
Vast Sea

Arthur's memory of the entire world map wasn't one to overlook. He understood the layout of the separated islands on the east side.

Reaching his destination wasn't going to be a simple task. First, he needed to traverse the Fire Country's eastern border.

The recent invasion had left the Leaf Village in a state of disarray. While the attack was still fresh, Arthur knew it wouldn't be long before the village's defenses were up again.

Why he had even stayed in the country in the first place was because he knew they wouldn't tighten their grip on travelers and patrols.

Arthur stood at the edge of a forest. It was night, and the silence was only broken by the occasional rustle of leaves.

He scanned the horizon. He needed a clear path, devoid of watchful eyes. After a tense ten minutes, he verified that there were no patrols in sight or any lights in the distance.

'Smoke jutsu.'

The transformation was instantaneous. His body dissolved into smoke and curled upward. Taking to the air, he soared high above the clouds.

Most would envy him for being able to look at the moon from a closer distance.

The wind passed through him as he traversed long distances. It wasn't the first time he had done this, but his efficiency was unmatched by any conventional travel method.

Nights turned into days.

Below him, the landscape unfolded. Forests gave way to barren plains, dotted with the occasional crumbling structure. It was only on his second day that those plains turned into the vast ocean.

Exhaustion had crept into his smokey form, but his drive kept him going.

Settling in large settlements wasn't an option for now. So when he needed rest, he descended to a small island out in the vast ocean.

He reformed his body on the sandy shore. The transformation drained him, but Arthur was never one to show signs of weakness, such as being shaky.

A quick scan of the island revealed a single, abandoned shack perched on the highest point. He could utilize that for shelter and possibly even find some food.

With a calm expression, he trudged towards it.

The shack, cobbled together from driftwood and salvaged metal, offered a meager refuge. Pushing open the creaking door, it was filled with dust and cobwebs.

But it was enough.

Though there was a broken cot in the corner that resembled a bed, Arthur was more than content to sleep anywhere.

He rummaged through the dusty crates, hoping for some provisions. His haul included a half-eaten bag of dried fruit and a dented waterskin. Not ideal, but it would have to suffice.

Time passed as he slept for only a few hours.

By morning, his chakra reserves had replenished, and he was ready to set out again.

Stepping outside, he inhaled the salty air, seeing the horizon that stretched before him. The sea was beautiful, with the morning light reflecting off its surface.

His body dissolved into smoke, and he took flight once more.

The journey to the Water Country continued with Arthur repeating the same routine for the next few days. Days were spent soaring high above the sea, and nights were spent on deserted islands.

The vastness of the ocean mirrored his lonely travels. He was a solitary figure in a world that seemed indifferent to his ambitions.

But he persevered nonetheless.

After his fifth sunrise, he had made it to the Water Country.

The Water Country, also known as the Land of Mist, is a nation connected by large islands. While the smallest of the Five Great Nations, it has a unique landscape—some cold and snowy, and others dotted with lakes.

Despite its beauty, it was also written to have a dark history. Ravaged by civil wars, the nation became fearful of Kekkei Genkai users, viewing them as harbingers of death.

This led to brutal purges and even genocide, forcing many clans into hiding.

The Land of Mist keeps itself out of most political affairs, perhaps due to its remote island location. However, tensions arose with neighbouring nations due to their expansion, and the country even refused a treaty offering stability, despite the wishes of the Mist Village, the hidden village within its borders.

Their military force, The Village Hidden in the Mist, is shrouded in mist, as its name suggests.

Led by the Mizukage, this village is a powerhouse that has unique features like offshore control stations and treacherous sea routes.

Arthur descended from above the clouds, appearing miles above ground. This was it—the heart of the Water Country.

Beneath him was a network of canals and average-sized buildings. Finding the Mist Village wouldn't be easy. It was notorious for being shrouded in mist, a deliberate act to deter unwanted visitors.

Additionally, infiltrating the village wasn't part of his immediate plan. He needed resources, not unwanted attention.

First things first, a disguise. He performed the transformation technique while in his smoke form, his face morphing into that of a nondescript middle-aged man with a neatly trimmed beard and a worn traveler's cloak.

He wasn't aiming for remarkable, but for surely forgettable.

Next came the chakra disguise technique, a more subtle manipulation that masked his true chakra signature.

Arthur then relaxed upon remembering that he was going to be venturing into populated areas.

A quick survey revealed a town about a mile away. It most certainly wasn't an advanced civilization, but it would suffice for his needs. There, he could blend in, gather information, and perhaps even find a lead on acquiring the resources he sought.

His form solidified as he touched down on the main island to set off on foot. His pace was unhurried.

By the time he reached the town, he noticed its streets were made of cobblestone. The air here also had the stench of fish.

