold but a dull bronze. "Listen. Calm down or-"

Marcus had heard enough, and snapped at her, "Or what?! Or you'll kill me! Don't make me laugh, I'm already a walking dead man."

"Or you will wake the baby," Nike said softly while lifting the bundle in her arms softly.

Marcus froze as he looked at Nike, "The what."

"Our child." At these words, Marcus trembled.

"I... we have a child?"

Nike walked over softly standing beside him before showing him a light brown baby with light wisps of curly hair on her head, peacefully sleeping amid the confrontation. "I have named her Jaya."

Marcus stared at the little bundle in Nike's hands before reaching out slightly shaking hands. "May I?" Nike carefully handed him the baby. Marcus stared at the blissfully unaware baby. She felt like fragile glass as Marcus held her.

It was his child. His daughter. As he looked at her, he knew that he would do anything to protect her. Marcus felt the small rise and fall of the baby's chest. Marcus felt nothing but love as he looked at the small spark of life before the cold dreadful weight of reality set in.

"Nike. Who is going to take care of her? Can you at least do that?"

"No. I cannot. It is forbidden."

"Then... then who will," Tears gathered in Marcus's eyes. "I only have a month or so to live."

Without responding Nike reached around her neck and took off the golden necklace and under Marcus shocked gaze it turned into a golden watch, a golden wreath adorning the edge, the clock hands looked like a spear. Nike looked Marcus dead in the eyes and softly said,

"You will take care of her Marcus. This watch will prolong your month into days, and those days into years. But it cannot last forever. The clock hands will count down and when the hour hand reaches 12, you will die."

Marcus looked at the miracle watch. This small act of a god was able to prolong his dying flame. Why didn't they do more? Why didn't they save others? Before Marcus could ask, Nike continued in a somewhat sterner voice,

"This is an exception to the rules. I had to make a sacrifice to get my hands on this and call in favors that could've profited me much more. This is not just for you either. Jaya has the most potential of any demigod I've seen and this is her inheritance. When you die, pass this watch to her."

Marcus looked down at his daughter. "Demigod?"

"Yes. She will be in more danger because of her divine half, but if you properly train her, she will overcome any challenge."

Marcus looked at Nike, at the watch, and at his child, and at that moment Jaya opened her eyes. Her eyes were just light hazel, but for some reason, Marcus felt like they were the prettiest eyes he had ever seen.

----2 years later-----

Marcus rubbed his eyes as he stretched, the cold watch on his wrist reminded him of his responsibility and the danger that his only child would one day face.

Jaya, his energetic and curious toddler unaware of her father's thoughts, giggled before sitting on his foot crosslegged and looking at him.

"Daddy I bet you can't move," and burst into another fit of giggles.

As a single father, Marcus had grown accustomed to sleepless nights and early mornings, but he would choose moments like these with his daughter over anything else.

He walked with big goofy steps into the small kitchen of their cozy apartment, Jaya giggling the whole way. Her wild curls bounced with each step, and her wide hazel eyes sparkled with excitement. Marcus loved these little moments, where it was just the two of them, embarking on a new day full of possibilities.

As he prepared breakfast, Jaya 'helping', the doorbell rang, and Marcus glanced at the clock. It was early, even for their friendly neighbor, Sally. He opened the door, revealing Sally standing there with Percy, her rambunctious toddler.

They had bonded as struggling single parents. Marcus didn't have to work and was just running off the funds from his fighting career and often watched Percy while Sally was at work.

"Good morning, Marcus!" Sally greeted him with a tired smile. "I hope it's not too early. Percy woke up extra early today, and I could use some help."

Marcus chuckled and gestured for her to come inside. "It's never too early for a cup of coffee. Besides, Jaya and Percy are always ready for an adventure, right?"

Sally nodded gratefully and stepped into the apartment. Jaya and Percy, recognizing each other, squealed with delight and ran towards one another, their small arms outstretched before chasing each other around the apartment.

"Looks like they're happy to see each other," Marcus laughed, before scooping Percy up and settling him on his hip before holding out a coffee mug, "What can I do to help?"

Sally gratefully accepted the steaming cup of coffee Marcus offered her. "Well, I was hoping we could take them to the park this morning. It might tire them out a bit."

Marcus nodded, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Sounds like a plan. I'll pack some snacks and toys, and we'll make it a grand adventure."

With backpacks filled with toys, snacks, and spare clothes, Marcus and Sally wrangled the excited toddlers out the door and into the nearby park. The air was crisp and filled with the sound of chirping birds. The children's laughter echoed through the open space as they ran towards the playground.

Marcus and Sally found a spot on a nearby bench, keeping a watchful eye on their little ones as they climbed, slid, and played in the sandbox.

"So, how's everything going with you and Jaya?" Sally asked, her gaze fixed on her son as he giggled with Jaya.

Marcus sighed, a mix of weariness and joy evident in his voice. "It's a rollercoaster, Sally. Some days I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing, and other days I can't believe how lucky I am to have Jaya in my life. But it's all worth it."

Sally smiled warmly at him. "You're doing a great job, Marcus. Jaya is lucky to have you as her dad."

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, the toddlers grew tired, their energy waning. Marcus and Sally watched as Jaya and Percy, both with sand-covered clothes and wide smiles, settled down on a picnic blanket.

Marcus leaned back, resting against the bench, and took in the scene before him. The laughter, the friendships forming, and the love he felt for Jaya and the little community they had found.

He knew that being a single father had its challenges, but in moments like these, surrounded by friends and the laughter of their children, he felt an overwhelming sense of joy and fulfillment.

As the day drew to a close, Marcus and Sally gathered their tired toddlers, both ready for a well-deserved nap. As they walked back to their apartments they passed a for-sell sign on the apartments next to Marcus's.

After Jaya started living with him, Marcus had a 'talk' with the crackheads next door and they kindly agreed to move out. As they said their goodbyes, Marcus assured Sally that he would love to watch Percy the next day and no she didn't have to pay him for it.

As Marcus walked back to their apartment, Jaya's sleepy head resting on his shoulder, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected twists and turns that life had brought his way.

Together, he and Jaya were creating their own story--one filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories of a day spent with newfound friends.

And as they settled into the quiet of their home, Marcus laid the sleepy Jaya in bed before laying beside the tuckered toddler. Now that it was just him with his thoughts, he couldn't help but feel the cold touch on his wrist. His responsibility. The danger. Nothing had happened yet. But that didn't mean something wouldn't happen.

Jaya had already shown a love for fighting shows, and Marcus would soon start training her for life ahead. But the question was how would he train her? Marcus wanted to pass down his skill but he didn't have the space.

If he wanted space he could always go back to his previous gym. He hadn't been back after the last time he visited. He felt betrayed and didn't want to see them.

However, recently one of his old sparring partners Anthony had swung by his house. Anthony went to make sure Marcus was okay and after talking he knew the gym was doing just as good as when he left it.

As Marcus pondered he realized that he did have space. The houses next to him. He had enough money to buy the houses. He could turn it into a dojo and teach kids in the neighborhood. It would help them in a positive direction.

Anthony was living proof. He was a gangster who turned to fighting after he got out of jail. With an outlet for his frustration, he used his free time to make money being a carpenter.

He would have to do some reworking with the house to form it into a dojo, but Marcus was always good with his hands and Anthony was great at woodworking. They could do it. He would do it. With this promise in mind, Marcus joined Jaya in the deep recesses of sleep.