
Path to perfection MHA

Deku, just a simple kid with nothing to lose and with ambitions that he would never reach Experiment 72: a would shifting being escaping from its creators and finding refuge in Deku, only to find that his soul is weaker than Deku's, causing him to be absorbed, bringing for Deku an opportunity to rise

daoistofeverything · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Chapter 4 You got one? Why not two?

" Katusdon would be perfect, but we finished the breadcrumb so I am going out to buy some,"

" Are you sure? You just came back." She said still worried for my well-being.

I smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

" No worries, I just need to change and I will be back in less than 10 minutes."

After thinking for a few seconds she lets me go.

After washing my face and covering all the newly gained cuts with bandages I wear some more comfy clothes and I get out.

But on the way to the store, I felt someone looking at me, just like when I felt a tingle against the slime, now my mind is warning me is spying on me, but he is carrying to ill intentions.

Suddenly from one of the roof's houses, a muscular man dups down right in front of me.

I immediately recognize him, All Might, until now I never saw the color of his soul, since both the occasion where I met him I had more important things to do, like surviving.

His outer aura is fully green, which is the color for willpower, and his inner soul is almost completely white, with some grey spots, but having a completely white soul is impossible, so this can be considered the peak of a human reach regarding heroism.

" All Might, what are you doing here? I still have to thank you for saving me, two times in a day." I said with a small smile on my face.

" NO WORRIES YOUNG H-*Puckiiiii." Suddenly a smoke screen surrounded All Might and a blood-covered the ground.

In front of me, the previously muscular man is replaced by a skeleton with blonde hairs and green led lights as eyes.

"... Do I have to call a doctor?" I asked him, being surprised or panicking would do me no good, so I need to stay calm and understand what happened.

"You are calmer than I thought you would have been, I think you deserve an explanation of why the number one hero looks like a skeleton, everything started because of an accident that happened 5 years ago-."

" You mean the fight against the S-Villain Toxic Chainsaw?"

" You are very informed, yes that one, during that fight he caused me a severe injury in one of the lunges." He said while showing me how under his shirt his skin is comparable to a cracked street.

" My quirks work by strengthening my muscles to superhuman level, but this injuries not only removes halves my respiratory abilities but it can worsen if I stay in that form for too long, at the start I could stay like that for 6 hours, now it's only 3, that if I don't do too much physical activity."

"...Why are you telling me all of this?" I asked with actual curiosity.

"...Why did you rush to save that kid?"

" My body moved on its own, I preferred dying trying than doing nothing."

"Heh, a real hero, what I am doing is the same, I am following my instincts... by giving you my quirk."

" I am sorry what?" A quirk that can be given to others? That would destroy all the current theories about quirks evolution and the impossibility of them being copied.

" My quirk is like a flame, it can be given, with the willingness of the current user, to other people that he sees as worthy, I think you are worthy of owning my Quirk, the One for All."

" Quite a fitting name if I can say so."

This caused a small laugh to come out of All Might's mouth.

" Do you accept?"

Should I? From how strong he has become thanks to this quirk it must be strong, and since I am theoretically still legally quirkless I can out it as my quirk and justify myself as a late bloomer, and considering my plane of creating the perfect body, and One for All ability to strengthen muscles it would the perfect combination.

"... I accept."

"Perfect, Oh by the way my name is Toshinori Yagi, yours is?"

" Izuku Midoriya."

"Well then, Youn Midoriya, we will meet at the Dagoba beach tomorrow at 6 am, there we will begin your training to inheart One for All, and I explain to you how it works."

Before I could answer he gets back to his muscular form and jumps away.

' Ok, so I just became the pupil of All Might... cool.'

After buying the bread crumbs and having dinner with mom I headed to my room, ready to do minor perfections to my body that are necessary.

First, speed up my regeneration, which I can control by multiplying the quantity of Lin28a genes inside my body, and creating a mental switch that activates whenever my muscles are in pain by regenerating muscles tissue and even skin when necessary.

Second, slow down the degradation of the cells in my body by as much as I can, death by age is caused by the inability of cells to divide after a certain number of times, but what if I make them able to divide an infinite number of times and slow down their need to multiply? I could theoretically become immortal, or to be more precise age becomes just a number and not a countdown.

Third, mutate my DEC3 gene so that I only need one or two hours of sleep once every few days.

Fourth, modify FTO, leptin, the leptin receptor, ghrelin, and other minor genes to improve my ability to take only the necessary parts from food and remove the wastes, this will help me in the growth of my muscles and lower my need for food.

Fifth, create a mental switch that makes me able to lower the input sent by my pain receptors, I won't completely turn them off because pain warns me when to stop and where my body is damaged

Sixth and last, duplicate the numbers of my genes that control my body growth, muscles, height, and other less important things, while I train I will mostly focus on the muscle-related one, while I keep the other simply on a passive mode, I am sixteen but I look more like a 14-year-old skinny kid.

' Now that the plan is created, I will start with the DEC2... it's going to be a long night.'