
Past Life Conqueror

Nero Dekrauf, the man who conquered the whole world was killed by the woman he trusted the most in the end. "If I was capable of love, I would've loved you with all my heart!" Those were the last words that he failed to choke out in his last moments. When he closed his eyes, Nero thought he would wake up in heaven if he were to wake up at all. Although contrary to his expectations he would up alive, in a body that wasn't his own and in a world that he didn't recognize. A world of sword and magic. A new world for him to conquer!

BrimRock · 都市
15 Chs

12. Sword

Four days passed rather quietly and nothing eventful happened, not that anything interesting happens in this dead castle that would intrigue the likes of a mighty conqueror like Kale.

Sitting on his desk with lights that are fuelled by [Mana Stones] on Kale was reading a book about the theory of 'World Working', which is basically the term for physics.

After closing the book along with his eyelids he thought inwardly 'I read this book in hopes of assessing this world's knowledge on science but this is... terrible! It's just basic and most of it is wrong... they aren't even on atoms yet... although the people here knows the existence of atoms but they still are unaware of subatomic particles, not to mention their knowledge on energy...

Well it's to be expected from a world where mana based technology is persuaded, there are communication devices like phones already although not at the level of smartphones that can multitask, the technology in this world is slowly but surely surpassing Earth's technology.

It's only a matter of few hundred years before they surpass Earth and make interspace travel possible.

And to think few hundred years is just the age of one mage on this planet, it's literally nothing. They've already achieved immortality and the godhood beyond it... this... is exciting' Noah thought as the corner of his lips curled up.

*Knock Knock* hearing a knock on the door Kale answered "You may enter".

The door slid open and Haze appeared, "Master Emperor wants you to attend the family dinner down in the dining hall with the rest of the family" said Haze with a bow.

"Huh? Really now?... quite unexpected for him to remember his cursed child" said Kale with his brows arched.

"I don't know that master but you should hurry, the whole family is waiting for you" Haze said in a rushed tone.

"Of course they are, because they are first to arrive as they are always welcomed on that table, for me it's a once in a blue moon" Kale said while getting up from his desk before adding "Come dress me up Haze".

"M-Me?" Haze asked while stuttering

"No your dead mom, Obviously Haze, you, I don't know what to wear to a royal lunch now do I?" said Kale while spreading his arms open wide.

Haze hurriedly picked a suit from Kale's closet while saying "No it's because, it's been such a long time before you asked me to dress you up Master".

"Yeah because one day suddenly decided to become one of the people who made life hell dummy" said Kale in mocking yet cold voice.

Without saying anything further Haze helped Kale dress up for the lunch within a minute.

"Huh... even after all these years acting like a dog off the leash you still haven't lost your touch as a maid" said Kale after looking himself in the mirror.

To which Haze didn't reply and without bothering to wait for one Kale started heading towards the dining hall.


Upon reaching infront of the dining hall's gate guarded by two guards Kale waited for them to open the gate... which they didn't.

After waiting for almost half a minute he said in an indifferent voice with slow pace "Open. The. Damn. Door"

To which the guard on right replied in a mocking tone "If you want it open, do it yourself. We aren't here to serve you monster".

Hearing this Kale did nothing but smile, before soon equipping a rapier sword he brought when he went outside from his [Dimensional Ring].

"Open it, last chance" he said before pointing the end of the blade towards the guards neck.

"Hahahahaha hear this brother? this kid is finally acting with a spine, but do you really think a boy like you could kill me haha-" although before he could finish his mockery, his neck was pierced by the rapier in Kale's hand.

The other guard who was also laughing before, seeing this tried to draw his sword to counterattack but to his no avail, before he could even place his hand on his sword, his heart was pierced with precision.

When the both bodies dropped on the ground with a thud, Kale put his rapier back in his ring before thinking 'Yup, 'Heart Piercer' was indeed a good for my first rapier'.

Kale was a master in swords art, as in his previous world where technology was evolved to the point of making force fields that could block any normal bullets, a plasma blade resembling that of a lightsaber, was invented to counter it. So every soldier was trained thoroughly in the way of swords.

