
Gentle Voice

"Who are you?" Ryūzetsu asked, trying to hide her weariness.

The figure stepped more into view, revealing a young man with silver hair, piercing eyes, and a purple rope strapped around his waist.

"Ryūzetsu," Arthur said, addressing her by name. "There's no need to hide your face in front of me."

Her immediate reaction was one of surprise, her muscles tensing at the implications of his words.

"How do you know my name?" she questioned while placing a hand on her weapon. "Are you the one guarding this scroll?"

"I'm just a passerby," he shrugged nonchalantly. "You're one of the few characters I know little about. But the real question is, why are you here?"

"What do you mean?" she shot back, narrowing her eyes at him.

What she really wanted to ask was what he meant by "characters."

"You're here because I led you here," Arthur stated with chilling calmness. "The world you're in is nothing but a front. All you do is wake up, work, and repeat that cycle, trapped in your own delusion of freedom. True freedom is in Christ, in whom you know not."

"Just what the heck are you saying?!" Ryūzetsu exclaimed in frustration.

She was bewildered by his cryptic words, which felt more like a riddle than any kind of threat. There was simply no point in trying to explain himself to an NPC.

Arthur refrained from chuckling, which sent a chill down her spine.

"Perhaps," he explained, "if those who were real heard me, they might see things differently than being stuck in their monotony. But who's to say those same people aren't like you, blinded in what they believe to be education while being manipulated by those from the shadows without their awareness? It's truly sad to see."

With every word, Ryūzetsu felt her confusion mounting. To her, they felt more like philosophical cogitations that her enigmatic mind simply couldn't comprehend.

"If you're here for the scroll," she finally said, "you'll die trying to get it from me."

"Funny," Arthur countered. "I never recall mentioning anything about coming for a scroll…"

Just why was Arthur here in the first place?

After departing from the Sand Village, he had teleported to Blood Prison and then made his way to the Grass Village. During this time, he uncovered that Ryūzetsu was still in her first year as an Anbu, and a certain plan had immediately formed in his mind.

It was clear to Ryūzetsu that Arthur was not a mere traveler. She questioned his being here, prompting him to reveal his next move.

Little did she know, it was he who had located the feudal lord and, utilizing his Evil Illusion Flattery technique, managed to persuade him to assign Ryūzetsu a secret mission.

On the surface, this mission appeared to be a cover for infiltration, but in truth, it was classified as dangerous—a task that could very likely lead to her demise.

"You should know that I planned you coming all the way here," he revealed.

A cold shiver danced down her spine. She felt trapped, knowing that a fight could break out at any moment. What was more unsettling were Arthur's words.

"You—you planned this?"

"Exactly," he said without any emotion. "Once I isolated you in this trap, there was no going back. It's a game, you see, and the moment you had left your village, you had already lost."

His words hit her harder than anything she's ever experienced.

How did he do it? Just who was this guy, and how could he have formed a situation this methodical without any of her superiors knowing?

Ryūzetsu didn't have the time to process it all. Instinct kicked in, and she sprang into action.

"You think you can manipulate me?" she shouted, drawing a short sword. "I won't let you!"

Arthur merely sidestepped her attack, moving with a grace that left her stunned. She swung again, but he danced away. She barely registered the sound of metal clashing before he disarmed her, sending the sword flying from her grasp.

"Your chakra levels are severely low after using that technique," he coolly remarked, as though it were a mere observation rather than a critique.

Ryūzetsu felt indignation rising within her. Her chakra was indeed low, but she wasn't going to let this intruder talk down to her.

Not willing to back down, she swung her fist forward. But Arthur moved as if seeing right through her before she even thought about fighting back.

He tilted his head to the side, effortlessly sidestepping her attack, and with a wave of his hand, he unleashed a dense cloud of smoke.

'Smoke jutsu: smokescreen…'

Puffs of clouds billowed around them, enveloping the area in a thick haze. Ryūzetsu coughed, her vision obscured. The world around her transformed into a muted white as she tried to recalibrate her senses.

She couldn't hear a thing, so she tried to brace herself for any incoming attack.

'Smoke jutsu: smoke punch…'

Suddenly, a shift in the air, and she felt something hit her with tremendous force, knocking her off balance.

"And you call yourself an Anbu," she heard him say.

That punch was harder than anything she'd ever felt. More so, she could feel the smoky weight pressing down on her, blurring her senses. At this rate, she was going to die.

"What are you even trying to gain from this?" she struggled to ask while on one knee.

"Simple," his voice echoed. "The end of the world…"

In that moment, he activated his Evil Illusion Flattery technique. The area shifted around her, causing things to become dark.

Suddenly, she heard Muku's voice, clear and enchanting, filtering through the haze.

"Ryūzetsu," Muku's gentle voice called out. "Just let go. I promise you, he's more of a friend than you think."

The soothing cadence of Muku's words stirred something deep within her. It was indeed her best friend's voice, but how could she trust it?

In that state of intense emotional tumult, she instinctively turned around. Then a light began to form, illuminating the space in front of her. The clarity of it all felt surreal, rejuvenating her once-diminished chakra.

