
Land Of Wind

Still amused, Arthur stepped toward her and said, "Then turn around."

Brie did so without hesitation while asking, "What are you planning to do?"

"Remove your lab coat and garments beneath it," he commanded.

There was no hesitation; Brie complied immediately, peeling away her lab coat and the garments beneath it without a shred of embarrassment.

Arthur placed a palm against her bare back and marked her with a flying raijin mark. It didn't matter to him if she knew what this meant or not because at the end of the day, her fate was sealed. Meaning, no matter what she did, no matter where she was, he would always know.

After placing her clothes back on, Arthur stepped away. Koko's inquisitive voice could still be heard while he was moving.

"But… but… Why didn't you kill her, daddy?" she asked, bouncing on her tiny legs, arms crossed as she displayed the childlike defiance of the situation.

Brie shot Koko a sidelong glance. There was a smile on the woman's face that showed an unsettling mixture of satisfaction.

"Because I think I'm his favorite now!" she teased, relishing the unexpected connection she now held with Arthur.

"Hey!" Koko shrieked back, indignant. "I'm the only favorite girl in daddy's life!"

She then gestured wildly, tail flicking in agitation. Brie crouched down to Koko's level, her fingers interlacing affectionately.

"Sweetheart," she said, "you may think that, but my experiences are to be envied. My only desire now is to see where 'daddy' will take me. Wouldn't you want to keep helping him too?"

Koko pouted, crossing her arms defiantly: "I'm still his favorite!"

Some time later.

Arthur soared high above the Land of Rivers. Being this high in the sky always provided him a temporary escape from the weight of his responsibilities.

He had left Brie and Koko behind at Sun Stream Plaza without promising when he would return.

As he glanced down at the expanse of the country, he made a mental note of the village he would soon need to traverse: a quaint township nestled by the riverside, known for its fair trades and lumber.

He gradually descended, landing on the outskirts just outside the old town. He then shifted his appearance, adopting the guise of an average passerby: a simple traveler with weary eyes and a worn cloak that concealed his identifications.

There was a marketplace active with locals and merchants. His objective, however, was not to mingle among them but to gather information on the most recent caravans headed to the Land of Wind.

The Land of Wind was described to be a vast, arid expanse characterized primarily by its many deserts and minimal rainfall. Located southwest of the Land of Fire, this region is flanked by the Land of Rivers and the country where the Hidden Rain Village is.

Having spent so much time in this world, Arthur was more than familiar with how the Land of Wind created a unique geographical landscape that influences its socio-economic interactions with neighboring territories.

Emerging as one of the more significant nations in the series, the Wind Country is governed by Taira Kikumoto, someone who Arthur had the pleasure of meeting during the feudal lord meeting not long ago.

Taira was quite an obese feudal lord, donning a thin mustache above his double chin. He oversees a populace that has thrived despite the challenges posed by their harsh environment.

The citizens that dwell in that country have adapted ingeniously to their surroundings, establishing settlements primarily around the oases scattered throughout their deserts.

Thanks to those green pockets of plants, they serve as vital sources of water and agriculture, allowing the residents to cultivate crops and maintain a sustainable lifestyle.

Consequently, the towns and villages that arise around water sources are not just homes but cultural havens, where traditions and local economies flourish amidst the relentless sands.

A notable feature of this arid environment is their hidden village, the Sand Village, also known as the Village Hidden by Sand.

As one of the principal ninja villages in the world, the Sand Village plays a crucial role in the balance of power within the shinobi nations. This village has prospered due to its desert location, which acts as a natural barrier against would-be invaders, deterred by the climate and the sandstorms that can sweep through the area.

In addition to its culture, the Land of Wind is home to the "Devil's Desert," a stretch where survival is not guaranteed. This landscape is integral to various historical and ceremonial events, such as when they hosted the Chūnin Exams during a filler arc.

Despite the country's inhospitable characteristics, it has a community that strives to succeed in trade, especially with the neighboring Fire Country.

Overcoming past conflicts, both regions have established amicable relations, allowing for the exchange of goods and culture.

That was the location he needed to venture to. And for him to fulfill his goal, he would have to immerse himself amongst those who traveled frequently between the two lands.

Arthur stood at the edge of Sainticide Town, a charming village belying the landscape that surrounded it. The exuberant colors of the town felt like an oasis amidst the surrounding landscape.

This specific town was never mentioned in the story, but Arthur was quite familiar with its terrain. There were vendors mingling with the sounds of children playing. The crime rate here was even better than in the Leaf Village.

His thoughts were interrupted as he noticed a small boy darting through the crowd with a basket of dumplings. As the boy crossed Arthur, he stumbled, dropping his basket.

"Oh no!" he said, quickly regaining his footing.

But when he looked and didn't see what was supposed to be scattered on the floor, he became confused. Then he gazed up to see the silhouette of a man holding his basket.

A sense of gratitude filled the boy's face.

"Good save there!" he said with a smile.

"You should be careful of the world around you," Arthur said, looking at the basket in his hand. "Tell me, what is your name?"

"Ugh…" the boy said, unsure of whether it was safe to talk to a stranger. "My dad owns this village, and it was named after him, just in case you had any bad ideas of hurting me."

"None at all," Arthur said, handing the boy his item.

