
Pity Him

The sounds of clashing metal filled the arena.

Alice and Tenten were locked in a tense struggle, the former weaving hand signs with surprising agility, the latter a whirlwind of thrown weapons. Every kunai, every shuriken, was deflected by Alice with pinpoint precision.

Many of the onlookers were surprised that a Yamanaka could be so skilled against weapons. Alice, however, wasn't a proficient weapon user; she was better at Genjutsu.

Arthur's eyes narrowed. He knew she was limiting herself. Here was another player wielding techniques beyond their supposed skillset.

Suddenly, a hand clapped Arthur on the shoulder. He turned to see Jada, Alex, and Jasper, their faces full of relief and concern.

"Arthur!" Jada exclaimed. "It's been days. How'd you fare in the second Exam?"

Arthur, still focused on the ongoing battle, offered a nod. In a voice betraying none of his thoughts, he said, "My team managed to secure two scrolls, but we got separated, and I haven't seen them since."

"That's rough, man," Alex sighed. "Glad ya made it, though."

Jasper simply grunted in agreement and added, "Lost teammates can't be good for your morale, though. I'm just hoping to see what you can do in a real fight."

Arthur forced a smile. "We'll see. Now, about Orochimaru…"

"Yeah, about that," Alex cut in, his expression turning grim. "Let's just say our intervention wasn't exactly a success."

Arthur frowned, asking, "What happened?"

Things clearly weren't going according to their plan. They wanted Sasuke not to receive the curse mark, a crucial plot point that would spiral the Uchiha into leaving the village.

"Orochimaru ambushed us on the last day," Alex explained in a low rumble. "We thought we had him cornered, but the sneaky snake managed to conceal his chakra and hid underground to just bite Sasuke on the neck!"

"The guards the Hokage sent to keep an eye on everyone... well, they let us down," Jada chimed in with disappointment. "They figured Sasuke was safe once he made it to the central tower. What was worse was how Orochimaru attacked—it was like he knew Sasuke was being watched."

Arthur gritted his teeth, responding, "You don't think this has to do with the program reacting to our choices, do you?"

"Program?" Jada whispered to herself. "Oh, right…"

Arthur noted that subtle response. What was that about? Had living in this simulation truly dulled her senses? Did she forget that this was a giant virtual world, and that they were part of an experiment?

Alex continued to agree that this was a minor setback. The players entering the ninja world significantly altered the plotline. Little had either of them known; it was Arthur who tipped Orochimaru off about their plans, causing this unexpected turn of events.

"But hey," Jasper interjected, clapping Arthur on the shoulder a little too roughly, "don't sweat it too much. Word is, Hiruzen himself chased Orochimaru and his goons off. You won't be seeing that creepy snake in the finals."

While Orochimaru's absence was a positive development, it didn't solve the bigger problem—Sasuke's regaining the curse mark. The Sannin was surely going to find another way to manipulate him onto his desired path, one that could ultimately lead to him becoming a formidable ally.

As they finished discussing the fallout from their failed Orochimaru intervention, the clash in the arena reached its climax.

With a well-timed dodge, Alice managed to disarm Tenten of her final weapon. Tenten gave a resigned sigh, admitting her defeat.

An uproar of approval erupted from the crowd. Team Guy exploded in cheers, their enthusiasm almost deafening, despite Tenten having lost. Even the players offered a polite clap.

Alice's victory wasn't a surprise, not with her newfound repertoire.

What intrigued Arthur was how well-crafted her skills were, despite having only a little knowledge of this world. He believed her to have the weakest potential but to still be the fifth strongest out of all the other six players.

"Well, that was… expected," Jada happily said.

"Yeah," Alex added, a contemplative look on his face. "Alice sure developed well. I couldn't have found what we needed in the forest without her."

He was referring to her sensing abilities.

"New tricks, or hidden talents?" Arthur mused more about himself than anyone else.

As the cheers subsided, Hayate cleared his throat to declare, "The winner of this match is Alice Yamanaka!"