It was a sense of comfort she desperately craved, so she reached toward it.


But even as she reached out, she knew that something was amiss. This wasn't how Muku would communicate with her. It had to be an illusion, a trick devised by her enemy to break her spirit.

"No!" she screamed, forcing her will against the pull of the light. "I won't fall for your genjutsu!"

She struggled, focusing all her energy on resisting the hold of his technique. But what could she do? Her body was screaming at her to stop fighting, her chakra was low, and her spirit was seeking out help.

She tried to channel her thoughts towards her own resolve—her dreams, her duties as an Anbu, the love she felt for her village, and the bonds she had forged. They became her anchor, the memories to help shield her spirit.

"That's your anchor?" Arthur's voice broke through. "How pathetic…"

At those words, he broke through her weak shield and engulfed her in the darkness.

When Ryūzetsu finally awoke, she found herself against soft grass. She was surrounded by the colour white that made her squint.

The sun was definitely out, but she couldn't tell what time it was nor where its light was reflecting off of.

As her vision adjusted, she saw that this same coloured white was instead a massive creature looming above her—a giant white slug, its gelatinous body glistening as it shifted slightly.

"Wha—what the?!" she stammered as she pushed herself up to a sitting position.

The slug stared down at her, its many rounded mouths curling into what could only be described as a grin.

The sight startled her beyond relief. Instinct kicked in, and she reached for her kunai, only to find nothing at her side. Just as her heart began to race, she heard a calming voice: "Relax, Ryūzetsu…"

She turned, and her breath caught in her throat. It was Arthur, but he looked different. His arms were slightly more muscular and very hairy, and streaks lined down his face, marking his transformation into Sage Mode.

What was more was her reaction toward him. It wasn't one of hostility like she had displayed before; it was one of gratitude and relief that he was present.

"Y—you," she stammered, trying to compose herself. "It was you who saved me, wasn't it?"

"If that's how you wish to look at it," he said.

"It is," she replied, steadying her voice. "I owe everything to you."

That statement alone was enough to signify that his Evil Illusion Flattery technique had been successful. Whoever or whatever she saw, it was clear that her will changed to wishing to help and serve Arthur rather than attack him.

"What about your village?" he probed.

"I… They'll understand my decision," she answered, looking down. Then she smiled and said, "It's what Muku would have wanted."

Her attention then turned to the giant before asking him where she was.

"I summoned you here because I have a great use for you…"

He then gestured to the slug beside her and revealed his name, Saiken, his personal Tailed Beast.

Saiken laughed, a sound rumbling deep within its chest: "Well, well! I was just about to eat you if you hadn't woken up!"

The comment struck her unexpectedly, and Ryūzetsu's heart pounded wildly in response.

"What?" she managed, her voice trembling slightly.

"Just kidding!" Saiken chuckled, his great body shifting with the amusement. "You probably taste disgusting anyway!"

Ryūzetsu was taken aback, utterly failing to find the humor in this strange situation.

In the presence of a Tailed Beast, she felt both fear and awe. The timeless aura that surrounded Saiken was both intimidating and exhilarating, and she could feel the weight of his immense chakra pressing down on her.

Noticing her discomfort, Arthur stepped in. His voice was calm and steady, like a soothing balm against her rising apprehension.

"Don't be afraid," he said. "As long as I'm here, Saiken won't hurt you."

"Alright," she said, looking his way. "I believe you, but what was the reason that you summoned me here, and where exactly is here?"

"This is the Water Country," he answered. "The entire land and sea is under heavy security—almost like a lockdown—until things can get sorted out."

This was true. Not even the Akatsuki wanted to enter, fearing the repercussions of having their presence publicly recognized. That was after their attack on John Belfort.

Ryūzetsu's brow furrowed as she asked, "So, it's safe to be here, ugh—?"

"Arthur…" he answered. "For now, the country has no desire to interact with a Tailed Beast wandering these parts. Even if they did, they wouldn't dare risk their ninjas on a chase without adequate intel."

This was also true. Currently, the leaders of the Water Country were still dealing with the aftermath Arthur left behind before he departed.

With the ramifications sinking in, she decided not to let unsurety or anxiety drown her. Instead, she moved forward and knelt on the floor, bowing her head in gratitude.

"Thank you for bringing me to you," she said. "I believe it is my purpose to serve you now, lord Arthur."

"Rise then, Ryūzetsu. Your use is about to be seen."

With that, he performed a technique, and a coffin burst forth, emerging from the earth.

Ryūzetsu stood, prepared for whatever was inside. But before it could open, she noticed Arthur looking at her.

"You were brought here because you are going to use that technique you've recently learned," he explained. "You're going to revive someone of great importance."

She swallowed hard, glancing at the coffin with apprehension.

"But how?" she wondered. "I don't fully understand the mechanics of the technique yet, and I would hate to die without having served my whole purpose for you yet."

Arthur nodded knowingly.

"That's where Saiken comes in," he gestured. "His amounts of chakra will supply you with the energy you need to utilize that technique without the risk of dying in the process."

Now things started to make sense. Now she understood why it was that Arthur led her to the scroll to learn the One's Own Life Reincarnation technique.