
Hard Work

Arthur watched the unfolding excitement.

They whipped away the enormous tarp concealing a monitor, revealing a giant screen that displayed fighters' names and their matches for all to see, allowing even those perched in the nosebleed section a good glimpse of the action.

Arthur had insisted on this feature, mainly to record the matches and analyze each fighter's method and possible weaknesses for later encounters.

As the crowd roared in approval, their energy became electrifying. The announcer outlined the time constraints.

"Each match has a five-minute limit! If both fighters remain standing after the allotted time, the one who sustained the most damage will be eliminated."

The stakes were not just about physical dominance; a keen sense of strategy was crucial in each match.

High up in the arena's stands, the Raikage eyed Mei and remarked, "Well, this is quite the captivating show. I didn't expect any of this."

Mei smirked, coolly analyzing the matches as they unfolded. "Yes, the rules are indeed fair, but I'm more interested in interruptions than my village's reputation."

As if on cue, he suggested, "Let's make it interesting. I wager that at least three of the five ninjas from my village will advance to the second round."

Mei raised an eyebrow and asked, "What do I gain from this wage, seeing that I don't have anyone from my village participating?"

So A answered, "If three of my ninjas can't advance, I supply the Mist Village with weapons. If they can, you'll furnish us with one of the Mist's legendary ninja swords."

She considered the proposal and weighed the odds. While she wasn't a compulsive gambler like Tsunade, she had faith in her calculations. With more Leaf ninjas participating than Cloud ninjas, the probability leaned heavily in her favour.

Her acceptance of the challenge was firm, so she accepted without worrying.

Meanwhile, the energy in the arena continued as Naruto's exuberance broke through the applause.

"I'm so ready to prove myself!" he shouted, inadvertently drawing attention to the group.

The crowd laughed. Not with him but at him. Even the announcer paused in his script, chuckling at Naruto's unfiltered energy.

"Looks like we have a spirited fighter!" he remarked, indicating to the audience to cheer louder.

However, William, Lee, and Iruka swiftly intervened, placing hands over the boy's mouth to stifle his exuberance. Jada couldn't hold back her giggle as she watched the commotion.

But for Arthur, the shifting atmosphere around him was weightier. His focus remained unbroken on the large screen as the announcer continued to prepare for the first match.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's direct your attention to the monitor for our first fight: Omoi versus Rock Lee!"

The fight had been officially announced, and the crowd erupted in cheers that reverberated through the arena.

For those who weren't aware, Omoi is a shinobi hailing from the Cloud Village who will one day serve as a close aid to the Raikage. He's more resourceful than intelligent. But it's that level-headedness that sets him apart from his more impulsive Cloud Ninjas like Karui.

When fighting, he possesses a serious side that emerges in critical moments. It was strange to see him here, since he was primarily proficient in kenjutsu and ninjutsu. Then again, he was trained under Killer Bee, who was very advanced in taijutsu.

Right now, however, he was still like a child. His adult abilities, which were swift enough to create afterimages, might not have flourished this early.

As the two fighters approached the ring, it became apparent how crucial each detail would be: posture, footwork, and decision-making would all dictate victory.

Arthur glanced over to Lars' direction and noticed how unmoved he was. He could sense what Arthur was feeling, which was that these fighters may not be worth his time.

"Nice to meet you!" Lee saluted. "I am Rock Lee from the Hidden Leaf Village, and it is a pleasure to be going a ninja from the Cloud!"

"Ugh…" A sweat dropped from Omoi's face, not having been prepared for Lee's enthusiasm. Nonetheless, he smiled and said, "I'm Omoi. It's nice to meet you, too."

The two then remained silent as the arena buzzed with excitement. They looked one another in the eyes, measuring their level of skill without saying a word. Bright flags flapped in the breeze, and the spectators leaned forward, eager to see the young shinobi demonstrate their skills.

Omoi stood at one end, his posture relaxing. He didn't seem to regard Lee as a taijutsu-only user. Perhaps it was because of Lee's green jumpsuit. Lee himself smiled with determination.

As the match began, Omoi took the initiative, opting for a defensive stance. Lee barreled toward him with a flurry of punches. Omoi sidestepped each attack. With every dodge, he countered with swift jabs and kicks, displaying his own agility.

Though Lee was quick, Omoi found a rhythm, often weaving out of Lee's reach and retaliating with strikes that momentarily caught the Leaf ninja off guard.

"C'mon, Lee! You can do better than that!" Margaret cheered from the sidelines.

"Yeah, let's go, Lee!" Naruto's voice rang clear above the crowd.

Neji, standing beside them, raised an eyebrow as he observed the match unfold. Crossing his arms, he noted, "He seems to be handling this quite well. Lee's speed is impressive, but Omoi is holding his own.

Margaret tilted her head slightly as a mischievous grin spread across her face and yelled, "Oh, you don't know the half of it. Guy-sensei wants Lee to go all out."

Neji shot a glance at her, a tad scared at what she was planning. So he asked, "Did Guy-sensei actually say that?"

With a devilish smile, she nodded playfully and answered, "Maybe... maybe not. But wouldn't it be fun to watch?"

Meanwhile, Lee's expressions shifted from determination to frustration. He knew he needed to step up his game.

The taijutsu exchange intensified, and Lee began to push himself further. He landed a few solid hits that connected with Omoi's arms and legs, but they were not enough to rattle the Cloud ninja, who continued with a nonchalant demeanour.

