

Ryūzetsu awoke the next day with the dull throb of fatigue. She had hardly gotten any sleep during the night. That "drink" her friends offered her was sake, and she didn't like how it made her body feel the next morning.

'I should have said no,' she thought to herself.

As dawn light broke through her window, illuminating her small room, she knew she had to shake off the lingering effects of both her hangover and her insomnia.

After all, the duties of an Anbu were waiting for her.

She made her way through her usual morning routine. First, she stretched to loosen her muscles, then proceeded to wash her face. After she dressed in her Anbu uniform, she tied her green bandana securely atop her head and headed out the doors.

Not even a hangover or lack of sleep could shake her off from her important role.

Upon arriving at the Anbu headquarters, her squad leader gestured for her to step into his office as opposed to the usual mission room. The two stepped into his office, a small room with hardly any cabinets and a single light bulb hanging above.

"Ryūzetsu, it's good to see you," he earnestly said. "We need to discuss a new mission."

"New mission?" she asked, her curiosity piqued. "What's it about?"

He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms, and answered, "You've been recommended for a solo mission. You're to locate a scroll and learn its contents."

"A scroll?" she repeated, raising an eyebrow. "I don't mean to object, but why me?"

The team leader's expression shifted slightly, and he said, "I'm not entirely certain. However, I did hear a rumor about some involvement from the feudal lord. That caught my attention, so I did a little investigating myself and found that he had personally requested you."

At the mention of the feudal lord, Ryūzetsu felt more intrigued. The feudal lord held considerable power and influence, and it was unusual for them to personally involve themselves in matters pertaining to ninjas.

If they did, that usually meant that the ninja impressed them enough to perhaps one day hire them as bodyguards. Or even more.

"What does that mean for me?" she asked.

"It's not as serious as it sounds," he honestly answered. "I think it's because of your recent performances."

"Huh?" she skeptically wondered.

"I'm complimenting you," her leader stated. "You've been exemplary in your duties, and it's only natural that they would single you out for important tasks. In fact, I heard that you were patrolling last night during your off hours. That kind of dedication isn't overlooked."

At those words, she blushed with embarrassment.

"I just couldn't sleep, is all," she mumbled, avoiding direct eye contact.

"Regardless, I commend you for it," he continued. Then his tone transitioned to a more serious matter. "If you're not feeling well or think this is too much, you don't have to take the mission. Your health is also a priority."

She straightened, not willing to show any signs of weariness.

"I'll take the mission," she asserted in a firm voice. "I promise, I'm fine, sir!"

"Good. It's good to hear that." He then gave an approving nod. "Now, here are the details." After handing her an envelope, he continued to explain things. "The scroll you're to locate contains a secret technique. Learn its contents and return here. If there's a risk of losing it during your travels, it'll be important for you to commit it to memory, hence why you are to learn it the instant you find it."

'This mission's a little strange,' she thought to herself.

Why not send a group with her to seal its contents instead? If it's that important, that would be the safest route to take.

"The feudal lord thinks you're capable of learning it on your own," her leader finished.

"What makes him believe I can learn something without even knowing who I am?" she mused aloud, though mostly to herself.

That question earned her praises for her skills, which made her regret having asked.

After being dismissed, she gathered her things to answer the feudal lord's challenge.

Her bag was packed with the essentials: food, water, and a few ninja tools, alongside a blank scroll to record anything significant she came across.

This mission was a solo task, so she wouldn't be getting any help.

Two full days were spent journeying to her location. Each night, she had set up camp in the forest. By the time morning arose, she chose to move quickly until she eventually approached her destination.

She arrived at an old shack rumored to hold the scroll.

As she stepped into the clearing where the shack stood, she observed its dilapidated structure. Time had clearly worn down the wood, almost as if this place hadn't been touched in years.

Was this really the place? Her instincts urged caution.

She carefully approached, scanning the area for any traps or signs of ambush. The last thing she needed was to be caught off guard.

The shack appeared unguarded, and she slipped inside without any trouble. The air was stale, heavy with the scent of dust and decay.

She moved slowly, her eyes darting over every surface. There were remnants of what seemed like old writings scattered around, but she focused on her mission, looking for the scroll.