"See that, everyone," Jasper announced. "Looks like we're the strongest team."

Jada offered a noncommittal shrug. Arthur, however, needed to gauge the extent of the other players' plan.

"So," he started, turning to his fellow players. "What do we do now with Sasuke receiving the curse mark?"

Alex grimaced before saying, "That's the million-dollar question, Arthur. With the curse mark and Orochimaru not invading the Leaf, his entire arc changes."

Jasper snorted and said, "Speak for yourselves. I wouldn't have minded seeing that bastard squirm a bit more after he got it."

Jada elbowed him playfully, saying, "Be nice, Jasper. The point is, we have to find another way to influence him. Maybe we can leverage Orochimaru's absence? Reveal Itachi's motives for how he still loves him?"

Arthur considered her suggestion. It had merit. A distrustful Sasuke being told the truth could make him more susceptible to manipulation.

But it was still a gamble. With the emotional turmoil of the curse mark, Sasuke might be more resistant to outside influences, seeking to side with Orochimaru for more power.

"It's worth a try," Arthur agreed. "But we need to be subtle. We can't risk arousing suspicion from the other characters, especially Naruto. His bond with Sasuke is a tad unhealthy."

They all nodded in agreement. Naruto's loyalty to Sasuke was a known factor, one that could either make or break their plans.

The thrill of the unexpected lingered as Hayate announced the next match.

Names flashed on the giant screen: Hinata Hyūga versus Kankurō.

Surprises spread through the crowd. Hinata, the shy and reserved heiress of the Hyūga clan, known for her gentle nature, was pitted against Kankurō, the cunning puppeteer from the Sand Village.

It seemed like a one-sided battle, favouring Kankurō's brutal combat style.

Arthur, however, couldn't help but already see the outcome.

Hinata possessed the Byakugan, granting her the ability to see chakra flow. That could be her chance of winning against Kankurō's puppets, which relied heavily on hidden chakra threads.

As Hinata and Kankurō stepped onto the platform, their opposite natures were evident. Hinata stood poised, while Kankurō held a lot of arrogance.

The fight began with a tense standoff.

Not a moment too soon, Kankurō opted for a ranged attack. His puppet, named Crow, was removed from his back and lunged towards Hinata, its movements controlled by the invisible strings of chakra.

Hinata was prepared. With the Byakugan activated, her milky-white eyes glowed eerily. She wove around the puppet's attacks, her movements fluid and precise.

Arthur watched as she targeted the chakra threads controlling the puppets, severing them with well-placed strikes.

Kankurō grimaced in frustration. He attempted to mend the broken strings, but Hinata pressed her attack. She unleashed a barrage of Gentle Fist techniques, targeting Kankurō's chakra points that regulated his body's flow of energy.

The crowd gasped as Kankurō stumbled back, his movements faltering. The puppet, rendered useless without his control, crashed onto the platform. With a final, decisive strike aimed at a vital chakra point, she brought Kankurō to his knees!

Hayate, after a tense moment, raised a hand and declared, "The winner of this match is Hinata Hyūga!"

The audience gave thunderous applause. The crowd erupted in cheers, their initial doubt replaced by a newfound respect for Hinata's skill and determination.

Arthur knew that Hinata wasn't weak, but to think that she could win without Naruto's initial speech against Kiba, like in the original tale.

From the players' balconies, congratulations poured in. Kiba also whooped and hollered, praising Hinata's victory. Shino offered a quiet nod out of respect. Kurenai, Hinata's Jōnin instructor, beamed with pride, her eyes filled with admiration.

A surprise awaited Hinata as she returned to her team. It was Neji. He approached her with begrudging respect and said, "Well done, Hinata."

Arthur took notice. This was an unexpected development.

Neji's initial disdain for Hinata stemmed from his adherence to the Hyūga clan's rigid hierarchy, which placed him above her due to his perceived superior destiny.

