
Part-time Librarian is a Lord God

***NOT MY NOVEL ORIGINAL AUTHOR AND RAW LINK BELOW****** After Xiao Ding passed through, he became a librarian, accidentally integrated the godhead, and became the only god of the Blue Star Federation... Behind the scenes + virtual game creation + aura recovery + main god construction + heavenly players! ps: The protagonist is accustomed to shrinking behind the scenes, and is not online every day. ps: The main god recruits people online, granting opportunities including but not limited to crossing, rebirth, system, etc. Author: 吾乃梦境之主 RAW LINK: https://m.qidian.com/book/1023730159

Zoros · ゲーム
148 Chs

Sleeping Words

The expansion of the 0-level dream world is simple, and only requires divine power.

  Xiao Ding was extremely cautious when he was promoted to the Tier 3 world.

  The fourth-order transcendent and the third-order and below belong to two realms completely, and the gap is comparable to the transcendent and the mortal.

  The cultivation of Tier 1 to Tier 3, regardless of body refining and Qi or Divine Soul secret method, belongs to discovering one's own potential.

  Manpower is sometimes poor, but the power of heaven and earth is endless.

  The key to advancement to Tier 4 is to control the power of heaven and earth. The sword master understands that the use of sword aura to pry the atomic sequence is one of the means to control the power of heaven and earth.

  The Juggernaut can split the island with a single sword, and his own power accounts for less than one-tenth.

  Xiao Ding slowly planned and thought, expanding the map ten times, consuming 10,000 supernatural powers, and upgrading to Tier 4 cost 10,000.

  "After the Liao Zhai world expands the map, each country will have three to five Tier 3, and the overall strength is similar to that of the previous Great Zhou."

  "There is a problem. World promotion will give those Tier 3 supernatural a chance to feel and promote. It's Tier Four."

  "A Tier 4 is likely to violently unify the world of Liao Zhai!"

  This did not meet Xiao Ding's plan.

  Competition will promote the strength of believers faster.

  If there is no struggle, many believers will be addicted to the dream world and become unproactive.

  In the struggle of the Great Zhou court, even if many extraordinary players died, the strength of the believers also increased substantially.

  "It can be set...

  "First, these third   tiers have various problems..."

  "The second and third

tiers will be promoted to the fourth tier, and the thunder robbery will be lowered..." Xiao Ding thought for a moment, with two conditions. , Liao Zhai world will not have the fourth-order supernatural in a short time. After

  the dream world advancement time, there is no opportunity to perceive the change of the world, and it will be difficult to break through.

  "Consume the divine power, expand the map, and the new kingdom follows: Xia Shang Qin Han Sui Tang Song Yuan Ming Qing arranged. "

  With an order, time and space were banned, and the world of Liao Zhai, which is no longer flowing, has undergone earth-shaking changes.

  Ten continents no smaller than the Great Zhou Dynasty fell on the endless ocean. Each continent was bordered by land, some across the sea, and some lonely overseas.

  Mountains and rivers, plains and basins evolved on the continent, and it took only a moment for hundreds of thousands of years to appear from traces of humans to tribal city-states to the unification of the continent.

  During this period, various heroes were produced, countless legends were left behind, and ten different cultures were formed that were different from Da Zhou but also had certain similarities.

  In the end, ten kingdoms were formed.

  The new emperor of Xia Dynasty ascended the throne and is holding a sacrifice ceremony.

  In the late years of the Shang dynasty, the king was flooded in the south and the north was drought.

  Emperor Wu of the Qin Dynasty was in power and swept the barbarians in all directions, only a mountain away from the southern border of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  In the Han Dynasty, Mingjun was in the dynasty, the weather was smooth and the national power was prosperous.

  The borders of the Sui and Tang Dynasties were connected, and the two sides prepared for war and sharpened their swords.

  After the Song Dynasty was founded for 300 years, he fought with the barbarians, and the emperor was defeated and fled.

  At the peak of the national power of the Yuan Dynasty, he devoted himself to shipbuilding, crossing the oceans and

  soon after the Ming Dynasty was unified.

  The female emperor of the Zhou Dynasty dropped the curtain, and the court could only manage the land of the three states, and the other thirteen states would not listen to the announcement.

  "The same time and space, the same dream!"

  Xiao Ding snapped his fingers, and the time and space of Da Zhou disappeared, and the eleven continents entered the same timeline.



  [Code source]: Hi Da Pu Ben! Congratulations to the Kunlun Sword Sage Broken Void ascending, breaking the upper limit of the world rank, and the Dream World·Legend of Ghosts and Ghosts are promoted to a Tier 4 world!

  Now reopened, players are welcome to explore!

  --1st Floor! Worship the administrator!

  --2nd Floor! Hold the administrator's thigh tightly!


  The previous reply was a routine flattery, and only then did you have dry goods later.

  [Grand Pope]: The great master of dreams will lead Blue Star into a new era!

  [Commonwealth Bank]: Undertake all kinds of magic coins and goods exchange! Don't be afraid of low prices, we have a money printing machine!

