
path of destiny

It is an story about boy who is basketball player he is teams captain perfectionist and man of principles while girl is lazy confused and whole mess she likes to play basketball game online alot she was 2nd in top 5 there she suddenly request an unknown account to play with her it's the captain he accept and both of them started playing one day girl was hanging around and rescued a dog which was captains he saw his phone accidentally and recognized that she is the one with whom he plays daily and he decided to meet her in person he likes her and helps her to realise her dream at that time both of them gets crashed in a car accident and she leaves him because she was having an incurable deaseas which is a secret between girl and captain best friend when she is cured she contacts bestie and he helps her to persue his friend

_xiorou_ · スポーツ
54 Chs

5. game

(When aarvi came home)

Jia :- hey guys this is our roommate and she rescued the dog today

Neha :- aarvi say something to raise our followers

Aarvi :- hey all they are my roommates and plzz follow them that's all cause I don't know what and how to talk on internet bye guys .......phew

Jai ,Neha :- aarvi we are proud of you

(On the other side)

Manas :- seriously did she really jumped off to save our Jack

Kartik :- yes she did she was having some kind of positive vibes In her

Manas :- wow are you really talking about girl

Kartik :- can't I

Manas :- I am really curious who thi girl she made you notice her

Kartik :- Don't worry you'll get plenty of chances in future to meet her

Manas :- name ?

Kartik :- don't know

Manas :- number

Kartik :- don't know

Manas :- internet account I'd

Kartik :- don't know

Manas :- address

Kartik :- don't know

Manas :- then also you think that you'll meet her

Kartik :- we are destined to meet

Manas :- o my soul .......

Kartik :- that's all lets try our new player Daredevil

Manas :- why not Firefox

(At aarvi's place)

Jia :- aarvi you have msg from someone Firefox

Aarvi :- Firefox .....shit.....the one who came first in the match........move aside

Firefox :- hey Scarlett you were good at the last match

Scarlett :- thanks

Firefox :- the one whom you defeated is my friend Daredevil

Scarlett :- o

Firefox :- we'd like to see your Game

(After the game)

Firefox :- amazing

Scarlett :- is it personal chat option ?

Firefox :- yes it is .......I have a question

Scarlett :- speak

Firefox :- we got an game challenge and it is compulsory to participate at least 3 person for one team me and Daredevil accepted the challenge would you like to be the 3rd player

Scarlett :- Seriously can I play .......it'll be my pleasure

Firefox :- see you tomorrow at 3

Scarlett :- got it

Firefox :- bye goodnight

Scarlett :- goodnight

(3 of us won the match)

Firefox :- you did great today

Scarlett :- thanks ........hey I got the game rewards but it seems that they send all of them together at my I'd ......I'll share link it with your id

Firefox :- wait lets meet and discuss on this reward thing ......if you're comfortable

Scarlett :- okay

Firefox :- tomorrow at 10 morning bliss cafe