

"You fool! You've doomed us all to oblivion!" Screeched the dark-haired man in finely crafted black robes as he scrambled backward. His eyes held a glimmer of madness, but most of all, they just looked tired.

"No, my old friend. That was you. You started this war. Now I am ending it." Replied the resolute warrior resplendent in what was once shining silver armor as he advanced, wielding his spirit blade.

"I should have never saved you! But... but the prophecy..." The wizard's face contorted in confusion.

"ENOUGH ABOUT THE GODFORSAKEN PROPHECY." The warrior's formerly grim composure vanished as he plunged his blade through his friend's heart.

"No... The sanctum must stand!" With one final breath, all of his life force, all of his power exploded.

The warrior stood speechless for several minutes. "What... how..."

As recognition dawned, he howled in anguish, falling to his knees. "No... no... no... I was supposed to be the hero, it was my task to save the world. To save you..." His teary eyes flickered to the pile of dust in front of him with a hatred so pure, it seemed suffocating.

Realizing that the spectacle was over, the shade left the senate chamber as silently as it entered. My my, now that was a surprising turn of events. Fortunately, the funs only just started.

Outside, the world was awash in a magical transformation that had not been experienced since the dawn of time. Storms enveloped entire cities, lightning created craters, tempests swept away mountains & monuments that had stood for as long as people remember.

Most frightening of all, however, was the shift of continents, the transforming colors & creatures. The world became a boiling pot, where anything was possible. In that instant, life itself became transmutable. Reality itself turned volatile.