Omoi's confidence grew, and he couldn't help but smirk as Lee huffed in annoyance.

"I thought the Leaf were supposed to be skilled fighters!" Omoi taunted, dodging yet another punch.

"Just you wait!" Lee replied, still brimming with energy. "This fight is dedicated to my sensei, who couldn't be here!"

"You tell him, Lee!" Jada cheered. "Show everyone what you've trained for!"

With that declaration, the atmosphere shifted. Previously cautious, Lee suddenly stood taller thanks to his friends' encouraging words.

As the fight continued, Margaret shouted, "Hey, Lee! Guy-sensei wants you to remove them!"

"Really?!" Lee asked, unsure of that comment. Whether Guy truly said this, it prompted him to garner some distance from Omoi.

In a swift motion, he dropped to his knees and began removing his leg weights. Arthur could tell what Omoi was thinking, unaware that Lee was holding back this entire time.

The crowd gasped as he flung the heavy weights to the side, and the ground below trembled as the metallic objects slammed into the arena, causing a minor explosion of dirt and debris.

Dust enveloped the area, obscuring the view temporarily. Omoi stumbled back, eyes wide with shock. He'd never expected such a dramatic reveal. Even the audience, including the powerful Raikage, found themselves taken aback by this sudden scene.

Whispers rippled through the crowd: "Is that how heavy they are?" "This young man's insane!" "My son, you're never going to the academy now."

Mei couldn't help but murmur, "That's one unbelievable shinobi… A teacher would dare put that kind of pressure into their training."

"Hmm," the Raikage grunted, an eyebrow raised. He had his own methods of teaching that often involved heavy physical training, but even he knew this took it a step further.

Lee, now unencumbered by the weights, emanated a different kind of aura. He shouted, "Here I come, Omoi!"

The moment Lee launched himself forward, the atmosphere shifted again. This time, he moved like a bullet, a blur of green racing across the arena. Omoi's eyes widened in disbelief; he barely had time to react before Lee closed the distance.

A series of rapid strikes rained down—a flurry of punches and kicks that seemed impossible to follow.

Arthur knew what Omoi was thinking while being bombarded: "It's like he's everywhere at once! I can't keep up!"

Omoi's earlier cockiness evaporating in an instant. He tried to block and dodge, but Lee's newfound speed shot past him, landing a hit on the side of Omoi's face, drawing a few gasps from the audience—most notably the Raikage.

Despite being a talented shinobi himself, Omoi struggled to keep pace, retreating in order to maintain distance.

"Okay, alright," he muttered to himself. "Just think!" But every attempt to strategize was hampered by Lee's relentless assault.

With a grin that shone with determination, Lee shouted, "I will not hold back any longer!" He then executed different athletic maneuvers—spinning kicks, powerful palm strikes, and soaring jumps. Each move was executed quite well as he channeled all his strength into this battle dedicated to his mentor.

They continued to cheer. Once Lee soared through the air, executing a signature technique, he roared: "Leaf Hurricane!"

Omoi was caught off guard completely, unable to dodge at such close range as a powerful roundhouse kick connected against his midsection. He doubled over from the force; the wind knocked from his lungs.

Lee didn't stop. The momentum of the attack sent him spiraling away but allowed him to land on his feet, turning immediately to face his opponent once more. The moment Omoi recovered, he tried to retaliate, swinging his own punches with all his might, but at this stage, they just missed Lee, who stood there.

"Look out, here I come!" Lee taunted. With remarkable agility, he darted forward, sending a barrage of strikes. Arthur noted that he had grown stronger and faster since their last encounter.

Omoi found himself backtracking and scrambling to maintain a level of security, but by now, Lee was simply too fast.

"Is this really how strong he's gotten?" Omoi grunted, gritting his teeth as he reoriented himself once more.

With one last burst, Lee leaped into a series of acrobatic flips, springing off the arena grounds in a dazzling display of speed. Many in the audience gasped, caught in the spectacle as he landed in front of Omoi with a grin—not the crazed grin of his youth, but a fierce and confident smile.

"Remember this!" Lee yelled, summoning all his strength for one final strike. "I am Rock Lee, and I am a taijutsu specialist!" He then kicked Omoi high into the air and jumped up right behind him. Tying him with his white bands, the two spun into an exhilarating tornado of movement toward the ground. "Primary Lotus!"

The force of the attack drove Omoi down to the floor, and debris formed across the arena as the impact of the blow echoed.

The crowd erupted into more cheers after the dust settled, and Lee landed deftly on his feet, hands on his hips, panting but victorious. Omoi lay sprawled on the ground, winded but not unconscious. His eyes, however, clearly said that he had taken the blunt force of a very strong attack.

"Wow… You really are… astonishing," he begrudgingly admitted.

Lee, chest rising and falling with each breath, grinned widely and said, "This fight was for my sensei! I hope he felt how hard I tried today! And you were a well fighter yourself, Omoi."

The audience approved, chanting his name. The thrill of the fight had energized almost everyone. Those like Arthur, Lars, and Han, weren't remotely impressed. Yes, Lee's speed was remarkable compared to most his age, but in terms of overall prowess, he was still just average to them.

The Raikage stood up from his seat, nodding in admiration. Perhaps this young ninja had defeated one of his own, but about the training Lee had endured to make it to that level was respectable.

As Lee raised his fists in victory, those from the stands cheered his name. This was a character whose arm and leg had been smashed and had undergone surgery that could have ended his career.

It wasn't his speed that won him this just match; it was his hard work.