  [Sword Master-Real Name Authentication]: The old man established a school in Kunlun Mountain, southwest of Xiazhou, and taught the sword repair road. Welcome to join in.

  --hiss! Catch the boss alive! When did the real name authentication function come out?

  ——Really boss! I watched the video of a sword piercing the sea a hundred times on my knees!

  ——What qualifications does Jian Xiu need? @剑圣, kneel for detailed explanation!

  ——I have bought air tickets, flying with sword is a man's romance!

  ——@安全局@联合大会@军部@..., I @ all federal departments, go and arrest the criminals, don't thank me!

  ——Sand sculptures upstairs, identification completed!

  ——Dare to report my master? Come to live offline PK!

  ——@剑圣, will you return to Da Zhou, or enter the wizarding world and pursue a higher realm?


  The announcement that was originally extremely hot, because of the appearance of the Juggernaut, the popularity soared again.

  Many players who don't like to visit forums were originally prepared to enter the dream game, but now they are attracted by Juggernaut.

  The sword saint shattered the void, practiced the fake and became the real one, and became the first "alien" of Blue Star, and no one knew it.

  After that, the video of Juggernaut Sword slashing Parliament Island and annihilating the Blue Palace has been a few days later and is still the top spot. Nothing new can surpass it, even news from the Wizarding World.

  A small number of people expressed opposition to this matter, a small number of people expressed support, and 90% of the people chose to watch and eat melons.

  The inherent inferiority of human beings has nothing to do with oneself and hangs high. When nothing affects their own interests, most people will choose to watch with cold eyes.

  Now that the Juggernaut deity appears on Monternet, many people are watching the excitement, supporters and opponents are quarreling, and many people have agreed to offline real-life PK.

  However, the parties

  involved , the Federal Assembly, the biggest victim, the Security Bureau, which has been criticized for bullying and fear of hard work, and the Federal Bank, whose credit has plummeted... They all seem to be blind together and let the Juggernaut accept disciples in Monternet.

  After a while, a new post topped the real-time hot search list.

  [I want to become a fairy]: A cute new player, inspired by the master of the great dream, has just landed in the legendary world of ghosts and ghosts, and has become a county government official in the [Tang] Dynasty.

  I am a heavy user of the Dreamland Forum. I spend 12 hours a day summarizing Da Zhou Chao, character analysis, influence analysis, cultural analysis, geographic analysis... just to one day rise from the Da Zhou world.

  Now I am at a loss! What the hell is Datang?

  ——Poor host, touch your head!

  ——Basic operation, new version and new map!

  ——I was in the Shang Dynasty, a rebel leader, is he dead?

  ——I served in the Northern Expeditionary Army of the Great Qin Dynasty. I just destroyed the barbarians and discovered that there were still barbarians behind the mountain. I found [Zhou Dynasty] from their records.

  10086th floor.

  ——The statistics are complete, the face is big, eleven countries!

  ——The cowhide of the lord of dreamland, really creates the world!


  Xiao Ding, the lord of dreams, has one mind and two uses, observing the changes in Monternet and the dream world.

  It was found that the vast majority of people welcomed the new map. Many extraordinary players said that the big week was too serious and they were ready to go to the new map.

  This is in line with Zhouyi's expectation that the involution struggle is not benign and will cause players to stagnate.

  New maps, new adventures, players will desperately improve their strength in order to separate one side.

  "So far, there are only four second-tier believers: Sleepless, President of Parliament, Lin Ge, and Raman."

  "There will be only three left in a while, and the progress is a bit slow!"

  Xiao Ding looked at a dozen first-tier pinnacle players and wondered how to stimulate them to make them feel urgency.



  Also known as Heizhou.

  The vast desert and rain forest are rich in minerals.

  The continent first annexed by the EFF.

  The soldiers of all nations are not aligned and want to exchange Xuanzhou for peace, but in the end only destruction will come.

  Another reason why the Universal Army abandoned Xuanzhou was because Xuanzhou was too backward, the civilized country had entered the era of virtual networks, and there were cannibals in the rainforest of Xuanzhou.

  After the Federation occupied Xuanzhou, Xuanzhou had indeed entered a period of development, but ignorance was still the mainstream.

  Up to now, many Xuanzhou countries still retain the tribal system, claiming to be the only place where federal laws cannot be popularized.

  The Oromo tribe, the descendants of the cannibal tribe, has retained many primitive customs, such as chiefs, wizards, and blood sacrifices , because of being in the deep rainforest and isolated from the world .   The current priest of the Oromo tribe is named Laman..., the name is too long.   The tribal language means: a sleeping emperor in the dark.   Raman was the first person to concurrently serve as a leader and sacrifice. Many elders who wanted to maintain the tradition were thrown into the crocodile pool by Raman.   The people of the tribe respect Raman as a living god and dedicate everything to him.   Under the leadership of Raman, he successfully annexed two other tribes in the rain forest, and hundreds of warriors died in the tribal war.   If it were two years ago, it would definitely become a major case that shook the federation and caused global discussions.   On the one hand, he shows his compassion for life, on the other hand, he shows the superiority of the civilized world.   Now, no one cares about what happened in the depths of the rainforest in Xuanzhou, even the Blue Palace on Parliament Island is gone. Who cares about the hundreds of Xuanzhou people soaked in the mud.

