
path of destiny

It is an story about boy who is basketball player he is teams captain perfectionist and man of principles while girl is lazy confused and whole mess she likes to play basketball game online alot she was 2nd in top 5 there she suddenly request an unknown account to play with her it's the captain he accept and both of them started playing one day girl was hanging around and rescued a dog which was captains he saw his phone accidentally and recognized that she is the one with whom he plays daily and he decided to meet her in person he likes her and helps her to realise her dream at that time both of them gets crashed in a car accident and she leaves him because she was having an incurable deaseas which is a secret between girl and captain best friend when she is cured she contacts bestie and he helps her to persue his friend

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54 Chs

45. never have I ever

(After one month at amusement park )

Aarvi :- everyone played very in the last match

Amy :- best match I have ever seen

Kartik :- how can you all are so concerned and devoted to game now you never Played this great in 5 years

Varun :- cause our coach is back

Sahil :- we can't let her down

Manas :- stop it with your boring topics

Varun :- right Manas come on buddies let's play around

Aarvi :- be careful

(Aarvi , Manas , Kartik , Amy was sitting at shed and talking)

Amy :- you're power house to them .

Kartik :- they all got charged up after seeing you

Aarvi :- not like that

Kartik :- thanks for joining our team and making them alive

Manas :- why are you being so boring . We came here to play , relax , enjoy and you're doing gratitude sation over here

Amy :- right .... Ummmm I have an idea

Kartik :- idea ?

Amy :- let's play never have I ever I am telling you it's very interesting

Manas :- rules ?

Amy :- everyone has to tell something which they haven't done and whoever has experienced that thing will take a sip of their drink and if you wanna skip the question then you have to drink the whole can in one shot

Kartik :- interesting

Manas :- I am in

Aarvi :- ok

Amy :- I'll get cans ..... Here one for me , one for Kartik , one for manas , one for aarvi , and here's extra cans

( Kartik took the can in front of aarvi )

Amy :- what if you want you can drink yours why are taking her can ?

Kartik :- she doesn't drink

Amy :- how do you know ?

(Manas takes can back fron Kartik's hand opens and gives to aarvi )

Manas :- she started drinking . You don't know

Kartik :- you started drinking ?

Aarvi :- hmmm

Amy :- let's start

Aarvi :- ok ..... Amy you go first

Amy :- I have never received surprise from the person I love

..... Kartik ?

Kartik :- no

Manas :- no

Aarvi :- skip

Amy :- you're skipping the very first question aarvi .....

(Aarvi drank the whole can in one shot)

Manas :- slowly slowly

Amy :- Manas you're turn

Manas :- I never confessed to the person I love ... Kartik ?

(Drank whole can in one shot) ... Expected ..... Amy ? (Drank whole can in one shot) .... Seriously ... Aarvi ? (Drank whole can in one shot) .... Oblivious enough

Amy :- Kartik you're turn

Kartik :- the person I love the most left me when I needed her the most ..... Coach ?

(Aarvi Drank whole can in one shot)

Manas :- are you drunk aarvi

Aarvi :- n..... No I am ... Not ... D ..... Drunk

Amy :- take it easy aarvi

Aarvi :- give me 4th can

Amy :- here ..... You're turn aarvi

Aarvi :- I've never ride in the Ferris wheel ..... Amy ?

Amy :- I have I'll take a sip ... When I was kid

Manas :- when me and Kartik became buddies

Kartik :- Manas is right

(Aarvi drank the whole can again in one shot )

Manas :- aarvi !

Aarvi :- shhhhhh.... I am not drunk .... Do anyone knows if you'll kiss the person you love in the Ferris wheel on top floor you'll be together forever

Amy :- I've heard that

Manas :- I've seen in drama

Amy :- why didn't you ride Ferris wheel yet

Aarvi :- drop the topic of person I love , my parents died when I was kid and I didn't even had friends to ride it so I never ride it ☺️

Amy :- sorry

Aarvi :- ahhh it's ok