
Chapter 1

Deep in space, a being was just wandering through the multiverse with no goal as it has done in the past several million years or so.

It doesn't know how it came into being nor what were the circumstances for it's existence.It came as a passing thought which left as fast as it came but it instinctively knew that it's existence has a significant role in everything.

And as it thought,it was true.It was a being similar in stature to that of a cloud but it was also true to refer it as a storm.The only difference was that it was composed of a myraid of colours which represents a deep meaning to it's role.

The being which had no name acted as an equilibrium through the worlds as it maintained a balance just by existing and floating aimlessly.It was composed of all the elements in existence as it is a requirement to have the power to balance everything. 

It would not have fire with no water nor good with no evil neither with life with no death.

It had wandered since it's birth and had met many creatures including those that called themselves gods but not many had been able to perceive it's presence.

It had gone ahead and witnessed a plathera of patheons come into existence and just disappear with no proof it was ever there.

In general it had witnessed all or so it wanted to believe with no being able to prove it wrong.It was just wandering as it had always done so but it was moving along the path of reincarnation observing as souls were cleansed and being sent to rebirth with none being the wiser.

As it has always been, with every rule comes an exception to it.The being observed into the far distance as what seems to be an unclensed soul had strayed from the original path.The being sensed that it had done so about a hundred past years or so.Thus it got interested for the first time in a long time.

It moved closer to the soul and stared at it.

It realised that the soul could somehow percieve it but as a mechanism of self defense the soul tried to ignore it.

The being could feel from the soul a simple desire of cold and speed.So it just whimsically decided to grant it's wishes and sent it in it's to reincarnation and just as the being appeared it disappeared with non being the wiser.