After putting his rapier inside his ring, Kale opened the door himself as calling other guards and cleaning the bodies would cause a mess.

As soon as he entered the room he was greeted with his twin brother Adel laughing at him.

"Brother even though I asked the guards to not open the door for you, how can you be so spineless to open the door yourself, are you really one of the royal blood? hahahaha" Adel laughed along.

"Yeah brother Kale, I heard you finally manned up in the banquet, where is that manliness? hahaha" joined Louis in Kale's mockery.

"What manliness are you talking about Louis? he lost that the same night after groveling in front of the whole crowd before father, hahaha" joined in Sia.

"Enough you three, have some manners, and you Adel, it's not very royal like behaviour to play such pranks" said the Emperor Arthur sitting at the far end of the table, calm tone.

"Sorry father" Adel apologized immediately.

"And you there, have some backbone to atleast stand up to the guards" said Emperor curtly.

"Now don't just stand there join the table, we've all been waiting for you so be thankful" said Kale's mother Mira in a cold tone.

Without bothering to say a word Kale joined the table.

"Do you know why I've invited you here?" asked the Emperor

"To remind me of my unholy existence that should've never been born?" asked Kale sarcastically.

"I wouldn't need to invite you to my dinner table for that" replied Arthur with same energy.

"Yeah, you could do that just fine anywhere else" said Kale nonchalantly.

"Exactly, any other wild guess?" replied Emperor again with the same energy.

"No" Kale answered.

"There are two things, first is that Royal Mage Academy is about to begin from next year so it's about time to get you some tutors, we can't let you go there unprepared and let our reputation down."

"Wait a minute, so you're saying me, a Harbinger, can join the royal academy, the place that are built on the grounds of Sun God temple??" Kale asked with his eyebrows arched.

"Watch with your tone and use honorifics" shouted Mira before adding "What do you mean by 'you', use 'Emperor' instead"

"Mira enough, we're in the middle of a conversation" said Arthur raising his hand, gesturing Mira to shut.

"Anyway, You might not know but there is a war going on between Sun God and Moon God, although this is their 200th battle, this time it's almost over for the Moon God.

"So if and only if, the Moon God is defeated, you along with every other Harbinger child will be free from the curse of bearing the darkness" said Arthur making everyone gasp in disbelief.

"The battle will be over by tomorrow night, if the Sun triumphs over the Moon, you will be able to lead a normal life of a royal, if not you'll remain as the cursed one forever and will be 'exorcised' after reaching your coming of age and will be exorcised again when you'll come back as an undead demon" Arthur finished speaking.

While everyone was still in disbelief, a question came up in Kale's mind "What will happen to the darkness element itself?, Harbingers are a threat because of their affinity towards the dark element, they loose their minds and the mana in them starts corrupting which results in forming Maisma, making them powerful at the price of their sanity".

"Ho, aren't you well informed for your age" said Arthur with a raised eyebrow before continuing "Yes you're right, the reason you're a threat is not because of the Moon God but because of your affinity towards the darkness.

"But darkness element will weaken when he will die, even though never happened before, but it is believed that if the Archangel of an element ceases to exist, the element itself won't die, but will still weaken considerably. Now you might not know what an Archangel is, just think of it as an origin of an element.

"The darkness will weaken and it's wielder won't lose their mind nor will it corrupt the mana of the user, it will just be like any other elements, and thus the user won't come back to life after dying. Though the practice of dark arts will still be prohibited" Arthur finished explaining.

"Humph! once a monster always a monster" scoffed Charles in a low tone but that didn't escaped Emperor's ears

"Charles" said Arthur with a threatening gaze to which Charles lowered his head.

"That's all, now we will eat" said Arthur in an authoritative voice.

After saying their prayers, everyone started to eat.

Arthur was sitting at the far end of the table, the seat next to her was empty, which was for the Empress, mother of Louis and Ambrosia.

The 2nd Wife was also not present for the dinner, mother of Charles and Aisha.

Mira although was present sitting to the right lane of the emperor, besides Adel.

While Kale was sitting alone at the end of the table, which didn't quite bother him, instead his mind was stuck on one thought.

'Don't you die before answering my questions Luna' he thought inwardly.