

My eyes slowly adjusted to the bright light that assaulted me. I knew that I was dead. This was quite obviously the after life. My final moments on earth had not been heroic, nor had they been tragic.

I was a regular guy, and I died in a regular way. I had choked on air while at the same time tripping over nothing. It was the fifth time I had done so that day, and unfortunately it was also the last time. I had tripped into on coming traffic, and been slaughtered by the merciless truck-kun.

In short I was a clutz. I had been since the day I was born, and I died the way I lived. The knowledge was instinctive; I did not feel a sense of loss, rather a sense of peacefulness over took me.

In front of me three women stood. One was young, not yet reaching adulthood. She had long raven hair and bright green eyes. Her face was filled with a sense of innocence. The second was a middle aged women, she had the same physical features as the first, but seemed older and a little stern.

The final figure was hunched over woman. She stood with a cane, and her dark hair had already turned grey. Her face was covered in wrinkles, but her aged face showed not only wisdom, but an infinite kindness.

I smiled at the three, but addressed the youngest of the three. "If you are as lucky as your mother and grandmother then you will age beautifully. It is a pleasure to make the acquaintance of three beautiful women."

The youngest of the three blushed, the middle aged women scoffed, and the eldest let out a soft chuckle. The elderly woman was the one to respond.

"Flowery words will get you everywhere young man." She spoke with a kind smile on her face. "We are the three aspects of the goddess of life, and for you we have a special fate in store. You died far to soon, if it had not been for certain undesirable elements you should have lived until a ripe old age."

The middle aged woman spoke next. "Unfortunately giving you you're old life back in an impossibility, however it is in our power to bring you to a new world, one with magic and adventure. We are telling you this not because you have a choice, but out of simple courtesy."

The youngest was the last to speak. "While you do not have a choice, we will not be sending you there unarmed. We will be giving you a system, and a chance to gain great power. What fate has in store for you is up to you, and the powers you draw."

A series of cards appeared before me, I could only see the backs of them. The three women spoke in unison. "Draw four cards young man. The first will be your system, the second your profession, and the third your race. The final card is our gift to you, a power to start your journey. All we can give you is a chance, your fate is your own."

The three women disappeared after the last words left their mouths, leaving only the floating cards in front of me. I stared at them for a few moments, before taking a deep breathe. I did not hesitate as I rapidly selected four cards.

When I was done selecting the cards they slowly revealed themselves to me.

System card: Passive leveling system, allows for skills and abilities to level up passively, with no effort required. Current passive leveling slots unlocked: 1

Class Card: Elementalist(Fire). A magical class with a close association with elements. The higher the affinity with an element, the greater the potential of the elementalist.

Race card: Beastkin (Catgirl). A feline beastkin that is made purrely(Pun intended) of female descendants.

Special ability card: Elemental Mastery(fire). A cultivation technique that raises a person's elemental affinity with the fire element.

The four cards began to glow with a bright light, and rushed into my chest. A strong burning sensation filled my chest, but I did not have time to dwell on it as the floor seemed to give out underneath me.

I could feel myself falling, but there was no real destination, only infinite darkness around me. Suddenly pressure filled the entire area around me. A pressure that my body could not keep up with.

The pressure continued to build, until finally it seemed to burst. The infinite darkness around me gave way, and a vast world of light came into being.

A soft and cheerful voice could be heard. "Congratulations Elsa It's a healthy baby girl."

I could feel myself being placed on a modestly sized bosom.

'Girl?' I think to myself as I attempted to gaze down between my legs. What greeted me was the sight of my previous lifes most important organ missing. A loud wail involuntarily escaped my lips. 'HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN! NOOO!"

A soothing voice responding to my cry, and I could feel a hand gently caressing my back, attempting to comfort me.