  Raman sits on the golden throne, holding a pure gold scepter with a fist-sized black gem on top of the scepter.

  In the past, the tribe was poor and ate the soil, and the leader was also a savage living in a tree house. The biggest dream of the young people in the tribe was to get out of the rainforest.

  Until Raman returned from the outside world, he easily killed the current leader, executed dozens of opponents, and easily became the new king of the tribe.

  He brought the virtual brain into the rainforest, and made all the people of the tribe a believer in the Lord of Dreams only by eating and drinking.

  A believer of the gods, it is not that you will become a believer if you say "I believe in..." and "great..." every day, but you need to truly agree with the existence of gods from the bottom of your heart and be willing to give faith for them.

  In this regard, it is difficult for people in the civilized world to reverse decades of ideas, but ignorant indigenous tribes easily cross the past.

  The entire tribe are believers, and become extraordinary under the guidance of Raman.

  In the southern Xinjiang of the Great Zhou, the tribe occupied a large territory, enslaved hundreds of thousands of barbarians, and quickly transformed from the exploited to the exploiter.

  Raman found that his strength had reached a bottleneck, and his daily growth was extremely slow.

  Divine coins can make cultivation without bottlenecks, but unfortunately it is too expensive, even if the entire tribe needs to hand over half of the divine coins to Raman every day, this is a new tax.

  Taxes ensure that the strength of the tribe is slow, and Laman has the power of crushing to ensure his status.

  Raman's ambitions don't stop there. He continues to explore ways to quickly improve his strength.

  Until a certain day.

  Raman read the books of the tribe, which recorded the whole process of belief, prayer, and blood sacrifice to the gods, and new ideas came into his heart.

  As a result, the tribes have a new faith. In addition to the Lord of Dreams, they all joined the Church of the Sleeping Language and believed in the God of Sleeping.

  The talented Raman felt the power of faith converge and transformed it into magical power.

  His strength has begun to increase substantially, and he even broke through the second tier in a short time, becoming one of the strongest players in Blue Star.

  After Raman was promoted to Tier 2, he was already satisfied to dominate the rain forest until the Juggernaut appeared in Blue Star.

  The Juggernaut opened the parliament island with a sword, and the Federation did not dare to let go. Raman had a new target, Tier 4 extraordinary.

  If you practice yourself, Tier 4 is far away indefinitely. Legend has it that the Swordmaster has practiced for three hundred years. Raman can't wait. He has his own "unique" plug-in.

  As a result, Raman began to expand his sleepy language.

  Everyone is now talking about the Lord of Dreams, and Sleeping Language is just a new church. Even if it comes to attract people, it is difficult to grow its believers.

  Fortunately, Raman was born in the Internet world.

  The Internet connects the whole world, allowing the believers of Raman to be screened from all over the world.

  With a population of 20 billion in the world, there are countless brain circuits for brain-disabled neuropathy, and the language of sleep is expanding rapidly, with more than 10,000 believers.

  Raman's strength has achieved substantial growth again, and it can be said that he is the strongest extraordinary player!

  "I am the sleeping god!"

  Raman held up the scepter and shouted the name of the god.

  There are not only Xuanzhou people, but also many people who claim to be a civilized world.

  They have traveled across the oceans to participate in the assembly of the Sleeping Language, which can no longer be described as brain damage.

  Of course, the Slumbering Language Church claims to make anyone fall asleep, and many people with severe insomnia believe in a cure mentality.

  "Bon you gods!"

  Raman waved his scepter, wisps of dark and twisted light penetrated into the believers.

  Bang bang bang... With

  a sound of falling to the ground, all believers fell into a deep sleep.

  During sleep, Raman's extraordinary power will slightly improve their physique.

  "What a wonderful power, I will rule the world!"

  Raman sensed the power of many beliefs, gathered in his body, and transformed into divine power through special talents.


  Oromo tribe is one kilometer away.

  ————Give me half an hour, it's too late to write~ First send~ I'm sorry~


  Bon you divine grace!" Raman waved his scepter, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, wisps of dark twisted light, penetrated into believers in vivo.

  Bang bang bang... With

  a sound of falling to the ground, all believers fell into a deep sleep.

  During sleep, Raman's extraordinary power will slightly improve their physique.

  "What a wonderful power, I will rule the world!"

  Raman sensed the power of many beliefs, gathered in his body, and transformed into divine power through special talents.


  Oromo tribe is one kilometer away.

  "Bon you gods!"

  Raman waved his scepter, wisps of dark and twisted light penetrated the believers.

  Bang bang bang... With

  a sound of falling to the ground, all believers fell into a deep sleep.

  During sleep, Raman's extraordinary power will slightly improve their physique.

  "What a wonderful power, I will rule the world!"

  Raman sensed the power of many beliefs, gathered in his body, and transformed into divine power through special talents.


  Oromo tribe is one kilometer away.