
Path to be the strongest

Morganth was crippled in an accident. But after few months which he spent on bed on Earth mana awakend. See how he embarks on the path to become the strongest entity in the universe with the help of the system. _____________________________________________________ Since seventh chapter quality is increasing, as I've learned sth about writing. English isn't my native language so if you see any mistakes you can pinpoint them so i will improve them. Also Antihero tag doesn't mean that MC will be attacking if it doesn't give him benefits, which in volume 1 it will be pretty much all time. Names will be generated using ChatGPT.

Miechol · ファンタジー
24 Chs


Mana and Health is equal to 10 to the power of the current rank.

Rank 1

1 ->25lvl, spiritual energy needed for each lvl is equal to lvl x 100

Stats at 25 lvl (Basic stats without body training or pills)

|Strength| -> 5

|Agility| -> 5

|Constitution| -> 5

|Stamina| -> 5

|Perception| -> 5

Rank 2

26 ->50lvl, spiritual energy needed for each lvl is equal to 10000 at start, rising by another 10000 with each lvl

Stats at 50 lvl 

|Strength| -> 10

|Agility| -> 10

|Constitution| -> 10

|Stamina| -> 10

|Perception| -> 10

Rank 3

51 ->100lvl, spiritual energy needed for each lvl is equal to 1M at start, rising by another 1M with each lvl

Stats at 100 lvl 

|Strength| -> 40 (Since now every lvl gives 2 stats.)

|Agility| -> 40

|Constitution| -> 40

|Stamina| -> 40

|Perception| -> 40

Rank 4

101 ->250lvl, spiritual energy needed for each lvl is equal to 100M at start, rising by another 100M with each lvl

Stats at 250 lvl 

|Strength| -> 140

|Agility| -> 140

|Constitution| -> 140

|Stamina| -> 140

|Perception| ->140

Rank 5

251 ->500lvl, spiritual energy needed for each lvl is equal to 100B at start, rising by another 100B with each lvl

Stats at 500 lvl 

|Strength| -> 380

|Agility| -> 380

|Constitution| -> 380

|Stamina| -> 380

|Perception| ->380