
Path to perfection MHA

Deku, just a simple kid with nothing to lose and with ambitions that he would never reach Experiment 72: a would shifting being escaping from its creators and finding refuge in Deku, only to find that his soul is weaker than Deku's, causing him to be absorbed, bringing for Deku an opportunity to rise

daoistofeverything · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Chapter 12 Meeting the heroes

After I finally got home I took my usual healthy smoothie from my mom, kissed her on the forehead as a payment, got a refreshing shower, and headed to my room to have my usual 2 hours long meditation session.

Apart from slowly making my soul stronger mediating also helped me reduce my mental fatigue from training and from not sleeping.

I remove my shirt, showing how my body is now covered in hard rock muscles, in definition comparable to Greek statues, and not one of them was useless or not trained, each had been refined by training sessions and Biokinesis passive effect.

I sit on the ground taking a lotus pose, close my eyes, free my mind from any thoughts, steady my breath, and everything around me turns black, but this time apart from my souls, 8 more souls were present, but not one of them was being absorbed by my devourer soul.

" Immediately reveal yourself or I won't hesitate to devour you," I said while imposing my spiritual pressure on them, but apparently, they had stronger souls than me, not by much but still strong enough to resist, not nullify my spiritual pressure.

All the souls were pure white, with small grey spots, similar to All Might, but the most surprising part is that between the souls the smallest one is the one that is emitting the strongest light and heat.

Slowly all the souls begin to change shape, taking the shape of a human, to be more precise 6 men, 1 woman, and a mass of flames similar to a human.

" One, how is this possible? He shouldn't be able to meet us this early." Asked a bald man wearing a black jacket towards a frail man with white hair.

" I don't know Fifth, but instead of asking me you should instead ask the one that is currently in control of the situation." Said the frail man, understanding that in such a situation they were the ones in the wrong.

"Instead of explaining I will just show you how you fucked you might get if you anger me." Molding my soul I split into eight pieces, each piece flew towards each human figure, and 5 seconds later all the pieces fused back together, only leaving behind 7 surprised humans and an impassible flame.

"Is... this all real?" Asked Yoichi.

Yes I now know all their names, apart from two, they are what I would define as tsundere and they made used all their power to block me from gaining information about them, more specifically the second and third users of One for All.

From the information One for All wasn't only a power that could be given to others, but with each passage, it got stronger and the previous user quirk would be copied and saved inside the quirk, with a piece of the soul of the user, 8 users 8 souls, but since All Might is still alive what is currently present here is only his will.

But the most important part? There is a fucking Villain able to steal other people's quirk that lived for more than 100 years, from what I understood he should be dead, but my guts are telling me otherwise.

" I got to this point only thanks to 72, I was able to train to this point only thanks to his power and my special soul, I have already gained all your knowledge, part for tsundere number 2 and tsundere number 3, I will let you roam around my soul, don't try anything stupid or I will know, and to gain all your quirk I need your approval apparently, I won't force you, instead I will show you."

After that, I "apparently" left my souls leaving the 7 souls to talk to each other.

" And her I thought to have seen everything, but no, here comes kid able to devour souls, with the experience of a three hundred years old tortured soul that reached the peak of the human body... can this get even worse?" Said Daigoro.

" You forgot the part about the existence of different universes." Said Yoichi.

" Is this a joke to you? What are we even supposed to do? If we don't listen to him he is gonna devour us, and we all know he can easily do it."

" Exactly he could, but he didn't, 8 invading souls but he still did nothing, he might seem cold and evil, but I don't think he is."

" He killed." Said Nana.

" As if we all didn't in our time, and they were villains, doing something horrible to a small girl, can that even be defined as killing? I see it more like bringing justice to this world." Said the third user.

" We have too little information for now, in those five months he didn't do anything evil and neither something absolutely good, as he said we can only wait and see what kind of hero he becomes." Said En.

After eavesdropping on their conversation I got out from my soul, all the knowledge I had gained was too much for just a session, and my mind didn't calm down at all, so to relax I decide to try my now real quirk, One for All.

This is now easy for me, after gaining the knowledge of 5 users, I know One for All like the back of my hand, I just need for my body to get used to it like my mind is.

Knowing how powerful it is I decide to get back out, heading this time to a nearby forest.

I head in the deepest part of the forest, with no human life for at least 1 kilometer.

' Ok, think about One for All like electricity, your mind can either work as a transistor or as a transformer, either amplifying or reducing the magnitude of the current, and my body is simply the output for such energy, I just need to create a trimer to decide to much energy gets out and how much doesn't.'

I willed for the energy to come out, and make it course through my right arm, I didn't throw a punch, I just trained in controlling the energy output, going from 1% to 100%, I discovered that my body can keep up 20% for 1 minute without any type of injury, after that my muscles will tear apart and my bones break, thanks to my regen and muscle and bones density I will still be able to fight for 5 more minutes, but after that, it's a point of no return I either die or live long enough to tell the story, after 20% my body instantly behind to break apart, and when my body reached 100% in less than a millisecond all my muscles, nerves, and bones broke, fortunately, I was able to turn my pain off just in time, it took my regeneration ability 3 entire hours regenerate all the muscles, the bones, and the nerves.

But what I also discovered is that in this circle of regeneration and destruction my right arm got stronger, by a lot I can also say, by at least 2.3%.

' This is the perfect training method, but what if I don't only use it on my right arm? What if I spread all the energy on my body, the strength would lower but the required resistance would also lower, making me able to stay under the effect of One for All for longer.'

Following that idea I willed for the energy to course through my whole body at the 20% output, causing green electricity to form all around my body, and red veins to appear on my body.

I stayed in that form for 5 minutes, after that the damage on me began to appear, but it was way more doable than before.

What made me truly surprised was how powerful One for All is, even though the output was only 20%, my whole body is feeling like new, and not only it, but also my mind, reflexes, and sense are being boosted by it, and the actual boost wasn't only 20%, but a boost of 3 times... let me explain more if my base form can lift 1 ton, under the effect of 20% I can lift 3 tons, and that if let it flow through my whole body if it flows trough only one part the boost is even bigger.

And considering that my body can grow without a limit, this quirk is like a golden spoon for me.

' Now, it's time to test theory number two while I am here... it's time for the hunt.'