
The perfectionis.

as there boss was full of relief they were also tired because of there mission,there boss gave them 4 days to relax,after 4 days they had a new mission,it was to slay an cruel Mafia boss,it killed more than the people in there country,millions of people were passed away,the people it killed we're only inoccent and the Mafia boss killed an innocent police officer too.this was there biggest mission of all and they were planning to electric the villian but they had bigger plans,Kang jae pretended to be someone else and became the villians love,she dresses in reaveling clothes and attractive hair styles.kang seung became it's friend and changed it's identity,as it went on for a few months,Kim jae decided to poison the villain multiple times and Kang seung planed to slay him directly,Kim jae then made food that had strong poison and the villians skin became pale and it's energy lowed as every liquid effect his veins,Kang seung then knew how to use a katana in a samurai style,as he slash it's arms and broke his ribs,they reported it and then was awarded to manage to target an very dangerous criminal,they soon manage to succeed another mission.