After a thorough search, she found it tucked away under a loose floorboard. Based on its appearance, it looked old but not like the parchment in this shack.

'Someone had to have left this here not long ago,' she deduced.

Not hesitating, she pried the scroll free and unfurled it. As she gazed upon its contents, she became shocked at what was inside.

Eventually, she left the shack and found a suitable clearing, distant from wandering trails. She then settled down, carefully retrieving the scroll, and she began to read through it.

The scroll detailed a technique known as "One's Own Life Reincarnation." The implications of it seemed to correlate with her Kekkei Genkai, the power she possessed that allowed her to perform "Reincarnation Ninjutsu," techniques that could exchange life force between others in exchange for their chakra or vitality.

The technique did not seem complicated, yet she felt an innate understanding that it could be modified or improved, tailored to her own unique capabilities.

Understanding the scroll's importance, she decided to store it in her bag until she found a more secure location to study it. As such, she ventured deeper into the woods, seeking solitude away from any potential prying eyes.

As she immersed herself in the technique once more, an hour slipped by. It was truly a remarkable jutsu. And once she believed she had absorbed the scroll's teachings, she knew it was time for a practical test.

She glanced around the clearing, searching for a willing participant. And there, amongst the underbrush, was an average frog.

Carefully, she approached. Drawing on her kunai, she struck swiftly, executing a clean blow that killed the toad.

She then exhaled, grounding herself in the moment; she needed to be sure of her intentions.

"Here goes nothing," she said to herself.

She drew upon her chakra and activated a technique. Rather than solely utilizing One's Own Life Reincarnation, she mixed it with her technique from her Kekkei Genkai known as "Life Transference."

She placed her palms above the dead toad. The air moved with her chakra as she poured her chakra forward.

Once she reached the climax of her focus, she felt a heavy drain as the chakra coursed through her and connected to the toad's spirit.

A moment passed, and the connection was broken. The toad remained impassive, blood still leaking from its body.

"What went wrong?" she asked herself.

She looked at her hands to think. Based on the structure of the technique, it required more than above-average chakra control.

Perhaps mixing her Kekkei Genkai abilities with another foreign jutsu was asking too much from her.

No, that can't be. She was Ryūzetsu, one of the best Anbu in her village. This mission was solely given to her by the feudal lord himself. The last thing she wanted to do was let anyone down—not after the tragic death of her friend.

She decided to reread the scroll again to ensure that she understood its contents.

Another half hour went by, and she saw her mistake.

The machinations of the technique combine chakra manipulation with elements from various cultural practices to bring someone back from the dead. Because there's no ritual involved, it requires a more spiritual connection. The practitioner must therefore enter a meditative state to harmonize their chakra to embody the essence of the deceased.

Incorporating foreign techniques meant that she had to form a bridge between life and death, but on a more chakra-based level. This process requires deeper emotional investment than what her Kekkei Genkai was used to.

By merging traditional chakra practices, the technique could break the natural cycle of existence.

With all that in mind, Ryūzetsu decided to try again.

The same procedures followed. Then, the seemingly impossible happened; the toad sprang up as if it had never met its demise. It blinked its eyes, evidently bewildered, before shaking itself and hopping away into the safety of the leaves.

Astounded, she couldn't ignore the implications. She had combined two extraordinary techniques, creating something entirely new and dangerous.

What was more, as compared to her Life Transference technique, was that she barely felt fatigue—almost like she could do it again with no problem.

A name had to be thought of for it.

'Wait!' she thought to herself before letting the excitement overwhelm her. 'I've got it!"

Suddenly, an overwhelming tiredness drained a significant portion of her chakra, leaving her feeling immensely weakened. She herself hadn't felt physically exhausted, but her spirits were quite low.

Could she handle this kind of power? The burden of it was a little much, to say the least.

'Guess I shouldn't do too much thinking after using it,' she noted to herself.

Just as she began to contemplate the ramifications of her new discovery, the sound of footsteps echoed through the woods, yanking her from her thoughts.

Spinning on her heel, she saw the one man she should have wished to never come across—Arthur Bennett.