
Path of blades

Welcome to a world where qi and mana meet in a jumble of war and grace. Shen Jian a little boy with extraordinary looks found himself in a lower cultivation world as an orphan raised with other orphans like himself. He awakened his martial spirit at age eight, three years after his mates. Cultivation was harder for him compared to the others so he was deemed as mediocre. He decided to cultivate his body, a task that was said to be even more difficult. At age 10 he wakes up to discover that the other children and their caretaker have vanished. ,(the cover photo is not mine)

armament_fvor · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Moving On

Shen Jian was shocked 'what is this crap about travelling and not coming back? Why am I hearing it just now?' He thought as he quickly ran back in. He immediately rushed into his room, searching through the things of his ten year roommates. 'How come I didn't notice before? Most of their belongings are really gone'. Almost all the personal belongings of Mrs Ao and the girls were also gone. Same for all the valuables in the house.

Shen Jian walked back to his room and sat on the bed. ''It seems they left me behind. Its normal since they think that I'm a cripple. Hehe, if we ever meet again I'll beat down all of you, who cares if its Dark Fang or whatnot you'll all regret it''. He clenched his fist as he said with a cold look.

Before long news had spread to the neighbourhood that the Ao's had left Shen Jian behind. Some sympathized, some mocked and laughed at the misfortune of the infamous pickpocket.

While all this happened Shen Jian was still in his room, unbothered by the things outside he was carefully considering what to do next.

'They already left me so there's no point sulking. We were only as close as friends anyway so its not like I should miss them too much. So what do I do in other to become stronger?'. Shen Jian thought as he walked around the house. 'That old geezer once said I can never gain enough experience by staying in one city, so I should travel out on an adventure!'

'But with my current cultivation I'll definitely get bullied. What do I do?'

'Hmmm, I'll sell this house, get more money and find a strategic spot for training and survival'.

As Shen Jian thought this he had made his way to the side of his bed. The wall at the left was made of wooden boards. At the corner where the wall and floor met the wood around that corner was darker in colour. Apparently due to the accumulation of dirt. Within that region, although not very visible there was a small hole in the wall. Shen Jian put his finger in the hole and gently pulled it. A small block of wood fell out. He put his hand in but he didn't find the expected pouch of coins. He tapped around then lowered his head to take a look. Empty!

''Damn you all! You actually dare steal my hard earned money. Fifteen gold coins, gone just like that. You all should really hope we don't cross paths again. You must really think I'm a pushover''. Shen Jian shouted angrily as he truly thirsted for power from the bottom of his heart.

He wished he could rush over and give them a thrashing before they even reached their destination. But he felt gloomy at his lack of power. This feeling of having bottled up grievances with nowhere to vent was really a first for him. 'I must become powerful. Enough to make no one to ever look down on me. Geniuses? I will definitely trample on their heads. I must start taking my cultivation very seriously so as to quickly climb up to the top'.

After making such a bold resolve Shen Jian packed up and began looking for a buyer for the house. He started thinking about how difficult it was to get body cultivation resources and he was already missing his fifteen gold coins 'haaa' he sighed dejectedly.

After selling the house for about twenty gold coins Shen Jian was ready to leave. Shen Jian walked the street as he thought over his childhood in this city. Shattered banner city was not really a powerful city. The city lord, most powerful person in the city was only at the second layer of the martial mortal realm. This was considered as average in the region. The city as a whole was not very poor but most of the wealthy inhabitants resided in the inner city. The city was truly ruled by a particular Dong family. They weren't anything noteworthy when you considered the region as a whole, but they were enough to hold down the fort in this city. Most businesses both inner and outer district were funded and controlled by them. They controlled a few silver mines around the city.

As Shen Jian thought this he had reached the outskirts of the city. He was approaching the east gate when he suddenly noticed a particular stall which was the only one this close to the gate. He saw a compass hanging at the front of the stall and he immediately remembered that he was not at all familiar with terrain and the important places outside this city. He immediately rushed over to buy a map.

''Old sir can I get a map of the region?''

The elderly man in the store nonchalantly glanced over the person who just spoke. When he saw it was Shen Jian he lifted an eyebrow but he wasn't too surprised that this 'good for nothing' would finally be leaving the city.

The old man sat up ''here are a few'' he said as he lay out three of them on the counter table.

Shen Jian went over them and was immediately attracted to the most detailed map, which was also the biggest one. ''How much for this one?'' He asked while pointing at the map. It made for a bit of a funny sight. Afterall Shen Jian was just ten years old, his head was just barely above the counter table so it took him a lot of tiptoeing and stretching his neck to examine the maps on the table.

''That would cost you a hundred silvers''

''Hiss, hey old man its just a map I came to buy, not like I asked for your granddaughter'' Shen Jian said obviously saying the later half in a voice that only he heard. He still looked at the old man suspiciously.

''Hehe, thats just how it is, drawing maps isn't really easy and the map comes with a compass as well so it is indeed a fair trade'' the old man said with a light chuckle. Shen Jian found that the ild man also sold some books containing basic information about some places and some other things.

Shen Jian walked out the city gate, he found some commercial caravans that made end to end transportation between some cities convenient for travellers. He paid thirty silvers for the journey to the nearest city Blossoming lotus city. It was a city which had a river running through it. By now Shen Jian had already spent a hundred and ninety silver coins on the map, the books and the journey.

From the books, Shen Jian learned a lot. Apparently why this was called Wind Demon Realm was because of an occurrence five hundred years ago.

During that time demonic cultivation had become rampant in this place fomerly called the spirit crow country. But during that time an abominable bunch rose up and began causing trouble. Unlike other demonic cultivators who were reluctantly accepted because they only practiced the way of darkness and death. This bunch had a forbidden technique which they used to rob others of their cultivation and life force. Unlike other demonic cultivators they barely had any demonic qi but they were feared even more. The two strongest among this group of heretics were brothers. They were the ones who discovered the technique in a cave. They both practiced the Dao of wind and whenever they came about, a strong wind would come along which led people to call them the wind demons. Funniest part; they were illegitimate sons of the ruling emperor who didn't have the heart to kill them so he forbade them from ever killing the people.

But he also sent soldiers to the other nations to kidnap 'cultivation resources' for his sons. The other two kingdoms banded together and solved the problem by assasinating the two brothers. Their father went into a rage and waged a war that he ultimately lost and also paid with his life. The next ro rule was his daughter who swore to exact revenge for her father and so irrationally named the kingdom Wind Demon Realm. This was also why the other two kingdoms never saw eye to eye with Wind Demon Realm.

Shen Jian also read about the war which occurred 10 years ago and the major forces involved. He learned of everything that happened, obviously the people didnt have much detailed information so all they knew was that it was a struggle between forces over a treasure that could upset the power balance. Ultimately the treasure was lost but it left behind a devastated land.

He also read about the present forces.

'Hmm? Whats the name of the force which mrs Ao worked for? Isn't it this Dark Fang? So they are apparently a native force which originally served the emperor but rebelled and decided to become independent'. 'Mrs Ao said they would regroup again soon, but here it states that they took heavy losses and likely disbanded. It seems this book is not very accurate.' Shen Jian mused. Shen Jian read about many other topics and places.

It took them six hours to reach the destination.