He navigated the maze of vendors and crowded walkways until he eventually spotted a small cavern tucked away in a quiet corner of the market district.

A faded sign above it declared it to be a cartography shop. A perfect first stop.

He pushed open the creaking door, announcing his arrival.

Behind the counter stood an old man, his eyes peering at Arthur from beneath a thick mop of white hair.

"Welcome, traveler," the old man rasped. "Can I interest you in a map of our fair nation?"

Arthur nodded, his voice calm and neutral as he said, "You may."

The old man chuckled upon noticing he was being corrected.

"Newcomers are always a welcome sight," he said. "This world can be a confusing place, even for those who call themselves mapmakers."

He shuffled over to a shelf stacked high with rolled-up parchments. His gnarled fingers picked out a specific one, unfurling it on the counter.

Arthur leaned in to examine it, tracing the outline of the Water Country with his finger. It was detailed, showing not just the major towns and cities but also rivers, mountain ranges, and even the occasional hidden cove.

"This should give you a suitable starting point," the old man said. "Though you'll find some places omitted."

Arthur understood what he was referring to. Ninjas from other countries would often visit these places to find where hidden villages were. If this old man had at all marked the location of the Mist Village, he would be labeled as a threat to the country.

Arthur knew better than to pry. He wouldn't get any more information out of the old man without raising suspicion, so he chose his words carefully.

"I see," he replied, feigning ignorance. "Speaking of places, are there any towns nearby that are known for having particularly valuable resources?"

The old man stroked his beard thoughtfully and said, "Resources, eh? That depends on what you're looking for. We have our fair share of pearls and coral in the southern part of the country. Iron and timber can be found in the north."

"What about a black market?" Arthur hedged. The old man's eyes gleamed for a moment.

"Things like that tend to come at a premium, wouldn't you say?"

Arthur suppressed a smile. This was the opening he'd been looking for.

"Indeed," he agreed. "But if the price is right, I might be interested."

The old man leaned in conspiratorially, his voice dropping to a raspy whisper.

"There are two towns close to each other, down south: Wizened Town and Anakin City. They're a den of smugglers and traders. You might find what you're looking for there, but be warned—it's pretty on the inside but not a place for the poor."

Stepping out of the map shop, Arthur knew where his next destination would be—Wizened Town, a haven for his needs.

He wouldn't reach it by nightfall, but time was something he could afford. That was considering the fact that he only had about one hundred ryō on hand.

The journey south was uneventful. The landscape transitioned from the city outskirts to rolling hills dotted with farms and fishing villages.

By the following day, the horizon revealed a grandiose town nestled on a curved coastline. Buildings of whitewashed stone rose against the water, while colourful flags fluttered in the breeze.

This was Wizened Town.

Arthur paused at the town's edge. Before venturing in, he needed another disguise.

This time, he transformed into a grizzled mercenary with battle scars. Now, he looked less like a curious traveler and more like a man who had seen the world's darker corners.

With a calm swagger, he entered the town, focusing on a large building. Its banner depicted that it was the Sheriff's Office.

Inside, there was hardly any activity. Ninjas were busy walking with their peers, very relaxed, a clear sign of the town's lack of crime.

Arthur spotted a lone figure wearing the familiar Mist headband. He was young, likely a recent academy graduate. Arthur himself couldn't recall anyone here.

He approached the counter, where a burly man with a thick beard sat bored in his chair, filing his fingernails.

"You a mercenary?" the man rumbled.

Arthur met his gaze unflinchingly and said, "I'm looking for information."

The man snorted, saying, "Information? This town breathes information. You name it, we got it—smugglers, pirates, bounty hunters. You here for work?"

Arthur played his part well and said, "Something like that."

"Right. Well, information ain't free. Ten ryō for the daily rundown, hundred ryō for the bingo book."

The Bingo Book is a black book used by ninja villages to track dangerous individuals with information for capture or elimination.

Arthur dug a pouch from beneath his jerkin and tossed a hundred ryō coin on the counter.

"Bingo book, then."

The man took the coin before disappearing into a back room for a moment. He reappeared with a worn, leather-bound book. It looked used.

"Here you go," he grunted, sliding the book across the counter. "Just don't cause any trouble with the information in there. We got a fragile peace here in Wizened Town."

Arthur nodded, pocketing the book without another word.

Stepping outside, he found a secluded corner beneath a rickety awning. There, he opened the black book to see its contents.

The musty scent of old paper filled his nose as he scanned the first few pages. They were filled with well-drawn sketches and descriptions of wanted men and women, ranging from petty thieves to notorious bandits.

The bingo book wasn't just a collection of wanted criminals; it was also a means to make money.