

who doesn't like a good revenge thats taken in the most comedic way?

DaoistNZmA07 · SF
6 Chs

A Sticky Situation

The warehouse echoed with the symphony of gunfire. Bullets pinged off metal crates, sparks dancing like fireflies. A hulking thug with a shaved head and a missing tooth probably courtesy of a particularly enthusiastic dentist charged at me, a crowbar clutched in his meaty fist. "Don't worry, sunshine!" I chirped, dodging the crowbar with the grace of a drunken tap dancer.

"This is all part of the ballet of justice! Or, well, debt collection. Mostly debt collection." I whipped out a comically oversized slingshot, loaded with a cherry bomb the size of a golf ball. With a satisfying "twang," the bomb sailed through the air, landing perfectly in a nearby stack of inflatable pool toys. They erupted in a shower of glitter and plastic unicorns, momentarily distracting the goons. "Hey! What the-" one of them yelled before being tackled by a giant inflatable flamingo. I used the opportunity to trip another goon with a strategically placed banana peel. He landed face-first in a puddle of dubious origin, cursing like a sailor caught in a hurricane.

"See?" I addressed to you, leaning casually against a crate. "This hero business is all about improvisation and a healthy disregard for the laws of physics. Plus, who doesn't love a good pool toy fight?" Suddenly, a booming voice cut through the chaos. "Enough of this monkey business!"

A figure emerged from the shadows – Big Tony, the local crime lord and owner of this delightful little warehouse full of stolen goods. He looked like a walking meat locker, with a gut that threatened to burst from his Hawaiian shirt and a face permanently contorted in a scowl. Worst of all, he was aiming a rocket launcher directly at me. "Oh, for cryin' out loud," I muttered to you. "Couldn't this guy have a more original weapon? Does he shop at the Supervillain Discount Mall or something?" "There you are, Patch," Big Tony rumbled. "Time to answer for your little… disruptions." "Hey, I was just returning some borrowed merchandise," I protested, raising my hands in mock surrender. "No hard feelings, right? ill give you a chicken sandwich " Tony didn't answer. He pulled the trigger.

The world went white. A searing heat ripped through me, followed by an agonizing emptiness. Then, slowly, painfully, I began to reassemble myself. My fingers twitched, my vision blurred into focus. I was… a puddle of pulsating flesh? Great. Just great. Focusing on a nearby crate, I willed myself to solidify. A few seconds later, I stood there, slightly singed and sporting a few extra freckles, but otherwise in one piece. (Mostly.) "Holy cannoli," I groaned, rubbing my throbbing head. "That was close. You know, for a guy who looks like a melted candle, you pack a punch, Tony." Tony stared at me in shock, his mouth agape. "You… you shouldn't be alive!" he sputtered. "Well, that's the beauty of my little curse, isn't it?" I grinned, a bit maniacally. "Doesn't matter how many times you try to kill me, I just keep coming back for more. Like a particularly stubborn song that gets stuck in your head. Its the worst when its a catchy song" I snapped my fingers, willing a weapon of choice to materialize in my hand. Unfortunately, my blessing wasn't exactly… reliable. Instead of a trusty rocket launcher, a bright pink whoopee cushion appeared. "Ugh. Stupid blessing," I grumbled, tossing the whoopee cushion aside although the mental image of Big Tony getting blasted by a whoopee cushion was pretty hilarious. Suddenly, a tingling sensation spread through my hand. I looked down to see a comically oversized rocket launcher materialize in my palm. Now we're talking! "Looks like playtime's over, you fat fuck!!!" I announced, aiming the launcher at him. "Time for some explosive payback!" The warehouse erupted in a rainbow-colored explosion.

(Side note: seriously, who decided explosions should be rainbow-colored? Very un-macho.)

When the smoke cleared, Big Tony was a smoldering crater, and the rest of the goons were staring at me with a mix of fear and awe. "Alright, you knuckleheads!" I bellowed, channeling my inner drill sergeant. "Party's over! Time to take a hike before I decide to redecorate this warehouse with your internal organs!" The goons didn't need telling twice. They scrambled for the exits, but it was to late for them to escape and BOOM they disappeared into the night like cockroaches by my trusty desert eagle. With a sigh, I leaned against a charred crate.

"See? All in a day's work. Now, where were we? Ah yes, the origin story it should be around chapter 3-4. You would not believe that but first i'm hungry lets get some food."

hi, this series will go dark so if your a teen dont read.

and yeah the guy is like Deadpool but even worse so enjoy!!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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