"Oh! Well, thanks, mister!"

The boy then retreated into the market of waiting customers. Watching, Arthur couldn't help but feel like he had seen that boy from somewhere. Yet he couldn't recall exactly where.

Thoughts returning to his objective, he looked at the harsh winds that whipped through the expanse. It made it clear that his journey wouldn't be easy.

Why couldn't he just fly to the Sand Village?

Something like that posed a risk. Unlike the other countries he had visited, the Wind Country's environment was far too punitive to turn into smoke. He could lose his form if a sudden desert storm appeared, thus killing him in the process.

Arthur pulled out a map and traced the lines leading toward the Sand Village. His finger glided over, pausing above the mountainous regions directly north of the town.

While the village itself wasn't marked on the map, he knew exactly where it was. And it was just beyond the mountains.

The desert winds had a mind of their own, capable of carrying wayward clouds of mist away far too quickly to safely navigate. What was more was that he couldn't use his flying raijin technique. He had his flying raijin marks to help traverse to almost any important place.

Yet he didn't have a single one in the Wind Country.

So instead of turning into smoke, he would have to rely on conventional methods of travel—walking.

After taking one last glance at Sainticide Town, he folded the map and tucked it away. Perhaps he would return here again to inquire more about that boy he saw.

Pulling his hood further down to shield himself from the swirling grains, he steeled his resolve and pressed on.

What exactly was so special about the area he was venturing to?

The Sand Village, known as the Village Hidden by Sand, was described to have stood as the heart of the Land of Wind. It is also one of the prominent ninja territories within this world.

This village plays a vital role among the Five Great Ninja Nations and possesses geographic advantages due to its location.

From what Arthur recalled, it is placed within a fortified valley surrounded by towering cliffs.

The village itself benefits from a natural defense system that hinders potential attackers, who would find themselves faced with sandstorms and a harsh desert climate upon advancing. The entrance to the village is limited to a narrow cleft between the cliffs, making ground assaults particularly difficult.

The architecture within reflects its environment, with buildings constructed from clay or stucco materials that not only blend with the sandy scenery but also maintain cooler interior temperatures.

Despite the harshness of the region, they've fostered a viable community and a formidable shinobi force.

Leadership there is embodied by the Kazekage. He is regarded as the most powerful shinobi within the village, tasked with protecting its citizens and maintaining its place among the other nations—much like all the other Kages.

Throughout the village's past, there have been five Kazekage, each leaving their own mark on the village's legacy. Right now, from what Arthur remembered during his time as a feudal lord, the village didn't have a Kazekage.

The role itself has evolved through periods of conflict and peace, with each Kazekage navigating the complexities of diplomacy, war, and the internal struggles of their own people.

The other players haven't altered that area's narrative in a negative way. That meant that Gaara, who is also the son of the previous Kazekage, would undoubtedly inherit that mantle within these upcoming years.

Historically, that village was founded by the First Kazekage, Reto, after the Warring States Period. He united desert-dwelling ninjas under his command, laying the groundwork for what would become a powerful hidden village.

As time passed, subsequent Kazekage sought both to strengthen their village's military prowess and to explore various jutsu to gain an advantage in conflicts, leading to a tradition of research and development within their ranks.

Yet, the village's prominence does not come without its share of adversity.

The second Kazekage initiated the examination of Jinchūriki, enhancing the village's strength through the control of other entities. The infamous Third Kazekage further advanced this legacy, reputedly becoming the strongest leader in the village's history by utilizing techniques inspired by the One-Tail beast.

However, the recurring theme of tragedy surrounded the Kazekage title, with many leaders facing untimely deaths at the hands of enemies or betrayal.

Truth be told, this was perhaps the least among all the five nations.

If Arthur were to rank which country had the best economy, population, and military force by just their hidden villages alone, in order from greatest to least, it would be the Leaf Village, the Cloud Village, the Stone Village, the Mist Village, and lastly, the Sand Village.

During unrestrained periods, such as the Second Shinobi World War, the Sand Village experienced numerous challenges that tested its strength and resolve. The village's relationship with the Stone Village, for example, was strained due to ongoing hostilities.

Throughout these conflicts, the Sand relied heavily on its ingenuity, creating alliances and forming specialized forces like the Puppet Brigade to enhance its combat capabilities.

The Fourth Kazekage, Rasa, attempted to adapt to changing times by sealing the One-Tail into his son, Gaara, with the expectation that he would become a powerful weapon for the village. However, the challenges of controlling such a beast proved difficult, leading to the psychotic tendencies during Gaara's early years.

It was only through harsh lessons and repeated assassination attempts that Gaara learned to harness this power, ultimately transforming into the protector of the village after meeting Naruto.

In the original story, as Gaara advanced into adulthood, he became the Sand Village's fifth Kazekage. His leadership brought about a new era of cooperation and peace with the allied villages, particularly with the Leaf Village.

This collaboration proved crucial during the various threats faced by the shinobi world, including the Akatsuki.

Gaara's role has continued to evolve, marked by significant events in this world's narrative, such as the formation of the Allied Shinobi Forces to combat larger threats.

Under his guidance, the Sand has not only asserted its position among the great nations but also reinforced the ideals of unity, honor, and strength for the new generations.

Things would surely change for that country now that Arthur was in the picture.