Alex's arrival as a Hyūga and his subsequent interactions with Neji clearly had a profound impact. Perhaps Alex, with his knowledge of the clan's traditions and his support for Hinata, had managed to bridge the gap between them earlier than what was written.

Amidst the celebratory roar, Margaret stood out. She clapped for Hinata with a fervor that seemed to go beyond mere sportsmanship. It was a subtle gesture, but to Arthur, it was clear how much affection she held for that character.

As the cheers subsided, Hayate cleared his throat to announce the next match. The giant screen turned on, and the names were revealed: Margaret Senju versus Sakura Haruno.

Sakura's heart skipped a beat. This was the clash she'd been anticipating. To her, Margaret had a surprising knack for demolishing her opponents. Compared to Sakura, she was the clear underdog.

Margaret stretched her arms and neck after she saw her name flash on the screen beside Sakura's. The elation of Hinata's victory, which she had cheered on with enthusiasm, still showed.

"Finally!" she announced. "My time to shine!"

While Margaret admired Sakura, she was aware of that character's limitations.

Across the arena, Sakura pumped her fist in the air with a triumphant expression. Arthur could tell this was a front. Inside, she was annoyed that she'd be going against someone she knew was much, much stronger.

The crowd wasn't as enthusiastic. Most saw it as a one-sided battle.

As the fight started, Margaret opted for a defensive stance. Sakura launched at her, but Arthur could already see too many openings.

It's unclear whether Margaret wanted to embarrass her or not.

Jasper, who wanted to be by Alice's side, left. It was clear to him who would already win.

Arthur's focus snapped away from the arena to take a chance to ask a question: "Hey, Jada, where's the rest of Chōji's team?"

Jada and Alex exchanged a hesitant glance. They didn't want to break the news.

"About that," she started.

"What is it?" Arthur nudged.

Alex spoke this time, saying with a heavy voice, "There isn't 'a rest of Chōji's team', Arthur. He… he showed up alone for a reason."

"What happened?" Arthur forced the question out, feigning concern. It wasn't a genuine concern for Chōji, of course, but an apprehension for the potential disruption this could cause.

"It's best… We don't talk to him right now," Jada empathetically said.

"Why not?" Arthur pressed.

"He says…" Alex started, then took a deep breath. "He says someone attacked them, killed Ino and Shikamaru."

"Who attacked them?"

"He doesn't know," Alex explained. "He's a mess, Arthur. Cried for four days straight since it happened. He said everything happened so fast that he couldn't remember. He just ran... until William found him."

Arthur understood. The act of a twelve-year-old boy losing his best friends was too traumatizing. One of William's many shadow clones must have spotted Chōji shortly after and offered to help since Chōji was part of the Rookie Nine.

Rookie Seven now.

"Did anyone see the attackers?" Arthur asked.

"No," Alex said. "Chōji's a little... unreliable right now."

Jada whispered, "Some of us suspect it might have been Orochimaru or his people. Why else would they target a team of rookies?"

'Some,' Arthur repeated inwardly. 'That meant not everyone's sure of what happened.'

As they pondered the implications of Chōji's predicament, the fight between Sakura and Margaret ended. Margaret, to no one's surprise, emerged victorious.

Her unexpected agility and tactical prowess had proven to be a winning formula against Sakura's dormant potential.

The crowd roared with approval, valuing the fight as still exciting due to Margaret's flamboyance as a kunoichi.

"Well," Jada said, breaking the silence. "That was certainly a… match."

Alex laughed it off, adding, "Kidding? It wasn't one-sided. Margaret knocked her clean with her chakra-enhanced strength."

Arthur offered a noncommittal nod. His mind, however, was focused on Chōji's. To think this character still found a reason to participate despite the tragedies that unfolded only a few days ago.

Arthur looked in his direction to see Asuma's hand resting on his shoulder. His sensei must have given him an encouraging talk about the world of ninjas. Yet that didn't fool the haunted look in his eyes.

Arthur could not at all pity him.